For bscurlock

deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I have just returned from vacation so I did not see your e-mail regarding stage IV treatment until today. My dad's tumor did not express EGFR, which for the most part disqualifies you from receiving Erbitux. However, his oncologist was able to get the approval because they are proving that people who don't express EGFR are still responding to Erbitux. My Dad has responded wonderfully and remains on a maintenance schedule of erbitux and camptosar since last August. He will remian on this for as long as his body will tolerate it. So far, so good - all of his labwork comes back beautiful every time. I would definitely seek a 2nd opinion. Hope this helps.

Best Wishes,


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    Hi Deneen,

    Thank you for the information.I am encouraged that doctors are beginning to be allowed to use this drug. We talked to the doctor last Friday. He is going to send the slides to an independent lab for a second opinion. He said that this has worked for him before. This lab does not have any interest in the results being positive or negative.(I thought that was an interesting statement) In the next three to four weeks we will know if the current meds are working but doc wanted to have the approval for Erbitux ready for if and when it is needed. Your encouraging report of this drug was something I needed. Thank you so much for the information. I wish your father continued good response.
