Back from Slaon Kettering
Hi Everyone- I thought I'd give you an update on our trip to NY. We got back late Wednesday night, but it took us the rest of the week to get everything organized - that's why I haven't written until now! Our visit with Dr. Kemeny was a success. Jim's scan went well on Monday. We met with her yesterday morning to review…
Can't Stay Silent
This is ridiculous! We are all here either with cancer or a loved one with it. I cannot not tell you how many back channel people are on this site afraid to write because they get ridiculed by people here. I know because they have written me. You want to talk about negative energy, calling people names is 100% negative…
What is chemo/radiation like?
Just wondering what people feel like and quality of life while receiving treatments. Thanks!
Surgery over..I'm home.
Hope you guys remember me. I checked in several weeks ago after lurking for some time. Had my surgery on 2/15, 8 days ago. The surgery itself went really well. There was no involvement to the liver and one node involved showed positive. My doc is the best around and was disappointed that I had the one nod, he removed 15.…
hereditary colon cancer
Since my father had his first cancer occurance when he was 49 years old (1993)(actually by the time they found it is was a HUGE tumor in his colon that probably had been growing for several years)...he also had hundreds of polyps and they ended up burning them out after his second colon cancer episode (1996). So I've heard…
my husbands CT showed progression again after his 2nd line therapy so now we try erbitux and irinotecan/5FU as thrid line...anyone out there on or have tried erbitux??
cea keeps going down..:))
Well...the Dr. postpone the Ct for 2 more weeks...but my cea keep going down..so that makes me feel better...started at 7.8,then5.9, then4.6,then 3.7 now 3.3...can't wait to see a 1.5 God bless
Colon cancer matas to liver
My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer that spread to her liver and basically took it over...she is stage 4. She doesn't have tumors in her colon so i don't know why they diagnose it like that but her liver is the main place the cancer is controlling. She doesn't have any support group and hasn't talked to any cancer…
2007 Amgen Breakaway from Cancer Tour
Hi All, This week saw the 2007 Amgen Tour of California bike race rolling through California, from San Francisco to LA. From the Amgen web site: "The AMGEN Tour of California will bring the drama and excitement of a professional bicycle stage race to the California coast. The world's top professional teams will compete…
CT Scan Results from last week...not so hot
Hi Semis- I didn't post our scan results from last Monday because Jim was in Mexico and he just got back last night. Much as I was dying to talk about it (and needed the support), I thought it would be nice if he actually heard it from me first...not by reading it on our blog or on the CSN board! Anyway, all of Jim's…
need advice for sis from all the experts
hello all. sis just got back her pathology report. out of 12 nodes 2 were positive. okay family what exactly does this mean, she asked me and i didn't want to scare her more than she is. any and all advice is welcome. be well never,ever give up bruce
Happy Dance - My Turn
Well my oncologist just called at 8pm, geez what hours they keep! I had a CT yesterday, mainly to check my LAR healing along with my Scope on MOnday, but my oncologist ordered a full body scan. And he just gave me the all clear. Ok Ok Ok I am only 4+ months out from my surgery, but just to here the all clear was a…
Just wanted to let everyone know that my colon reconnection surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, 27 February 07. Don't have time yet. My last day at the office is Thursday, 22 Feb 07. My pre-operative tests are Friday, 23 Feb. My lovely colon prep (yummy, yummy) is Monday, 26 Feb. I will be in the hospital for 5-6 days and…
pet scan today
Hi everyone, I am getting ready to go for my first after treatment pet-can in a couple of hours, just wanted to let you know because I will apreciate prayers and positive thoughts sent my way. Thanks
Biopsy back. I have stage II or III rectal cancer. Several weeks of chemo and radiation before surgery. I was so down earlier today. It was hard telling my mom and best friend. Then, I don't know what happened. I felt...relieved. No more devastating disappointments from hoping it isn't cancer. Now I know what's what and…
Hi Everyone, Well, yesterday was a big day for us. We had an appointment with my mom's onc to get blood work, port flush, and to discuss our decision that my mom would not do CPT 11 with erbitux. My mom's onc has always been a little doom and gloomish, which has been very hard. Yesterday, I sort of had to have it out with…
1st colonosopy...results
Hi everyone, I found your board several months ago while researching some symtpoms that I had. When my problems worsened, my doc suggested a colonoscopy. It was a very long, hard, anxious wait of 6 weeks before I had my test today. I am very happy to let you all know that I received a clean bill of health concerning my…
CEA Rollercoaster
My dad's cea level has been on a rollercoaster this past year. Diagnosed stage IV in 5/02. His cea prior to June 06 had never been above 18. All of a sudden it went from 5 to 55 in three months. It was 55 in September 06. By October 31, it was 187. Needless to say, we were in shock!! He started treatment (avastin & ?) at…
advice for my mom
Hi everyone....I have not posted much lately and that is a good thing. Mike, my husband is doing great, we just got back from our first big trip since he was dx. in '05. We took the kids and went to Cuba..it was FANTASTIC and Mike continues to do really well. Unfortunatly my mom has recently been dx. with bladder cancer. I…
Home from Surgery!!!!
Hi all, Made it home afer 8 days in the hospital on Tuesday night. Have been really tired and not felt like writing till now. Surgery went very well (stage 3 rectal cancer). I however did have to end up with a permanent colostomy (that is what I am having the biggest issue with). I know it will take a period of adjustment.…
My husband's colonoscopy went well. Still NED. It's been three years this month since his original surgery to remove the tumor. Thanks for all you support and prayers. I don't know what I would have done without all of you and this board. God bless, Kaye
Thanks for the support
Wow this has been a wonderful site. I have a lot of family and friends but none really know what I'm going through. It has been great reading all the different stories that are similar to mine. I was just wondering how in 1 month my life has changed so fast. I feel great and can't understand how this can be in me. I really…
biopsy not back yet but
The doctor found a 6.5 cm tumor about an inch and a half into the rectum yesterday that he said looks malignant. I am so shocked and scared. I'm 38! I have a 2 year old and just bought a second house. We are supposed to move this weekend and rent this one out. So many fears. Will I see my daughter grow up, will I be so…
ileostomy questions
I have been on this board for the last year as a stage 3 survivor. However, this question is in regards to my mother,who is fighting colon cancer. She had all but 2 feet of her intestines (bowel and colon- everything)removed and has an ileostomy. Since there are only 2 feet for absorbtion she runs a high risk of literally…
Hello, Does anybody here, heard of this CoFactor? It is clinical trial in Phase III. This is one of the options they give me to go to this trial. It is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Cofactor and 5FU with Avastin VS. Leucovorin and 5FU with Avastin. I am stage IV with liver mtes and bone mets. So does any of you…
My Husband passed away
It is with a heart broken heart that I am witting this to let you all know my husband Ben passed away this morning at around 6:30 am Ben has battled stage 3 that had recurred 4 more times including now for 14 years A few weeks back we where told it had returned again this time not only in his pelvic but in both lungs. When…
wafer explosions
Feces start piling up under the wafer instead of going into the bag. The wafer finally pops open on one side and feces spill out. Smelly and a mess. Can't tell it's doing so till it pops open. Any help out there?
1st colonoscopy.....any advice?
I have an appointment Wednesday morning for a colonoscopy. This is all new to me. I've read a lot of posts about good and bad things concerning the prep and wondered if anyone has any tips on getting me through this without losing my mind. :-) I am on clear liquids today and tomorrow. I bought: lemon-lime Gatorade,…
That time again, need prayers!
My husband is having his 6 month colonoscopy, etc Monday (2 months late due to head on collision on Dec 1.) Please add him to your prayers that he is still cancer free. You all remain in my prayers daily. God bless, Kaye
Vectibix and AHCC
Hi everyone. I wrote a few weeks ago expressing concern about my mother's blockages and asking for advice. To recap, my mom was diagnosed Stage 4 about three and a half years ago. She did very well on Xeloda. For the past four months, though, she has had trouble with blockages. She has been hospitalized three times since…