Mixed results
Hi all. I am another stage 4 survivor.. diagnosed 10/02 at stage 3. First lung mets, now lung, bone and possible liver. Still on chemo, but doing OK. Just had scans done at MD Anderson. The CT looks stable.. good news. BUT, my CEA rose from 11 to 34. I did have a terrible flu just prior to scans and illness can cause a CEA…
I am wondering what symptoms are for rectal cancer. I have had extreme itching for about 2 months, and I'm to the point of being scared now. I just kept telling myself it is a hemorrhoid, but with the bleeding and pain, I'm not sure now. My bowels have changed slightly into having to go more often, and usually one episode…
Another Stage 4 survivor
I was 38 years old mother of three teenagers diagnosed in Feb. 03 with Stage 4 rectal cancer with mets to liver I had 1 large and 3 smaller tumors on my liver. I started out with chemo oxaliplation sp?, leuvicorin, and 5fu combo, I did it every two weeks half way through I did radiation to shrink the tumor in the rectum I…
New and Unsure?
HI everyone , wow I have NO idea about all these things that ya'll are talking about types and such I am sure I soon will . I was diagionosed with colorectal cancer in Jan and had a colon resection . my oncologist says it was or is stage 2 and I start chemo on the 28th . I have learned more today and I am not sure my…
Sponger and Ginny5
Hi guys, sorry I missed your posts. Bob.....congrats on your reaching the 5 year milestone mate!The great part is now you can look forward to many years of blissfull marriage. Katie....you can do what you will with him now...he's beyond the "fragile" stage....he!he! Ginny...thanks for your reply...Jen and I just returned…
Vectibix vs. Erbitux
I haven't posted in quite awhile because we have been dealing with the brain tumors my Dad had in November. He had stereotactic radiosurgery on Jan 4th and latest scans are inconclusive as to whether it worked or not. Dr's are leaning more towards it working. In the meantime my Dad got his latest pet scan results today -…
Chemotherapy for Stage II?
There is a new article on the Medscape website titled "How Doctors and Patients Decide About Adjuvant Treatment for Stage II Colorectal Cancer: An Expert Interview With Dr. Neil Love". May be of interest to many on this board.
Good news!
Hi Everyone- Good news today! Yesterday's scan gave us some interesting results. 1. The largest tumor on Jim's liver (about the size of a baseball) is liquefying! The tumor is actually bigger. It grew about another centimeter; however, the density is different. Our onc. has predicted since December that the big tumor was…
I just read about this herb that is known to do many things incuding help the bodys immune response to cancer. It is supposed to be safe and there has been some research done recently by MD Anderson about it's benefits with chemo patients. There is info on this site about it also. Has anyone heard of it or tried it?????…
Post-operative abscess
Has anyone else had this problem? I had a right hemicolectomy three weeks ago and generally have made a good recovery. However, ten days after surgery (shortly after coming home) a lot of yellow stuff (pus, I presume - sorry about disgusting details!) started to ooze from the top of my wound (which has been swollen ever…
I have 6 more treatments with radition. After about 4-6 week wait we will find out if this inoperable tumor is gone. Just wanted you all to konw. I am very tired. I am also on xeloda. take care all. mark
Colonoscopy update
Hi everyone, just to share with you that the polyp found during my last week colonoscopy,that the Dr. could only take half of it and burned the other part was NEGATIVE and he will like me to have another colonoscopy like in 5 or 6 months more or less, now I am waiting for ct scan that was done yesterday,thanks to all of…
You may remember.....
A while back, before my life turned over, I was sharing about my friend. Stage IV, 9 lesions in the liver, colon involvement....42 years old. Well, after VERY intense treatment, and a bowel resection, liver resection (60% gone), removal of gall bladder, and some pretty heavy post-op complications, I am happy to say not…
CAT scan results...
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that my dad received his CAT scan results today and he continues to be NED!!! Dad was diagnosed Dec., 05, surgery, then told stage IV with liver mets last March. Went through six months of chemo, became NED in July. This is wonderful news for us (especially me since I am going…
colonoscopy frequency
Hey, I am two years NED and my onc is batting the ball into my gastro's court for frequency of my colonoscopy. I know my gastro will jump into the statistics thing and have me look at a two to three year interval. I am not very secure with that. Thoughts? Of course my doc said if I did have a genetic marker he would go for…
Just what I needed.....thanks !
Oh God is good !!! I was going to post that today ( for the 2nd time since I was dx) I had a "bad" experience with a family Dr. To make my story short, I had to go to the emergency room tonite because of an ear infection....of course , as u all know, we have to write down our "history"...when the Dr. walked in...he…
Just Venting
Maybe these chemo treatments are making me cranky but I just feel like I have to vent today, so forgive me. Two things have really bugged me lately: 1. "You look good". Is anyone else tired of hearing that? I know people mean well but I have resorted to saying "thanks, how did I look before cancer?" Is that terrible?…
Hi and update
Hi to all. I had my surgery on 2/15 and I know several others had their's around that date. I'm just wondering how all are doing. I'm getting stronger each day, planning on going back to work next week and praying I have the necessary strength. My surgery went well, I had a bit of an infection around the resection site but…
Strange PET/CT Scan Problem
Hi Guys, History: Dx Christmas 05, Stage II, 2 very large, high-grade tumors, 6 months of FOLFOX, ended July 06. Have been NED since. Clear PET in August 06, CEA at 0.5. Everything was just peachy, until last Thursday. I had my every-6-months PET/CT last Thursday at Stanford. Today I got the results. It's pretty much all…
all newbies there is hope just look.....
all newbies, just look at the posts calling all 3's and 4's. there are so many survivors that are beating this beast. there is hope slaying the dragon. to all of my fellow semi's i am honored to know each and everyone of you.!!! be well never,ever give up.!!!!!!! bruce
Chemo or viral that is the question?
Hi all, Started my chemo of FOLFOX on Monday (they will be adding Avastin next go around). Was not feeling real great the weekend before chemo (had surgery Feb. 5, on antibiotics for incision infection). Anyway had chemo and did ok, however the following morning woke up horribly nauseated. I met with my surgeon that…
Cancer Patient's Guide to 2nd Opinions
Mark your calendar for April 3 at 4PM PDT for a live on line discussion
I am feeling very depressed
HI everyone,I have been debating in posting about how i am feeling or not,but I decided that I needed to share. updating I was dx July of last year,stage 3,one positive lymph node, finished treatment January 31 of this year, cea count after treatment 0.5, pet scan feb.21 says no abnormal foci or FDG uptake that would…
Friday Giggles - What's a Bowel?
Hi Guys, Some giggles again, with the hope to brighten your day a little! Enjoy! Cheers, Ying ================== Glossary of medical terms B Bacteria - The back door of a cafeteria Bandages - The Rolling Stones Barium - What doctors do when patients die Benign - What an eight-year-old wants to be Bolus - What…
avastin + xelox vs 5FU
Hi. I'm currently on FOLFOX (5FU-based) plus Avastin. I'm interested in Xelox + Avastin instead (I'm beginning to dread the 48 hr drip). But my oncologist feels there isn't enough evidence yet to support xelox + Avastin in the adjuvant context (ie for stage 2 or 3) -- Although there is good evidence for metastatic disease…
long day yesterday but we made it
Yesterday, my husband had his first regular treatment. It was a very long day , starting at 10:30 and winding up at 4:15. All in all it went pretty well, except that one of the iv bags had a hole in it and sprayed out avastin all over the place. I thought "this is not a good sign", but the nurses were wonderful. Very…
Has anyone had effects (enteritis) from radiology ?
has anyone had severe side effects caused by radiation my wife has come down with what Dr called chronic enteritis. she hasnt ate since Oct. I hook her up to a TPN feeding every night. she has been hospitalized numerous times with severe nausea and vomiting. for the last 3 weeks she has been nauseated alomost daily and I…
recurrence questions
In 2005, my wife was treated w/ radiation & chemo for 'squamus cloacogenic carcinoma'. Last fall, it was found to have recurred, and she had a colostomy. The recurrence was found when they went to treat a rectal fissure - it apparently did not show up on the CT scans she'd been having. After the colostomy, they said that…
First treatment is tomorrow
Hello everyone. My husbands first treatment is tomorrow(finally). Please keep him in your prayers. As you can imagine, we are very apprehensive. Your positive thoughts and prayers mean a lot. Thanks and God Bless.
Wonderful News !!!
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to give you a great update ! My mom, originally diagnosed January 2003 with Stage III, just received a clean bill of health from her last CAT Scan.. Four whole years have passed already !! Vanessa