Kangatoo reiterating apologies
Why do you feel you have to reiterate your apologizes for being 3 years one month NED? It's people like you that give everyone else hope. Thank you for sharing. People liked you helped me so much when my husband was first diagnosed. Thank you, thank you!
Attractive chemo pump packs?
Excuse my vanity, but one of the hardest things was walking around with this huge, ugly, uncomfortable pump/fanny pack thing. A co-worker gave me the cutest satchel in which it fit perfectly, and though it is such a small detail, it had lifted my spirits tremendously, as people see it and say "cute bag" rather than look at…
Please Help
This was on the news weeks ago and we should try to do something to get this drug moving forward. PrintEmail Article Tools Page 1 of 1 The headlines should have read: Canadian scientist discovers possible cancer cure. Wolf Blitzer should have mentioned it on CNN. Instead, the headlines read something closer to:…
Anyone putting off non cancerous medical procedures?
Does anyone else put off non cancerous medical procedures? If I have a wart on the end of my nose for example, I will put off going to see about it until I have my CT scan. I want to be sure I'm still NED before I go to the trouble of having it removed. That is just one example. I think I'm adjusting very well after…
Help stage 2!
Need to find someone that is a stage 2 that is also a colon cancer survior like me to talk with, I'm having a hard time being only 1 year out!
Good news!
Thank you all for your prayers...they have been answered! Got a clean CT scan and CEA has gone to 1.7! To re-cap, dx'd 7/06, sigmoid ca and had left hemi done for stage 3c. Found 16 of 20 nodes were cancerous. CT was clear. However MD noted CEA was 4.8 before and after surgery, so had Pet which showed 1.5 cm node in pelvis…
Good news and update on liver surgery
Hello all. Her is a quick history: dx stage 4 colon cancer on 8/28/06. Colon surgery on 9/1 removed 21 nodes, 1 positive. I had a CEA of 17. I had a 3 cm tumor located in right posterior lobe of the liver, by CT and PET. I went on 6 months of chemo (xeloda, erbitux, oxyliplatin) interrupted by a Thanksgiving pulmonary…
Things can sure get hot and heavy here. Looks like a thunder-boomer rolled thru while I was AWOL! I guess that's what can happen when you deal with such an emotionally-charged topic and the many issues that surround it. Looks like things have calmed down, so I won't poke the hornet's nest. Sorry I haven't been around - a…
Just curious
I'm having a hard time with the phone calls, questions, etc., etc., regarding my diagnosis. All I talk about is "cancer". Just wondering if anyone anyone else has gotten tired of talking about it and rehashing the past events? I do know this is normal for people who care to want to let me know they are there for me but I…
Back from Boulder-Cyberknife
Good Sunday afternoon to all you wonderful semi-colons: Well, we are back from Rocky Mountain Cyberknife In Boulder. We met with Dr. McNeely who is the doc handling my mom's care. He spent about 2 hours with us going over everything . It was wonderful to talk with him. With my mom's primary onc, I practically have to stand…
Free Patient/Caregiver Seminar
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
First Treatment is History
Hello Everyone, I had my treatment Feb 26. FLOFOX6 avastin, oxaliplatin,5Fu/LV, and xalproden. Days three, four, and five I was sure, I was going to be with the Lord. Here I am ,day seven telling you about it. I will have labs done tomorrow, to see if I need to take antibotic. With God' help, I am going to be able to do…
Want to hear something funny? Not ha ha funny but...
In our relationship, Jim is the one who is typically more reserved. I am the gregarious, dramatic, hypochondriac, loud talker. (Wait till you meet me at colon palooza!) In the past, Jim has been the rock in our relationship. He sort of keeps me tethered to the earth. In a good way. Right before his diagnosis, I was having…
New to site
Hello all. I am new to this site. Looks like a good place to talk to people going through the same stuff. My husband was dx with rectal cancer last september. At 44 and seemingly very healthy, we were shocked to be told that he had stage III colorectal cancer. We have 2 school age children and we felt like the bottom fell…
I posted a couple of days ago regarding my temperature spiking in the afternoon and that I had an app't with my surgeon on Friday. He thinks I may have an abscess and has ordered a CT to see if there is a "pocket of pus" as he called it. But I can't get my CT until 3/22 so I'll start Monday on getting it sooner. He put me…
Social Security ..need advice
Does anyone have experience with stage IV with liver mets and possibility of obtaining social security benefits. Should we be applying now? My husband has been out on short term disability since mid January , and hasn't started chemo yet but will this week, so we don't know if he will be able to go back and do his regular…
iron and colonoscopy
Hi everyone I am schedule to have a colonoscopy next Weds. March 7,this will be the first after dx.and of course I read the instructions given to me for the preparation, but I don't know why I started looking for information from different site about that. In most of the instructions tells you to stop taking vitamins with…
Starting on a long road ...
Hello all you inspirational Semi-Colons. I am now back from hospital, having had half of my right colon removed along with a tumour the size of a small football. The surgery itself was not as bad as expected and they let me go home after eight days. The bad news is that I heard yesterday that I am Stage 3 and I am…
reading a pretty good book...
Hi there, I just started a pretty good book, I think very good, and I thought it was worth mentioning... It is by a celebrity, but don't let that deter you; it is thoughtfully written and very logical. The book: Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the inside out. It might be considered a bit girly - and even says Every…
to all those who are "caring" for a loved one with cancer...you may find it helpful to post at the "caregivers" site...there are so many of us..I am not sure why that site is not more active? bev
recurrence questions
In 2005, my wife was treated w/ radiation & chemo for (anal) 'squamus cloacogenic carcinoma'. Last fall, it was found to have recurred (in some sense) and she had a colostomy to remove her rectum. The recurrence was found when they went to treat an anal fissure - it apparently did not show up on the CT scans she'd been…
IV vitamin therapy
I heard yet another good piece of info about IV vitamin therapy. I met a woman whose aunt had a recurrence of breast cancer after five years. She thought she would take some time to really boost her immune system before undertaking another chemo regime so she started IV vitamin therapy. After a period of time, she had the…
have to start radiation in a month or so
I have stage 4 colorectal with mets to liver and lungs with active cancer cells in some lyphnodes. I a PET scan done on Feb 27th. not much is better except no more ACTIVE cells in nodes YEAHHHHHH after 11 cycles on chemo. So my onco. wants to start rad. keep me on low dose chemo with rad for one month...How different am I…
Its been 3 years!
Hi there, I haven't posted in awhile but I come to read. Today is 3 years since my mother's diagnosis of Stage 3 rectal cancer. I'm posting today for all the newbies, hoping I can shed some hope in your battles. My mother is feeling and looking great and has got clear scans since. She has one coming up at the end of this…
cold water and cancer link
: http://www.snopes.com/medical/myths/coldwater.asp I thought this article was interesting. I was looking up (Snopes.com) the part about the heart attack that someone sent me. I never trust any alarmist emails and in the process ran on to this. For those who don't want to look it up, there is no link, but the rest of the…
Prayers needed
I just found out today that friends of ours who are 4 months pregnant have just found out their unborn baby has a tumour in his lungs. The hopes are that the tumour will not grow substantianlly over the next 10 weeks. The baby has a 60% of survival. I know this is not the site for lungs, but I believe there is no better…
Seems like women in early 40's need to be getting colonoscopies
I am a 46 yr. old female in Ohio, diagnosed in October of 2003. I went through the research arm of treatment in a clinical trial. My treatment consisted of no surgery (other than the massive biopsy) and 4 rounds of chemo (4 day pump with FU5) and Cisplatin. After two rounds of chemo, the radiation began. 37 total…
CEA is rising and I'm scared
Hi all.....I had a three month check-up with my onc. on Monday. He called me yesterday to tell me that my CEA level was at 22! It was 6.2 when diagnosed last year, 3.5 during my chemo, and now 4 months after completing chemo it's at 22. I am so frightened! I have a colonoscopy scheduled for March 9, and now a CAT scan on…
Friday Medical Giggles
Hi Guys and Gals, Whew, what a week it has been! Here are some absolutely silly giggles to help getting your weekend off to an early start! Have a great weekend! Cheers, Ying ============================================= One-liners Anatomy - something that everybody has but somehow looks better on a girl Bachelor - a…
Radiology Enteritis
My Wife Had Colorectal tumor removed whent through Chemo and Radiation treatment ended 7/2007.Enteritis set in 10/2007 Just getting worse as time goes by she's been on TPN since 11/2007. Anyone else gone through this?