Treatment update
Got started on the chemo and raditation for stage II or III RC yesterday. Too early for side effects, I just thought I'd get on here to chuckle about my experience. Wow. I have no modesty left. My big white butt has been poked, prodded, filled with banana flavored barium, drawn on with markers and tattooed with dots. The…
O.K., I know I said I was out of here....but we are all entitled to storming out like a child now and then are we not. I will not leave...I am an 8 year survivor of locally advanced rectal cancer who has returned full-steam to life, including running races, raising children and prosecuting murderers and rapists. I do have…
Post surgery
I am 2 weeks post surgery. I'm not sure if the discomfort I'm having is normal but I have a lot of bloating and pain in my upper abdomen. I'm also dragging and have a feeling I'm anemic. I went to the dr today for a CBC. I've had a temperature the past 2 days in the afternoon. I do have an appoinment with my surgeon…
Upcoming CAT scan...
Hi everyone, I just want you to all know that I read your posts everyday and always keep all of you in my prayers. I haven't been as active on the site lately. Things have been more hectic in my life with being 8 1/2 months pregnant and taking care of a 16-month old. Anyway, my father will be having his 3-month follow-up…
when's the onc not your md anymore
i'm really confused here and can use some advice from you guys. brief history----my daughter was 22 when dx with stage 3c rectal in april 05. she had chemo, then surgery november 05, radiation and more chemo, finishing up last may. she's been doing really well(knock wood), working full time and enjoying life again. she has…
Peripheral neuropathy ?
Hi all, I stopped chemo (Folfox/Avastin) about 6 weeks ago after my 9th cycle. The intolerance to cold is really gone but the peripheral neuropathy seems to be getting worse lately. My fingers have pretty constant tingling and the front half of both feet are numb and feel like wood. It sometimes affects my balance due to…
I dont know if any of you remember me but I made some postings about my father arround christmas time. Some good news.....he made it out of the hospital. Its been a 2 weeks and he seems to be getting better every day. He went in for his 2nd outpatient chemo treatment today. They have him on 5 different ones right…
Singing Kumbaya
Ok, now that we're all holding hands and singing "Kumbaya," let's talks PALOOZAS!!!!!!!!! In case you are a newbie, or just a person who recently stumbled onto this web site, I'd like to introduce you to a little party we like to call "COLON-PALOOZA." These are full-blown celebrations of life involving meeting in person…
Morning was bad, but got better
After meeting again with oncologist this am and expecting to sign papers for a course of treatment, we heard once again that my insurance company would not approve any benefits if my husband entered clinical trial to do xeloda instead of pump infusion for 48 hrs after 2 days of proposed chemo treatment every two weeks , we…
Good Cancer Book for Kids
I have a sixteen year old boy and I would love to get him a book on cancer. I know he is having a ahard time, we have started him in therapy. It is hard enough being a teeange boy and he is such a Jock and hides his feelings. I was wondering if anyone has bought a book or know of one for a teenager on Cancer? God Bless, Liz
Maura's Post on Scans
...brings to mind the larger question(s) that re-occur on this forum..Just what does an X-Ray, Pet Scan, CT, MRI, Bone Scan, Ultra Sound, etc. see/do? If there is a tech or other such expert lurking out there, who might be able to provide a reference or definitions of all the different scans and what they can and can't…
strictures? Heart Burn
My last meeting with my onc was good, since my scan and blood tests are all clear. However I'm having some wicked heartburn on and off, stomach always full/ bloaty, bowel movements have lessened and are inconsistant.I don't feel totally blocked but pretty close. my onc said she noticed this on the scan and said it might be…
Surgery Wed after 6 months
I appreciate reading and getting help from all of you. Briefly: dx Stage 4 8/28/06. Colon surgery 9/1/06. 1 node positive and a 3 cm tumor in liver. Went through 5 months of chemo (oxilaplatin, eributux, and xeloda), had a pulmonary embolism and am now going in for a liver resection at Stanford Wed morning. Its been a…
She died too young
hello all you awesome Semi-colons! Whoa Nellie! Thank you to those who ventured out in support of my undying hope and encouragement to my compatriots in cancer no matter how one chooses to heal. I look at this whole gig with a totally different paradigm. I don't know if you ever notice that I never refer to cancer as a…
Good Thoughts & Prayers Needed
Tommorrow , we meet for second time with oncologist to sign papers to start the treatment plan. Just asking for some good thoughts and asking that you keep us in your prayers. No need to respond. I just know that you will all do it, because you are all like family now, and that's what families do. Thank you all.
Social Security Disability
Has anyone applied for this that has Stage IV colon with liver mets that are inoperable? My husband is stable and doing good but he is going to retire early @ 54yo, he went on line and looked up the social security website and he appears to meet the qualifications on paper. We thought we would hear from those of you who…
attenion Musiclover
Hi "musiclover"..have not heard from you in awhile and I'm sure all of us are wondering about how things are with Mark and praying for the best. Bev
To runner z ET -Al
nanuk 02-27-2007 05:59 AM EST Re: ENOUGH! [reply] someone said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself..If Emily's posts are dangerous, then Mother Theresa and Gandhi were dangerous subversives.. if Emily's "truth" frightens you so, then why do you protest? Why are the major cancer centers in this country and Europe…
To runner z ET -Al
nanuk 02-27-2007 05:59 AM EST Re: ENOUGH! [reply] someone said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself..If Emily's posts are dangerous, then Mother Theresa and Gandhi were dangerous subversives.. if Emily's "truth" frightens you so, then why do you protest? Why are the major cancer centers in this country and Europe…
Enough of the homeopathic vs. traditional medicine...enough of second guessing one another. I am so tired of the lack of respect shown by some of the members of this board, those of whom post graphic depictions of the death of their siblings to frighten people from listening to their own doctors. It is dangerous and it is…
Hello My Name is Bud, and I'm a CSN addict...
new subject - and question
Hey - I have a question or two about methods to classify findings - you know, like: Does the MRI show as much or more than the CT? Is it useful when the CT is still showing the possibility of something? To back-up, I had a CT in November that was questionable: a nodule on my lung and a lesion on my liver that had grown a…
Hello everyone, I don't post very often but something just jolted my mind to post. I am probably talking more to "newbies" to group but maybe to some others as well. I read alot of post about the HAI pump and thought I would relate part of my story. I was dx with st4 w/liver mets. I didn't have chemo or rads prior to…
Another sort of Pollyanna......
Hi all - Cancer of any form, at any stage, is a scary disease and brings with it quite the roller coaster of emotions, as we all know. Combine that with an electronic bulletin board (which has its own huge issues in the field of Communications) and people are bound to say things that seem way more strident or one sided…
Personal Web Pages
Hi all, I just wanted to urge those of you who haven't done so, to create your own web page - even those of you who are caregivers. It is sometimes hard to remember everyones personal life stories and/or the stories of their husbands and wives. I feel that this could also prevent some of the hostility and misunderstanding…
Free Tampa area Patient/Caregiver Seminar
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
so very sorry
regarding my post of the other day- I re-read it and cringed...when I said stage 3 would re-appear I of course meant stage 4 and I in no way meant bad karma to Emily- who at stage 3 has been very sucessful in refusing chemo.. for us...it has been a hellish roller coaster ride that brought by husband from stage 3 with just…
Call Me Pollyanna, but...
Good Morning Everyone! I hope this finds everyone in a place on their journey that is tolerable, if not wonderful. I just have to say, for the record, that this is a great place for support. I am grateful for the fact that I am still here to read posts, comment when appropriate, and laugh hysterically when it warrants. I…
Question CEA levels
Hello, My husband was diagnosed July 06 with colorectal cancer. His CEA level in August 06 was 3.7. An MRI before surgery showed numerous enlarged lymph nodes and at a T3. After chemo/radiation his CEA was 2.5. He had surgery in Dec. 06 and pathology came out as T2 NO and no metastisis - pathology could not have been…
answer to my erbitux posts
Thank you to all who posted encouraging comments...and to the "negative nellies" including and especially Emily...if you have have exhausted all other options..(and trust me- stage 3 will ALWAYS turn into stage 4..(1-5-7-10 years or more- check the stats) and at some point you will grasp at a last ditch chemo option) you…