What is this??? Have anyone had this therapy ? God bless
here's where I got the info from
scared to death
I just found out I have stage 3 colon cancer. I'm scared to death. I'm 42 and was told it was a small tumor on my sigmoid colon and shouldn't be more then a stage 2. Well surprise surprise I'm sitting here thinking how the hell did this happen to me. I'm waiting for a onocologist to call for my next appt. The waiting is…
On the lighter side-Keep your humor
This has been my week.. 3 trips to hospital for hubby.. biopsies, port, scans,(of which nothing went smooth) an argument with insurance company, a 45 mile commute to work one way for one hour until they closed due to a 3 ft snowstorm here ( it took me an hour and half to get there and 2 hrs to get home) 7 hours of…
Update on my life...
It's been a long time since I posted but I could use some words of encouragement just now. I was down to the 3rd chemo (Xeloda) and it didn't do much for me. Recent CT shows seven tumors in liver now and 2 somethings in pelvic are (1 appears partially fluid filled?) I am not really a candidate for surgery but we'll see. I…
I last posted on this board ten days ago when I was amazed to get so many lovely, supportive messages (and from such articulate and well informed people too). My worst fears were confirmed yesterday morning when the GI doctor confirmed that I had a four inch tumour in my ascending colon. I saw a surgeon later in the day…
Hello everyone
How are you all doing I wanted to stop in and give an update on our life Due had a follow up with the oncoligest. they said he look's good and has to have a check up in 4 months. He is up to 225 lbs he's making up for lost time when he couldn't eat.... On a sad note my Aunt just lost her battle with Cancer. I want you all…
I don't post very often (kinda shy) but I do read the postings every day. You have all been such a comfort while we have been on this journey. I have laughed, learned and cried when reading the postings. Recap of my husband Jim, dx 6/06 with colon cancer matasterszed to testicle. Testicle removed, 18 inches of colon, 1 out…
hello semi's good news !!!!!!
hey all you wonderful people, dr just called and ct scan was negative. i have fluid around hernia repair. will have to have it drained. you are all in my thoughts and prayers. never,ever give up !!!!! be well bruce
Knock wood, Going to resume living in paradise!
Hi All, I just wanted to thank you folks for the support and advice. If you're up for reading my long-winded Personal Web Page, click on the link below. Knock wood, Going to resume living in paradise! Larry
It's me again
I just received a phone call from my Dr. assistant, telling me that the insurance only approved the pet scan, and depending on the result they will approve the ct scan, I would like to know after finishing treatment what scans where done on you guys, if both pet and ct scan or only one, please let me know.
hormone replacement therapy
I went to the Dr. the other day (not my onc. or surgeon, just a dr.) and he did blood work that says I am in menopause caused by the chemo or radiation. I am 30. He put me on Prempro, a hormone replacement therapy. I picked it up today and read the leaflet. I am scared to take it!! Any advice? It sure would be nice to not…
Getting more anxious.....
Hi everyone! I finished my 12 treatments 2 weeks ago,and met with the oncologist to schedule the scans,I will have a pet scan and ct scan both the same day next Weds.and this coming monday I will meet with the surgeon that did my surgery to schedule the colonoscopy,I have been very positive during all these months, but…
Friday Yummies
Ying is traveling and asked me to provide one for today..... This recipe looks much harder then it is. I only use free range, no antiboitic poultry but you could use the other too. I also buy the chicken with the skin on and take it off myself to say a few dollars. BRAISED CHICKEN WITH FENNEL AND BEANS 2 tbsp olive oil 1 ½…
General Anesthesia for Colonoscopy?
Hi everyone! I haven't posted in a while, but I visit the board frequently. I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of my CC diagnosis, and I am scheduled for a colonoscopy on March 9. My surgeon is doing it, and I just found out that he is going to use General Anesthesia. I have had 2 scopes in the past, both times I had…
interesting site
Interesting site, especially for newbies; it provides a good summary outline of the types of colon cancer, symptoms and etiology. Also other cancers, stem cells, and alternative treatments. http://www.newhopemedicalcenter.com/
I found out last night that my friend, Nancy Flanagan, passed away at Noon on Valentine's Day. She has Stage IV rectal cancer that had spread to the liver and her last chemo treatment was not work on the liver mets. She fought this beast for 2 years. PLEASE SEND PRAYERS to her family, husband, Bob and only son Stephen.
Hello Online Family, Mary from WI here to say "hi" and that I hope you all are safe, happy, and well today and always! ;) Also, my last post was regarding all of the "what if's" I've been having regarding my mom. Well, we got the results from her last CT scan this past Monday and there is good news... Overall and great…
Scared and anxious....Part 2
I wrote previously about some symptoms I was having and that I was 3 weeks out from my first ever colonoscopy. Well....it's now 6 days away. As much as I want to know the answer, I also don't want to know (even though I do), if that makes sense. Most of the symptoms I had are gone....no more bloating, no more bleeding (it…
CEA is up
Hi Semi-Colons- Well, not the news we wanted to hear. After disappointing scan results, we found out yesterday that Jim's CEA level is up from 65 to 86.4. Grrr... Jim's onc. is very cool and still encouraging. He met with Jim tonight and did some stuff to move his chi around - something to do with his chakras. His…
What do you think of my new shirt?
Check this out and let me know what you think! www.20somethingcancer.com
insurance ?
Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well! Does anyone have any experience in finding medical insurance as a cancer patient that is not through work? My X, we're separated, carries the insurance through has job. He may end up out of work due to some mental health problems so I may end up uninsured. I'm waiting to see what…
Mom Collapsed, Need Advise...
Well, on Friday of last week , my mom had her first colonoscopy. She was not diagnosed by one. The surgeon who preformed my mom's original surgery to remove a large tumor from her cecum is the doc who did the colonoscopy. My mom had been having rectal bleeding with bowel movements for about 2 weeks before colonoscopy.…
Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!
To so many of you that have helped me save my life. There is no way I can ever thank you enough nor can I ever repay you, other then remaining here on this site and helping others like so many have done for me. I raise a toast to you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sincere hugs and kisses, Lisa P.
good news :-)
Received results of my CAT scan. NED,NED,NED!! I was sooo scared because there was a note on my last CAT scan that there was a "node" on my lungs. This CAT scan shows clear. Heading back down to Naples Florida until my next check-up in May. Can't wait to get out of this snow.
My sis has to wait and see....
My sister has a number of "spots" in her lungs and has seen a pulmonologist. He said there are "several" nodules in the 3-4mm range that appear to be calcified. There are also a number of 1-2 mm spots that he wants to follow with another CAT scan in three months because he said they are too small for either a needle…
clinical trials..
Hello Everyone. Happy Valentine's day! I have questions. Here's the story. I was dx'd last January 2006 w/ colon Ca. I had surgery same month and had 28 days radiation and 6 weeks chemo. stage 3. 5 Fu and Leucovorin. Now in January 2007 CT Scan shows multiple spots in liver the biggest one is 5 cm and bone mets in my Spine…
Atlanta area Patient/Caregiver Seminar - FREE
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
chemo affecting other mucosa
We all unfortunately know that chemotherapy can affect normal fast growing cells like hair, nails, and the skin (mucosa) inside the mouth. Has anyone (especially women but of course I welcome responses from the men too) had any experience with soreness/ ?ulcer in other mucusa -- um (blush) I'm referring to vagina or more…
Thank you for the support
Thank you. Today has been a really tough day . We had a problem with insurance co. they will not approve for the clinical trial (xeloda)so we have to go with the standard protocol apparantly and have the pump infusion in addition to the reg chemo , and we spent 5 hrs at hospital to get the port put in . Something went…