Went to Surgeon today
I went to my surgeon, what a great guy he was. He told me he couldn't feel the tumor, good sign. I looking out for any postitive comment I can find. My surgery is scheduled for 2/15, next Thursday. All my testing is 2/13. I will be in the hospital 5 days, if all goes wells, he says. I'm praying all will go well. He did ask…
too late for vaccine trial
Hi all just wanted to let everyone know I heard from Duke today and I found out about trial a bit too late. They said had to be within 1 yr of last resection plus would have to be off Avastin for at least 4 wks, so I can't get in but maybe their are some in room who might benefit from this trial. If not, I'll just wait…
My Friends Dad
Hi all, A couple weeks ago, I posted about a girlfriend that I went to high school with. Her dad was recently diagnosed with what they said was stage 3 rectal cancer. She texted me last night while I was in Spanish class and said that after further testing (maybe a PET...I am not sure) that they have restaged him at stage…
Need "Lots" of Prayers
Its been along time and I dont even know if anyone even remember me on this site So small bit about my hubby cause if I dont it could go on and on and on Hubby first dx stage 3 with nodes back in 1993 at age 38 has recurred 4 more time 95,97,2004 and now . Chemos have been 5fu and levamisole 5fu and leucovorin CPT11 Hes…
First Chemo, One Week Later
On page 3 or maybe 4 of this message board, I think, is my report right after my first chemo, the title is "My First Chemo". Tomorrow (Thursday) will be one week since the first one, so I thought I would report in an update. My cancer Stage 2 T3 N=0 M=0 . I finally came down from the high of the steroids, or whatever…
My uncle
My uncle has been hospitalized due to severe blood loss. Tests show that he has a tumour in his large intestine which is localized. Usually this would be good news, except that my uncle is also diabetic and had a quadruple bipass three years ago. The surgeons are suggesting radiation only, and no surgery. I'm dipping into…
First CAT scan and it's....
CLEAR!! I can't even express the words of relief and joy over the results of my first CATscan after all the stuff I've had to endure the last 8 months. What a wonderful day it is for me and my family. Lots of love and hugs, Cheryl
sister's update
hey guys, well denise had surgery 2/5 and it was 7 hrs long. she had retal cancer, she now has a temp bag for about 2-3 months than resection. thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers. this was her 3rd bout with the beast!!!! be well never,ever give up bruce
cat scan tomorrow
hey semi's, well i am going for a scan tomorrow. had surgery 12/21/06 for hernia the size of basketball. side where hernia was is looking a little big. dr mostly thinks it is fluid that was there when it was huge. had procedure done laproscopic and there was no draining of fluid. wish me luck, i was also do for my 6 month…
New cancer drug ???
Last Edited: Tuesday, 06 Feb 2007, 6:09 PM CST Created: Tuesday, 06 Feb 2007, 5:37 PM CST Scientists from UT Southwestern Medical Center say they've duplicated a chemical from this sea creature, called the sea squirt, that may target cancer cells without hurting healthy ones. SideBar Related Items Videos By John Hammarley…
nice cancer shirts
to all of my wonderful supporters, kiersten had surgery yesterday, dont know how things went, just thought we could all say some words of encouragement to let her know we are thinking about her.
what is wrong w/site?
this always happens in the wee hrs..it just won't download..the site, the posts, (well they will if you want to wait 1/2 hr....other web sites not acting like this....?
Standing strong!!!
Hi Everyone, Well, after reading my post from Friday night, I have to say I was a little bit ashamed of what I had posted. I knew that I should not have posted that night. Everything was way too new and emotional. Also, I had awoken that morning with a terrible sore throat which I later found out was strep. So, I was not…
Worst Weekend?
Just wanted to share with you my past weekend...and see if karma is at work here. This weekend, 8 years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer...literally a pain in the butt. On this past Friday I was finishing my peaceful morning run when I came upon a large labrador retriever feasting on a fresh rabbit. Needless…
Los Angeles Area Patient/Caregiver Seminar
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
update - good news
Hello all, Yesterday I went to Stanford to meet with both surgeon and oncologist. They were there to read the scans (PET and CT) and look at all data. All went very well. The liver tumor has shrunk more than 50% from the start. Long story short.... GREAT NEWS. This is interpreted as the chemo is working and probably taking…
Need good vibes-Surgery Monday
Hi all, Need all the good vibes and prayers I can get. Surgery is scheduled for Monday morning. I have been waiting for this moment since diagnosis September 18th. CT scan showed a "markedly" reduction in tumor size, however it still looks to be in 2 lymph nodes. Most likely will end up with a permanent colostomy. I am…
sister-in laws surgery 2/5
hi semi's, just wanted to let everyone know sil has surgery on mon 2/5 for retal cancer. she has had chemo and radition and the tumor is just about gone. she is only having surgey to clean out scar tissue. please could you all send positive vibes and prayers. be well never,ever give up !!!! bruce
CT Scan on Monday
Hi all- Jim's scan is tomorrow morning. Please keep us in your prayers. I am having mixed emotions - sometimes I'm certain he's beating it, other times I feel as though I'm desperate - scrambling around for some positive sign. We need positive results- for us, for the kids, and for Jim to feel as though it's worth the…
Hi everyone. I read everybodys messages and pray for their problems. I see more and more people on the board that are new. I do not understand why is there so much of this cancer and not being caught. I am also concerned of the treatments after the cancer and the side effects that come on years later. I have been to so…
Scan results-not good.
Well, as you can tell from the subject, my mom's scan results were not good. It appears that the tumor on her left adrenal gland is not dying any more and has actually gotten much bigger. Even worse than that, the cancer has spread to her other adrenal gland. Onc said this is not good news. Of course we know that, it is…
Colonoscopy scheduled
Well, I finally got my scope scheduled for the 16th of this month. Has anybody used the pill preparation? You have to take something like 32 pills over a certain amount of time. I figured it sounded better than that awful tasting stuff in the jug! I just hope that they figure out something - I'm so tired of hurting! :(…
rectal cancer/colostomy
my fiance who is 32 has been diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer. he has met with 3 surgeons all of whom have all reccomended that he get a permanent colostomy. this of course is very devastating news for him. i am not sure what to do at this point. he is going through his chemo and radiation and will do the surgery after…
Update on earlier post today
Just wanted to share with you all. My GI doc called the surgeon for me and my app't with the surgeon is Monday. I'm hoping for surgery next week. My PCP also called and he told me waiting 13 days for surgery will be okay. He told me I've had this disgusting "thing" for a long time. I knew that, probably years. Can you give…
Great colonoscopy results
Haven't posted in a while, but just wanted to share the good news; my 3 year post op colonscopy was again clear!!! (colectomy in 12/03, stage III, 6 months chemo). Scans showed NED in November. My scan was delayed becuase I couldn't complete the prep in December. I have failed with the go litely, phopho soda and citrate of…
Wanda/Xena Warrior is no longer in pain
After many phone calls the last few months, I finally talked to Wanda's husband tonight. He confirmed what deep down inside I alread knew; Wanda went to walk with the angels on October 31st last year and is no longer in any pain. He apologized for not being computer savvy enough to let us know but said many times how much…
Thank you all!
Hi all, Being somewhat of a shy person, I have been more of a luker than a poster on this site. I have shared all of your ups and downs for about a year now, and have never said more prayers, than during this time frame. My husband (47), was dx'ed January 2006 with stage 4 colon cancer, he immediately had surgery to remove…
Another question
For some reason I'm having an uncomfortable fullness and a pain that comes and goes in my upper right abdomen. Did anyone else have that? I guess I think it's my liver, you know how we jump to conclusions. Of course, I have bloating but I know that's a symptom of CC. My tumor is in the cecum. Thanks.
Friday Yummies - What's in your coffee?
Hi Guys: I found this astounding piece of investigative report from the January issue of Wired. It de-mysterfies the components of "The Original Cholesterol Free, Lactose Free, Nestle Coffee-mate Coffee Creamer". After reading this, I hope you'll think twice before reaching for Coffee-mate again. I am pretty sure Emily…