Mother of the Year Award
Hey all you awesome Semi-colons! This letter is in response to ACS awarding Sarah Ferguson the Mother of the Year Award and some comments the Duchess made that pushed some buttons but could be construed as rather innocuous in regards to cancer and health. IMO they were either arrogant or ignorant; and neither have a place…
I'll try to be here more...sorry!
I have been so busy with both my ex and daughter's final arrangements, AND trying to work, that I KNOW I have be letting you all slide. I really DO care for you all, but sometimes, well, other things are on top. I DO lurk on occasion, but just don't seem to have any insight to share.... I am coming out of my 'funk', people…
Peripheral Neuropathy in the News
Hi Guys, Some interesting news on the radio about peripheral neuropathy, albeit in relation to HIV instead of chemo treatments. Still makes for interesting what-if. Lou, I am thinking about the horrible time you had with neuropathy. Ying ********************* Smoked cannabis reduces pain caused by HIV-associated neuropathy…
Not the best news but still hoping
Hubby met with oncologist today. She says she doesn't believe that he is candidate for liver resection at this time. Says there are 5 or 6 spots on liver in different areas, but has referred us to a liver surgeon here just "in case" and because we really wanted it. In fact I insisted on it. Also wants us to think about a…
I have this big operation coming up in March 13. Removal of rest of colon and rectum. Live with the illeostomy. I am totally stressed out at home with nothing to do because of my back being out. I am very concerned about these large lymph nodes near the aorta area 1 classified as calcified. They all show up on MRI's and…
cat scan on 10th Feb
I'm currently enjoying my stay in Naples Florida - flying home to Toronto Canada for the suggested follow up 3 month Scan. I'm so nervous about the results that I'm having anxiety attacks. My last Cat Scan........... November 2006: Findings: There is unchanged ill defined soft tissue stranding in the presacral…
I have this big operation coming up in March 13. Removal of rest of colon and rectum. Live with the illeostomy. I am totally stressed out at home with nothing to do because of my back being out. I am very concerned about these large lymph nodes near the aorta area 1 classified as calcified. They all show up on MRI's and…
Inoperable tumor
I found out last Tuesday after a CT (Jan 23) and PET (Jan 30) scan my cancer has returned and in a very agressive fashion. Two tumors on the liver near the portal veins and also on the lymph nodes. ( my last scans were October 31)The other tumor is operable with a resection. The were four surgeons at the case conference…
How do I combat the "what if's"
Hello Online Family, Mary from WI here; and I'm sorry it's been awhile for me since I've posted. Honestly, thankfully I haven't really had any concerns regarding my mom until today (and when you read below you will hopefully understand why). But I hope each and every one of you are safe, happy, and well today and always!…
Interesting Article on Cancer Drugs
FDA Home Page | Search FDA Site | FDA A-Z Index | Contact FDA | FDA Centennial Email this Page To a Friend FDA Consumer magazine January-February 2007 Cancer Drugs: Weighing the Risks and Benefits Cancer Facts Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease. Thirty years…
Has anyone ever started a local support group?
Hi guys- I wondered if any of you have ever started a local support group? We're seriously considering starting one - there are currently 3 support groups here - 2 for women only, and 1 through the hospital that's open to any kind of cancer survivor and their caregiver/family/friends. We went to the one group available to…
FDA approves new drug INFO
Hey you awesome Semi-colons, FYI -- This is a report from a doctor who was a researcher with Memorial Sloan-Kettering and heads up their CAM department. It underscores how diligent we must be to stay on top of research reports and advocate for ourselves no matter what course of action we take. peace, emily DESPITE…
Hi there, this is my first posting
Dear All, This is my first posting ... I began reading your discussion board in November when my boyfriends father was diagnosed with colon cancer. Then I became even more involved once my mom was diagnosed in December with colon cancer! To say the least, the holidays were quite a hoot. I thought it was finally the right…
Nashville Palooza Bash!
Ok, time for your weekly reminder.... The party of the year is set!! Colon Palooza 5 will be held @ the Hilton Downtown Nashville Tennessee. Reservations are being taken NOW. There is only a limited number of rooms, so please don't procrastinate!! Scheduled for Sept 12 to Sept 16, 2007, and rooms which normally cost $ 300…
Eye Problems
I had posted something earlier about issues with my eyes but I can't find it so started a new post. After 8 cycles of treatment (5-FU/Avastin/ Oxalipatin/Leucovorin) I had some pretty bad burning and drying of my eyes. Of course, I attributed that to chemo drying the membranes, etc. Well yesterday, my eye doctor confirmed…
Update No go with the stent
Hi thought I would give you all a follow up. Well they were not able to stent Ben ureter it was all wrapped up in scar tissue. They canceled doing it yesterday and tried to do it this morning with no luck so only other option I think is they will put a tube in Bens side to his kidney. It was a shock when they took him down…
Hello. I am a 48yr old recently divorced mother of two children (aged 12 and 8) living in the UK. I have been having diarrhoea and stomach aches since September, but my GP thought it was almost certainly IBS. On Saturday I finally had a colonoscopy and the doctor told me I had a "suspicious" narrowing of the right colon…
cancer has reappeared
I have not been on lately, I never posted much. I have read more. I always felt this was a place you could ask anything, and someone has always been where you. I had my three year's in remission July 2006, I was told to join the living. I am stage IV, I will spare you the details again. I have a web page. I went for…
How bout some good news
A brief history; 3 years ago dxed stage IV rectal cancer with 3 mets to liver and 1 to the left lung. Surgery was not an option at that time. Read my personal webpage here if you are interested in more specifics. I did 8 months of Folfox with Avastin but after a nasty bout of acute peritonitis that almost killed me a few…
No money in curing cancer
I was watching a talk/news channel last night and a report had come out of Canada that there was a possible cure for several types of cancer. It had been effective on mice but the drug companies were not interested because the chemical compound was very commonly available and there would be no profit in dong an expensive…
Oh Where has KatiM gone? Have not seen any posts or responses from her lately. I am hoping she is okay. I sure miss her inspiring messages.
Surgery Update
Well my colonoscopy came back clear as well as my CT Scan so I am now scheduled for colon reconnection on Tuesday, 27 Feb 07. Hospital stay is about 5-6 days if all goes well. Recovery time is 4-8 weeks and the BEST NEWS of all, I was told I could return to weight lifting in June 07, HURRAY, HURRARY!!!!! I know, the BEST…
Sir Spheres Trial...FYI
Sirtex Supports the First Pilot Study Evaluating SIR-Spheres® Microspheres in Combination with Bevacizumab and Chemotherapy as a First Line Treatment for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Prospective Multi-Center Trial to evaluate safety and tolerability of combination therapies in patients with advanced liver disease LAKE…
HI everyone. I went to see an endocrinoligist last Monday and the results of the blood tests showed a deficiency in Vitamin D. That contibuted to the sudden weakness in the spine with compression fractures along with osteoporosis. I now have to take 50,000 units of vitamin D three times a week. I am starting to move around…
Friday Yummies - Bellpepper juice, anyone?
Hi Guys: Call me Sherlock. I've been doing some detective work in search of a good natual food source for vitamin C - the grand-daddy of antioxidants. Before you reach for that glass of pastuerized orange juice, which the TV ads would have you believe as the epitome of health and good nutrition, consider the follow data.…
abdominal pains??
Hi guys, quick recap, dad diagnosed in july 04, stage 3, 5 positive nodes, clean ever since, but for the past couple of weeks now he's been getting abdominal pains/cramping??? I'm obviously worried, he has an appointment with the oncologist next Tuesday to see what's going on. He just had a scan about 7 weeks ago and all…
Does anyone have any input on this procedure? I was told that it could be done during a local colorectal surgery to see if the tumor had infiltrated the lymph nodes or other palces. Thanks, Butch
Been through radiation? What to expect?
Hi all, My husband is at the halfway point with his FOLFOX-Yippee! (Dx 10/06 age 36 Stage IV w/liver mets) We are now going to be doing chemoradiation after he recovers from this round. He will be having a continuous infusion 24/7 of 5FU and will be getting radiated 5x a week. We were just wondering if anyone has gone…
colon cancer vaccine
Hi all I just wanted to post to some of the st 4 survivors about this colon ca vaccine they are doing clinical trials with. They are looking for pts who have had liver mets but no active disease at this time, also had to have last resection within a yr. I am awaiting call from Duke to see if I will be in this trial (my onc…
stage IV survivors
http://www.interviews-with-poets.com/donald-hall/hall-note.html http://enjoyment.independent.co.uk/books/news/article314980.ece