Here we go again...sort of
Hello All, I had a biopsy done 2 days ago, and my gynocologist called me today & told me that I have early stage uterine cancer. Although it took the wind out of my sails since I am still dealing with side effects from the Folfox (Stage II colon cancer), I was not really surprised, since the gene that bestowed the colon…
Free Denver, Co Patient/Caregiver Seminar
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
Test results from Dr.
Hi All Semicolons, Just wanted to let you know my Oncologist called me this evening about the Pet scan I had today; I also had a CT with contrast. The radiologist called him and said I have a 1cm spot on the base of my right lung. My oncologist called my surgeon and they discussed what to do about it. My surgeon only does…
bud's book of the month
Tomorrow by Bradley Trevor Greive
More on Sir-Spheres
My friend Suzanne sent this to me, so I thought I'd pass it along. I hope you find it helpful. -Susan H. Emerging Trends in Radioembolization Using Microspheres: A Clinical Workshop Highlights Latest Research and Data Regarding Treatments for Advanced Liver Tumors Sirtexs SIR-Spheres® Microspheres featured at third annual…
First time I hear "curable" from a Dr.
Hi ! I went for a 2nd opinion today. Talked to an Onco/surgeon so he has experience doing this type of surgery (psoas muscle masses) Well...I have a smile on my face...He was just talking to me and asked me when I was Dx..I told him 2 1/2 years ago....he told me (like we know) that after 2 years we have a better much…
Horrible News
My Dad has been dealing with Stage IV colon cancer for almost exactly 3 years. He has amazed his Dr's with how well he has responded to each of the regimens they have had him on. He was told a few months ago that the cancer was back in his liver and there was only one treatment left to try but the Dr. said he didn't expect…
Rising CEA and PET scan
Hi All Semicolons, I was just wondering how much of a rise in CEA is needed to order a Pet scan. Mine went up in April so my Oncologist order a Pet. It showed nothing, so we retested CEA last week. It almost doubled, so now he wants another Pet scan. I'm not sure it will be approved by my insurance. The last one is still…
Hi all! I've noticed a lot of new visitors and posters on the board. Great to see you here (Sorry about what brought you here...but you HAVE found the right place). I am a 44 year old who survived stage 3 rectal cancer at the age of 36. Now, eight and one-half years later, I am living a wonderful life and remain cancer…
Chemo and Surgery
Good short article: http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20070605/4664dfc0_3ca6_1552620070605-1541249441
My dad's new result's
My Dad just got his biopsy results back and they show he has cancer now in his liver with 8-9 liver mets. He is now just getting ready to start chemo again, but we are all scared. Surgery for his liver is not an option, at least not right now. It might be later on, only if the mets get smaller with chemo. They are going to…
New to the group - Stage IV
Hi, my name is Christele. I was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago with colon cancer with mets on liver. I had no symptoms, nothing. It was found by accident. I'm 36 and I have a 9 months old baby. I feel like I have better things to do in life than dealing with cancer, but i now have to face it... I'm having surgery on tuesday…
Comments on my dad's new Med's
My dad will be taking leucovorin, irinotecan, fluorouracil (injection) and avastin. If any of you have taken any of this, please let me know how it worked for you. The Dr. was great and sat with us for over an hour and talked to us about what didn't work the last time and what he thought would work this time. Let me know.…
First chemo ever...
Dear friends, I'm having my 1rst dose of chemo (FOLFOX) on tuesday. Needless to say I'm a bit worried. What shoudl I expect? will I feel anything? I will be going home with a pump. What about that? how do you deal with it? Would love to hear any insights! Thanks, Christele 36 yrs old, stage IV, 10 mos old baby
sorafenib (Nexavar)???
Does anyone know if the new study about the drug that helps liver cancer also will help those with seconday liver cancer (liver mets)?????? Here is the article below. Maybe they have not tired it yet on those with liver mets. For the first time, doctors said Monday they have found a pill that improves survival for people…
My Father's Path Report
Well the report was released to my Dad's GP and it appears that the lesion found during the re-section was 4mm's wide by 2mms deep. The deepest tissue that it penetrated was the sub-mucosa and it was classed as a low grade lesion. The home care nurse was in this morning and she works as an oncology nurse in addition to…
Upcoming CAT scan...
Hi everyone. Hope you are all doing well. I read your posts almost everyday and always keep you all in my prayers. My dad is going for his follow-up CAT scan on Monday. We will be getting the results the following week. This time is always an anxious time for me. He has been NED since September and as I mentioned before,…
Inspirational cancer clip
hi there I wanted to share my cancer video with you all here. I am 35 and was dx stage 3 bc, in sept 2005. I hope you enjoy it. http://one.revver.com/watch/282100/flv/affiliate/90478
Going to Alaska...maybe a song...lol
Leaving EARLY (6:30am flight) tomorrow to fly to Vancouver...7 day cruise.... Take care, all....sigh...7 days WITHOUT a computer.... Hugs, kathi
Still NED! 18 tumors are history!
Just wanted to say that I endured my check-up at MDA two weeks ago & I'm still NED! Good news makes these nasty tests worth it. GOODBYE to one rectal tumor, 12 liver tumors and five lung tumors. Thanks for all of your support! Much love, Aileen
FIL fighting the beast... ugh
Hi all. Been a while since I've posted, but I read often. Found out yesterday my father-in-law has lung cancer. The staging and typing aren't in yet, but it is definitely lung cancer. Hi general health and age (80) make him a poor candidate for surgery so they're discussing radiation as a pallative measure. I, meanwhile,…
Jaw Pain?!?!
My hubby has had 1 FOLFOX4 treatment and has severe Jaw pain, like really bad TMJ. Has anyone experienced this?
questions loss of lower body strength
I was sent to physical therapy today. And I am needing surgery again soon, but she said I have no lower body strength. With all the surgeries I have had. I don't know if this is normal or not.
Cancer Centers of America?
Hello Online Family! ; ) I hope you all are safe, happy, and doing well today! Also, I hope you all have a terrific upcoming weekend, too! ; ) Now, onto business... ; ) Does anyone know anything about these "Cancer Treatment Centers of America?" My mom mentioned them to me; so I decided to call and ended up talking with a…
Had my CT Scan and bloodwork done on Friday, 25 May 07. Got results on 31 May 07. ALL CLEAR and CEA was till 0.5. I thank GOD for letting me stay CLEAR!!!!!!!!! I want to also THANK MY FAMILY here for their support, guidance and love.
2 Years 8 Months and Still NED
Hi All, I had my 4 month CT and blood work on Tuesday. I typically have my CT early enough in the day that my doctor will have the results by the time I see him. On Tuesday, the hospital (I believe) goofed on my check-in time and I didn't get the results until Wednesday. I hate when the phone rings and you have to face the…
Results Are In
Well the Dr called last night. All we know is that the results of the re-section are good. The dr said that they removed 14 inches of my Father's sigmoid colon and that in the 14 inches only 4mm's had cancer cells. I asked my Dad if he had staged it but he had said that all the dr said is he'll give him the pathology…
help moving forward after treatment
i finished chemo (13 rounds of folfox) eight weeks ago, had my ileostomy reversed four weeks ago and am doing very well with my physical health. however, i am having a very hard time moving forward emotionally. a little background... 25 yr old female diagnosed with stage iv rectal cancer with liver mets a year ago this…
The Port is in!
Thank you all who gave me your input about having a port put in. I was indeed asleep and now I'm experiencing soreness in my shoulder, but no real pain. I also thought it would stick out more but it's not so bad. Thanks again. Christele 36 yrs old stage IV, 10 mos old baby
nearly through with chemo
I have been a real trooper through the first 9 of 12 folfox treatments. I'm elated that there are only 3 left. I worked full time through all of it. I kept a wonderful attitude. Why am I now terrified of next Tuesday's chemo session? Why, when I'm nearly at the end, have I suddenly lost my good attitude? I absolutely dread…