Inspirational saying....Colon Cancer Alliance front page...
On the main page of CCA today....thought it was great! When you come to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: there will be something solid for you to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly. Patrick Overton…
My Father is home finally
Hello all. Well exactly one week after his colon re-section my Father was released from the hospital. What a nightmare week it has been. It all started the evening of his surgery at about 8:00pm when he developed what he calls un-describeable pain and the nurse told him that he should use his PCA pump. He did (6 doses in 4…
Hey girl... Just read an article from Sept. 06 in the Readers Digest that you wrote...Good that you are spreading the word about getting colonoscopies before you are 50...Who knows how many lives you saved....On my side...all my aunts/uncles have had one in the last year....
Thanks all, and get ready for 'GETYOURREARINGEAR'
Thanks for all the celebration for me! I have SUCH a GREAT family here!!! So, my NEW project, now that I am still cancer free, is to have a 5K known as Get Your Rear In Gear....colorectal cancer walk/run....in California....I know, I know...lots of work...but it is such a good cause... Yea! I feel so light and free!!!! I…
What have I done?
Hi Online Family... Hope everyone is safe, happy, and doing well today and always! ;) Also, and please reference this post to my previous post titled :My Family Letter - is my mom dying everyone?. I've been thinking about the longevity of my mom's life; what are we really looking at here. I mean, the woman's been through…
Nervous about lung biopsy
Hello All, My husband and I are meeting with the surgeon in a few hours for a consult about a possible biopsy of a lung "spot". Any words of wisdon regarding what questions I should ask? (CT scan showed three spots...two were 8mm and one was 3mm.) Thanks! Hana
Question...Need Help!
Hi to all- My mom, stage 4, with mets to both adrenal glands is having unexplained pain to lower left side. The pain started about 10 days ago in lower left side and spreads around to her back. She has been to the doctor and he ordered a CT scan and complete blood work. The good news is that nothing was detected except the…
Has anyone heard of this tree from the amazon? This was sent to me by a friend and I started doing some research. Just wondering if anyone is taking or has any exposure to this. thanks Limey
hello all
Hey guys and gals, Hoping everyone is doing well dealing with the dragon. I am having a bad last couple of days. Just need to vent(sorry). Things are starting to worry me. I have been out on disability since nov 06. The bills are starting to pile up. Now wife is not happy with her job. I want to get back to work but I am…
Good News
Hi All. Just got back from the Onc and it was good news. My web page has the details on my cancer. So anyway, the good news. Liver tumor - for sure gone gone gone. Tumors in my abdomen - NED. last tumor was on my pelvis and the rediolisigst wrote that he was not willing to clasify it as a tumor now as it does not show…
Scans next week
I haven't posted for awhile, but I've been reading and praying for all of you. This is a great site to come to when you want to read encouraging stories and share in happiness and sometimes sorrow. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really a part of all of you as I am not the patient, but the caregiver. I don't want to pretend…
another mini update
Had my appt. with my onco...like I mentioned before, nothing else "light up" on the Pet scan. Onco said that for this surgery to be a sucess...the surgeon will have to find the tumors..reason..they are to small !and also the location..Any suggestion ? Mi concern is that I really don't see another choice. In 6 months one…
Chemo postponed!
Hi to all, If you recall my previous post, I was asking you guys about working, the side effects, etc. I had my bloodwork and dr. app't yesterday, my WBC was too low and also my platelets. I'm having significant side effects and now it is affecting my blood levels. He told me that he felt I needed a break from the regimen.…
Remembering Sweet Baby Girl Andrea
Hi Everyone, May 10th will mark the first anniversary of the passing of Sweet Baby Girl Andrea Elder. Please take a moment today and remember this truly special young women that we all came to admire for her courage, strength and determination in the fight. Andrea was one of a kind and is truly missed by all who knew her.…
Anyone else work during treatment?
I'll be doing my 5th treatment this week. I've been doing them at the hospital as inpatient but last go around I did outpatient. This last treatment was absolutely the worst. I called the dr's office and they did blood work last week to check my WBC, etc. My results were very good despite the "chemo". The onc nurse said…
AWOL for a long time
Hi online family!!! I've had some things going on in my life that kept me away from here. I now know that I'm sorry I was away because I miss all the support from my online family. I finally just got caught up on posts. I guess I just want to vent a little. I'm usually the upbeat one but I've been a little down. For all…
night care
Did anyone read the article in the June Reader's Digest about "night care in the hospital"? I remember being able to tell a big difference in the staff. Not saying there are no good nurses and doctors on duty, but there weren't as many good ones at night. Even in ICU there was a nurse that still gives me nightmares. Jo Ann
Customized Chemo Cocktails (?)
Dearest Semi-Colons, For two years I have turned to you all for knowledge, support, and a sense of encouragement. Thank you so much!!! BUT...I have been too shy to post...Now, however, I want to let you all know about something I just learned about and get your take on it. First my story: At the age of 49 and one month, I…
Hi Guy, Just wanted to let you know that some serious prayers have been coming your way from down south. Let me know your results as you find the time. Hugs and kisses, Lisa P.
Volunteer - Oncology Wing
I have decided to volunteer one day a month at the hospital I received my chemotherapy treatment and are asking for prayers to give me the guidance I will need to help others. Volunterr orientation is scheduled for 4 June 07.
Bananna Smoothie REDI-CAT????
Ok, so, now they have tried one more way to make barium less yucky...I had my choice between Banana and Berry Redi-cat for my CT scan....neither was wonderful...sigh... Both the MRI and the CT Scan are done now....just waiting on the results...MAJOR headache...I told the tech yesterday that I just don't do 'patient' well…
Going to my 1st Relay for Life
I am finally able to go to my 1st Realy for Life 5-18-2007. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in late Oct. 2004 and every year since have had just had surgery or was recovering from it. So this is a BIG day for me. I will have my husband and 4 children by my side when I walk the Survivor walk. I am planning on walking the…
Looks like a party!
Good Morning, Everyone! Well, I just got confirmation from the Hilton Downtown Nashville that the following have reserved their rooms for Colon Palooza 5 to take place Sept 12 to 16 in Nashville, TN. Ying (JADot) Lisa & Andy (Lisa Rose) Bob & Katie (SpongeBob & USAKat) Lisa (scouty) Kerry (Kerry! lol) Betsy & hubby…
The cancer is back...
Hey everyone....I havent written in awhile but had a PET scan yesterday and it came back that the cancer is back...it showed up in my lungs. I have heard of it coming back in the liver but not the lungs...has anyone had this happen?
Just want to Thank everyone for the replies.
I had my family with me for the 1st lap for survivors. I felt overvelmed but it was GREAT to finally be able to go. We got there at 3:00 pm and stayed for the Luminary ceremony I lost my Mom and brother to cancer, so we stayed for it. I got to light their candles and cried but I felt like she was with me. It was windy and…
Sir Spheres!!
Hello and best wishes to all, I would love to know if any of you have ever used Sir Spheres or SIRT as treatment for liver mets, I have not seen it mentioned here. I do not post often but read daily and admire you all, my husband was diagnosed stage4 rectal with liver mets in april 05 and we have been going with treatments…
Latest Update!!!
Hi, Here is the latest updated: I talked to both of my parents and I am very upset. My dad told my mother today that he thinks he is going to cancel his appointment with the new Dr. I was really talking to my mom on the phone and she told me that was what dad had told her today, so she told me which intern upset me. Then I…
too much crap too deal with
I hope you guys don't mind but I just really need an outlet right now to vent. I've been keeping too much to myself. I went in for my scan this week. Results will follow this Monday. I noticed yesterday that I have a swollen lymph node in my groin on one side.This really freaks me out. My cea was fine six weeks ago.I'm…
God is good....the nurse just called....No new tumors...same old small tumors on my psoas muscle...believe or not I was hoping for a spontaneus remission, but I will celebrate this...I have an appt. with the Dr. next Tuesday...I supposed to discuss surgery...I'm on my way to meet NED again....Thanks for your words..they…
GOOD NEWS................
Wowie, Wowie, Naked Happy Dance..Yeah, Dennis and I just got home from oncologists office.All scans are clear.Just overwhelmed here. Thank you all for your encouragement and support, as I type this the happy tears just continue. Patti