The uniqueness of tumor/cancer cells
Spent the day in ER with my husband
i woke up to hear him throwing up and super pale in incredible pain. I was afraid his biliary stent dislodged. After a waste of time ultrasound, they did a ct scan and it was not that or his liver. In fact all his liver functions look great, not pancreatitis either. His white blood cell and neutrophil counts were elevated…
3 month scan
Just got results from Dr. Today and all tumors have shrunk by at least 25%. Sure beats being told I had two months 5 months ago.
Nodules in lung
So my CT SCAN in December showed 2 nodules in my left lung. Latest scan, 3 months later, shows they have grown by 25%. One has spiculated borders which indicates cancer. Saw oncologist and he ordered PET scan next Thursday. He said they are small... they might not be cancerous but most likely are... chemo and possibly…
Ileostomy Reversal - My Experience
As promised, this is the first installment of several posts that describe my ilesotomy reversal surgery and recovery. I have decided to contain the information to weekly periods of time since my hospital stay was almost one week. Background: I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in May 2017 (stage II clinical). In July and…
apprehensive about upcoming HIPEC
I have just begun Oxaliplatin IV, every three weeks and Xeloda pills daily. So far, my worst side effects have been from the Oxaliplatin. The neuropathy in my hands is terrifying, as I need my dexterity in my hands for my work and passion: designing and constructing clothing. It is also very painful after only one…
Panitumumab- My Experience
There have been some questions about this so I thought I'd start a post to tell what it's like to be on it. It's an immunotherapy chemo that won't work for everyone, your colon cancer has to be vulnerable to it. I'm on it for the second time now so I thought I'd share what it's been like so far. Both times it took about 8…
Husband just diagnosed. Waiting on surgery consult
My husband had his first Colonoscopy this past Monday. We received the biopsy report Thursday that the polyp was cancerous .9cm of the 1.2cm polyp . Dr explained that he got the whole polyp and the stalk was clear/uninvolved. He said the cancer cells were in the tip of the polyp so husband was basically cancer free since…
It's PET scan time
DH will have his first PET scan since diagnosis. He's been blessed with 2 clear CT scans So far. Praying for the same next week with the PET scan. He doesn't seem to be worried and says he actually feels peacefully about this test. I on the other hand just want it done and over with so we can celebrate or deal with the…
Where's darcher?
Has anyone seen darcher? I suddenly remember him. I haven't seen him here lately, not that I'm here regularly...lol. I hope he's doing good and enjoying his big macs. LOL!
Folfox or Capox
Hi there, My mom was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer Stage 3B. She will be starting her first round of chemo within the next week. My brother (who is doctor but not an oncologist) and I have read and researched the differences between Folfox and Capox. We were both set on Capox but our mother's oncologist strongly…
surgery for my husband is set for May 1st
It’s going to be a bit easier he is going to ablate (burn) the tumor in the hard to resect lobe. This much less invasive and traumatic to his system. Then he will resect the area of the liver with the larger tumor, hoping there is no scar tissue it should not be too difficult. He is hoping this way he won’t need to rebuild…
Unsure diagnosis
Hi, I'm not sure really sure what I have and what the proper diagnosis would be if and when I were to go to a doctor so I thought this would be a good place to start. For the past few months I have been expeiricening changes in my stool. For example, there is almost always spots of blood in my stool, I have had tarry…
16 years cancer free today today!
Hello Everyone, 16 years cancer free today today! Just wanted to share and give hope to anyone just starting this journey. Diagnosed Stage 3C cancer in 10 lymph nodes at age 40. Surgery March 20, 2002 It is treatable and beatable. Wishing everyone a wonder day on this first day of spring. Lisa Rose
Has anyone heard from Bellen?
she has not posted in a long time and was having lots of problems with a tumor in her head near her ear, I know she was not feeling well and having many issues. I was just wondering if anyone knew how she was doing.
Starting Folfiri January 19th after 5 month chemo break
I've been off chemo since August 2017 due to an inflamed gallbladder and subsequent failed attempt to remove it. I had a biliary tube through my abdominal wall until the day before Thanksgiving, and was recovering from surgery through the first week of December. After that I started feeling better and flew to MD Anderson…
cancer using diatomaeous earth and apricot seeds
When I had my first colonoscopy I had two polyups that had cancer cells in them. They had not started growing yet. Went back in three years had another polyup with cancer cells not growing yet. I started drinking human grade diatomaeous earth and eating ground up apricot seeds which I froze to keep fresh and each time I…
Stage 4 CRC -- are trials worth it?
Hi everyone, I've already asked this before in a different post, but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask again in an attempt to make a rational decision. I'm currently have stage 4 colon cancer, been stage4 for 9 years, now age 44, male, really nice guy. Why is it the nicest people always get cancer? Anyway, here is my…
Another secret cure for cancer?
Okay, i've been reading everything i can on hidden secrets of curing cancer, and i've discovered something VERY interesting. Many people are claiming that apricot kernels, all by themselves, cure cancer! It would seem too simple to believe, but then i asked myself why is it illegal to sell apricot kernels? At any rate, i'm…
CEA level
Hi, my husband just had his sigmoid colon removed on Monday. His initial CEA level was .5 with the tumor that they removed. They also removed the lymph nodes around the area and the Dr. Said he didn’t see anything , however, the test do not come back until Friday . Can anyone share any knowledge on the probability that…
its my dad followup with oncologist his surgery was on 28 Nov it has been 4 months but still his HB is 10.5 todays report 2 april 2018which was 10.9 in feb 2018 and his eosinophils are 6.8 percent and calcium is 9.7 do i need to worry about his hb his report says iron deficiency his PET scan of jan was free of Mets and…
Itching after Liver Resection?
Hello everyone! My dh had an open liver resection two weeks ago and gallbladder also removed. Yesterday, he started having itching and redness on the palms of his hands and feet and ankles. I googled this and nothing good really came up. We will call the doctor in the morning because it is too late today to get a call…
trouble eating and swallowing
Hi all I am new to this group. I am going to be 60 next month and have been very much a 'glass half full' person. I usually find humor in even the darkest of days, but lately been having trouble remaining positive with chronic pain and chemo symptoms. I also have lupus, which complicates everything. I was diagnosed w/…
Mum’s rectal cancer stage 4-I just got the CT scan results and it’s not good-please advise
My mom has stage 4 rectal cancer with mets in liver and the lungs. The mets were diagnosed 20th of September (previous CT scan), it took us 1 month and 10 days to start chemo , she started Folfox 4 in November 1st, she had 4 rounds since then and doctor asked for a CT scan now to check progress. I just got the results…
Reeling from bad news...seems like my Doctor gave up on me
My story is typical I guess. After a couple of years of mysterious miscellaneous stomach and intestinal symptoms, I finally decided to have a colonoscopy that I had put off. I am 62, that was over a year ago in September. Low and behold, they found a mass and said it looked like cancer. I was pretty shocked and immediately…
Cold sensitivity
Hello all, My name is Traci and I am 53 years old. I am new on here and I am thankful that I found this site. I was diagnosed in August of 2017 with stage III colon cancer 8/24 nodes. I have had surgery to remove the cancer and will be having my last treatment soon. My question is that I started with the neuropathy in my…
CT scan results not favorable
Well, I had to go ahead and read my CT results on the patient portal, and they revealed I have gone from 3 spots on my liver in December to at least 17. They are growing rapidly. I have yet to consult with my Oncologists, but I am fearing the worst. If I wasn't a candidate for surgery with 3....how can they help me now? My…
Post Microwave ablation
I've been away from the boards awhile, dealing with the after effects of this surgery. I was told at first that I was going to have the Y90 procedure or possibly the TACE which is beads either laced with chemo or radiation inserted in the liver to get rid of liver tumors. I had six tumors. I posted previously that the…
Surgery finished
My post evaporated haha on a wifi at hospital. Anyway, my surgery is done. Four days later I can tell you it wasn't very pleasant. It was open surgery. I had no choice as to position in the middle of the kidney. Thanks to everyone for the support. It means a lot
Our appointment went well at Sloan today!
Dr Kingham wanted an mri so we have to do that before his appointment. I am not a huge fan of NYC or getting up early so tomorrow will be great fun lol the nurse said his tumor was in a difficult spot so I don’t know if we will get surgery. i feel no matter what they will want an HAI Pump which is good. If anyone reads…