Restaging?????? What Does That Mean?????
I have a PET scheduled for 9/26 and I got a letter in the mail from the Oncology Center saying this scan is for restaging. HUH? I thought once a IV always a IV...right??? Jennie
Scary Allergic Reaction!
Hey Semi-colons! Looks like there's been a little bit of a rumble in the room lately, huh? Sure glad my days of being in the middle of the fray are over (I hope). HA! So I'm back from my 30 year high school reunion weekend extravaganza and where do I land but in the ER! Not once but twice! YIKES! I'm driving with my son,…
Just Wondering???
I was just wondering where everyone is from? It seems like everyone is really far away mileage wise but glad that they are close in the cyberworld. We are in Tennessee just wondering if anyone was close by. Amy
Post treatment supplement list-neuropathy supplements included
Hi folks I'm posting this here because there have been some questions about supplements, especially for neuropathy, and I've been wanting to get this all down in one place as a reference for folks of what I'm doing. I'm adding supplements for the GI tract plus anti-cancer supplements, . So scroll down for the supplement…
LAR (low anterior resection)
Has anyone had the LAR procedure and, if so, what side effects did you experience? Did you have fecal incontinece?
gone over the edge
my dear semi colon family you are probably getting tired of the crazy chick from england csn should devote a board to mental health issues caused by cancer. need your prayers & good thoughts not doing so well today l basically flipped out this morning my husband not talking to me triggered it.l just started throwing things…
Singing for the Semis
Hey, folks. I was asked to sing a solo at church this morning. I've sung the song before, "Make Me A Channel of Your Peace." It's based on writings of St. Francis of Assisi. Anyway, I was nervous about it, but I found great comfort in thinking about all of y'all. The refrain says, "Oh, Master grant that I may never seek,…
Thanks everyone for all your help.
I recently posted several messages about problems I have been having with chemo and other stuff regarding colon cancer and I received many, many helpful responses which I haven't responded to until now. I'm sorry I haven't responded to all of your very kind messages and all your help before this. I was just too sick to do…
Just talked to Craig`s Wife - It appears to be good news
The spot was not on his lungs, it was in the general proximity. The surgeon said that the spot did not look cancerous but they are still waiting on tests. Craig is going to be in the papers for being the first recipient to receive this kind of surgery in North Texas. Who knew? Donna`s lion will be roaring for all of us.…
"Thank-you to the Old timers"
I want to send my personal thanks to the "old-timers" who continue to post & tell their stories. I know that once someone is "cured" or NED it is important to get back into a "normal" life and life is busy. I really appreciate it when people who have "won" this battle come onto the board take the time to share their…
History Of Cancer Timeline
I thought this was interesting. It shows how cancer has been around for a VERY long time. It was on the internet so take it for what it's worth... From the site http://www.cancerquest.org History Of Cancer Timeline
Tonight on 60 minutes
I thought I would let everyone no that on 60 minutes tonight they will be doing a segment on the KAZIUS cancer machine. Paula
Over a barrel....needing to vent....Sorry for the rambling
As for support....what support???? My mother lives with us and although she tries and means well it really is not at all helpful. She was also just diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma (skin cancer) and is awaiting some results from a pap smear to find out what is going on female wise. I am hoping that it is not cancer as…
Friday Riddle Answer
This weeks winner is PGLGreg. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: There were 4 people sitting in a row, trying to win $50 from a riddle. The one in front was wearing a red hat. The second from the front was wearing a blue hat. The third from the front was wearing a red hat. The last was wearing a blue hat and is blind-folded.…
Liver hypodensity
I was dx with stage 3 colon cancer in June 08, a right colectomy and chemo( folfox) for 6 months thru feb 09. My last ct this past Friday shows a 4mm liver hypodensity which is increased from 2mm in ct done December 08 does anybody have this similar result and what does it mean? I'm scared I hope it's not reccurence as I…
Craig or Eric
What paper is it going to be in. Do they have an online version? I hope so, otherwise one of you guys is gonna have to mail me the article.
New to this
Thank you to all who gave me such a warm welcome and inspiring words. I will certainly take them to heart and REALLY try to be positive. My kids and husband and his kids have been very supportive so I should count myself as being very lucky. Now with friends on this board, I CAN DO IT! Will keep you updated on my doc's…
feces after radiation is completed
My radiation oncologist told me that after radiation treatment was completed, I would pass blood and sluff off some of the cancer. Does anyone know what color the feces would be, and its consistency?
New Grandparent!!!
Wow even in the middle of life's difficult momements we have received a wonderful little blessing of good!!! Last night at 11:51pm our Grandson, Gavin, was born. He is our first grandchild and he is the most beautiful little thing there is. I promise not to gush too much, but I am so grateful to have been able to see this…
Nausea meds
Can you all help me with something? What are you taking for Nausea? In the hospital they gave my hubby Zolfran and it worked good. When he started the FOLFOX and pump for 46 hours they gave him a prescription for Compazine. This crap scares me when he takes it. The first time he took it for nausea he was laying in the bed…
Healthy Eating: Veganmofo
There has been some discussion on this board of late about a healthy diet being a good support for one's immune system during cancer treatment. I certainly know that we have hued to that purpose during my husband's treatment. Since my husband also has heart issues, I believe our low-fat diet has improved his heart function…
Our baby boy is here!
Just about one month after my husbands final chemo treatment we delivered a healthy and happy baby boy into this world! He was 7lbs 4oz and absolutely perfect! My husband is so in love with his little boy!!! Cancer will never tear this family apart!!
Safer in the wild?
I may be obsessed with this subject of health and cancer, but i guess i have enough reason to be, as most of us do. Just as there are plenty of things out there regarding food to treat and prevent cancer, there is a lot of information as to why so many of us may be getting cancer. This may, or may not be new information…
A week in hell.
I’m on my fourth week of chemotherapy treatment with 5-FU and Leucovorin, but not the Oxaliplatin, which I’ve been told is really nasty. I was also told that the side effects of just the 5-FU and Leucovorin are very mild and I probably wouldn’t even have any. After spending the last four days in bed with constant stomach…
LAR (low anterior resection)
Has anyone had the LAR procedure and, if so, what side effects did you experience? Did you have fecal incontinece?
New here and have a few questions
Hi everyone, I have been reading the board for the past few months and have found it to be such a supportive environment. Therefore, I wanted to introduce myself and stop lurking. My husband got diagnosed with Stage IV rectal cancer in January at the age of 34. We have a 3 year old son and were planning to add to our…
liver resection
My mom will have liver resection on 1th november, after 2 RF and 1 chemoembolozation.I would like to know what we should expect after surgery and how many days takes to recover and back to normal life? Her doctor says 7 days in hospital and 2 weeks for recovery.after one and a half month she could come back to the normal…
Ok anxiety disorder taking over need a firm talking to
my dear semi colon family after my bio yesterday lf any of you read it you will know l suffer from depression and panic & anxiety related disorder. firstly l have my 6th out of 8 chemo sessions on monday so would appreciate prayers and good thoughts that it goes well.secondly since my new anti depressants are still not…
chat site on CSN
where is the chat?
Everything for a reason?
I got the call from my younger brother today, as he was leaving his colonoscopy. In his words he was a "little loopy." It was funny because I could hear the medication wearing off as we talked, but he sounded drunk when he first called. They did find one small polyp and removed it. They will biopsy, but suspect it is not…