Juicing Info
Hi Semi-colons! Today the Hinterlands of Northern Minnesota is being socked with a huge winter storm. What a day to be in front of the woodstove snug in my cozy log cabin. Yesterday my little one (the one in the photo) and I took to the woods for some x-country skiing. This is such a magical time of year. It's also the…
What A Difference A Day Makes! **UPDATE**
So, to recap, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer in March 2009. He has been on Folfiri with Avastin, Folfox & now Erbitux with irritincan(sp). His CEA # started at 647 & went down to 7.9. At the end of last year, it went back up to 25. In the meantime, we have looked at going to NY for the HAI pump, and…
Off of Folfox
Went in for my 6th Folfox treatment today and doctor says no more Folfox. The neuropathy is getting too intense and she fears permanent disability if we continue. I will start Xeloda in a week and have my port taken out as soon as it can be scheduled. I have very mixed emotions about this but I do trust her as much…
Friday Riddle Answer (05 Feb)
05 Feb 10 Winner was dianetavegia. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: I cannot be felt, seen or touched; Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet I have my own style of music. What Am I? ANSWER: I'm a soul.
I was sent this link because I'd asked a question about Novalis when it first was mentioned under a thread on another forum several weeks ago. Not sure if this has been shared here. :-) NOVALIS INFO
Helpful info for new cancer patient
Where should I go online for good info,what books should I read,What can I do to improve my chances of beating this demon? I thank you all for being here. I have been reading your posts & have gotten some good info from them. There are many sites online-do you use certain ones for getting the info you need? I am in rural…
Went to San Diego Zoo today.. Check out Pic's
For all of you who are freezing.. DONT kill me , But it was like 78F today at the San Diego Zoo. BEAUTFUL DAY!!! (I posted some pic's on my expressions page)
IMRT next
After 7 months of 'remission' my colon cancer reaffirmed itself with two tumors in my left lung. I have been back on chemotherapy for 5 months with only marginal reduction in the tumors. I have now decided to seek radiation therapy in hopes to eliminate these tumors and maybe reduce my chemotherapy to a degree. Has anyone…
Another for Lisa42
This was just posted elsewhere: This just came through the C3 news feed, another update on the promising report from a study first reported in 2009 from Dr. Heinz-Lenz's blog: Inhibitor of AKT shows promising activity in colon cancer READ MORE HERE Briefly: At ASCO in June 2009 a study was presented showing potential…
Post surgery infection
Has anyone ever experienced post surgery infection. My husband had surgery for his rectal cancer Feb 1st. The news from pathology was great and we were really encouraged. But since last Wednesday he started feeling bad, a little weak no energy and in some kind of pain. Well I got his pain med filled but it didn't quite…
Blended up Veggie Soups
At times I go a bit overboard on the veggies that I buy....so I have started to make Cream Soups without the cream Cooked tomatos are so good for fighting cancer, that I start my soups with that base, add any vegetable. Onions and garlic if you like. Simmer, then blend it up, add a couple dashes of pepper and hot sauce (if…
Reading Room: RFA Effectiveness Review & Talking to Your Doctor about Liver Mets
C3 Advocates Contribute to RFA Effectiveness Review Posted: 16 Feb 2010 10:16 AM PST Written by Kate Murphy. How useful is radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in treating liver metastases from colorectal cancer? To answer that question, American Society for Clinical Oncology scientists included two C3 advocates, Rob Michelson…
Juicer question
I would like to get one and have been thinking about the Omega 8005. What brands and specific models do you recommend? Where to order from?
Pet and CT Scans ***Update
ALL CLEAR........NED. YES!!! ONC told me that I am clear and even better then before...any little thing that may have been lit up and questionable, is even gone! Nothing, nada! Next scan in 6 months. My blood work is good! On another note, I was put out on a Leave of Absence. ONC does not want me to stress over my job; he…
Reading Room: Stage II article
To Chemo or Not to Chemo: Evaluation of the Risk of Recurrence in Stage II Patients Posted: 15 Feb 2010 10:57 AM PST Written by Kate Murphy. Here’s a second article from C3 research advocate, Pam McAllister, based on information she learned at the 2010 GI Cancers Symposium in Orlando. Pam’s experience with colorectal…
pet scan (deep breath) tomorrow
Prayers work and are appreciated.
Colon Cancer Awareness week/month?
Someone posted the day to wear blue for colon cancer awareness. Can you tell me what day that is? I sure wish more were being done to make folks aware....
Join my Facebook group!
If you are on FB, search for 'Cancer' in Groups & you'll find the group I created. Might be an easy way for us to link up on FB!
Anti Cancer, a new life **LISA
I don"t think he had this video out when I did my last post....on his book. http://www.amazon.com/Anticancer-New-Life-David-Servan-Schreiber/dp/0670020346 ********Lisa if you get to the part in the book that gives the author of the "You Can Conquer Cancer", can you let me know. I bought the Anti Cancer Book CDs and would…
To much stress will kill you
Wow what a day I have had I can't go into it all but trust me when I say enough is enough all ready. I am so stressed out I can hardly breath need a break from cancer and life in general. Alot is going on right now and I need to sit back and just try to relax got husbands surgery next monday and need to get my act together…
Grand kids got their baths and I have them lined up by the door, facing the door.....waiting for Mo
What an adventure we had this weekend! Blake opened a packet of oatmeal and proceeded to dump it on his head and ran all over the house, so I wouldn't catch him... Needless to say, I had to vacuum the whole house right before our popcorn and a movie.....age 2 Ava threw up on the carpet...then in her play pen age 1 Rylee…
Some GOOD news!!! *** Update ***
It has been quite a while since I have posted. My mom (2b- T4 adenocarcinoma CC) is doing very well and has her energy level back. All her last test were all ok- hard to believe it has been over 1 year since the nightmare began. She is working full time plus some and can for the most part even keep up with the grandkids.…
Reposting this from yesterday's colonoscopy: I am looking for anyone that might explain why a 3 year wait on a colonoscopy when 2 polyps were removed- 2 small polyps were removed- one in the rectum and one in the cecum- like miles away from the original tumor. He doesn't think they are cancer, but will know after the…
LISA42 info
Published research demonstrates that colorectal cancers with mutated KRAS genes do not respond to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies such as Erbitux®. However, researchers believe that Imprime PGG® uses the body's own immune system by engaging a type of white blood cell called the neutrophil to fight cancer cells that are…
Has religion in it, but this is really not a religious post. It's about cancer.
I had one of those times today. I was teaching my adult Sunday School class, and we always start by talking about people who are in need of prayer. We had so many new or recurring cases of cancer. I found myself suddenly very teary and had a hard time composing myself to carry on with the lesson. It just makes me sad to…
Informal Talk today Prevent & Treat Colorectal Cancer
I am going to be attending an informal talk today by a local oncologist on how to Prevent & Treat colorectal cancer. If you have any questions you would like for me to ask, let me know. The Greenville Memorial Hospital is sponsoring it at noon today.
Cancer from our environment ???????
I think many of us are now cancer folks from our environment. 10/06 our refrigerator quit making ice. Because our well water is filtered, I bypassed the refrigerator filter. Icemaker worked fine. A month later both my wife and I started have gastro problems. The icemaker quit 2 more times until I found that a substance was…
merinol or mediclal marijuana for nausea
HI, Has anyone used merino or medical marijuana for nausea? I've had such a bad time with nausea and when they give me more anti nausea drugs it does help but causes my colon to go to sleep for about 4-5 days. Then I get so backed up it's like giving child birth each time. I now am covered with hemorrhoids and have a small…
TUTORIAL: How to change your Avatar (Profile Photo)
I see that sometimes members ask how to do this or that. Here's a little video I made a while back on how to update or change your Avatar (Profile Photo). I can not change mine now since it is being used in the banner on the main page but I think I covered the steps needed in case anyone wants to to this. Using…
Another reason to never give up hope:
This date, 2/15, Medicalnewstoday.com cites an article to be published in Nature Cell Biology: "Protein That Triggers Cancer Spread Discovered", about a protein called disabled-2(Dab2) that supposedly switches on the process that releases cancer cells from original tumor, allowing spread and development of new…