Informal Talk today Prevent & Treat Colorectal Cancer

lizzydavis Member Posts: 893
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am going to be attending an informal talk today by a local oncologist on how to Prevent & Treat colorectal cancer. If you have any questions you would like for me to ask, let me know. The Greenville Memorial Hospital is sponsoring it at noon today.


  • SandyL
    SandyL Member Posts: 218
    How nice of you
    that would be an interesting talk. I will be anxious to hear what they recommend to prevent colon cancer. Also interested in knowing why more isn't being done to bring attention to this type of cancer. So many deaths could be avoided if only more people were aware of how important the colonoscopy is in early diagnosis. Have a fun day and bring us lots of information.