colonoscopy this afternoon-*update and now DONE
one would think after so many of these I would be used to the prep now. Ya know, I have found that I can whine about most anything! I am hopeful this is my last one for awhile and hope to continue the NED dance. *update oh I still have over an hour before I have this dumb thing done. And I feel so weak, so thirsty, dizzy-…
Can anyone give me the dates for this years Palooza? I have to submit a leave request and I need the dates.... Thanks Beth
ileoscomy and where are caloriers absorded,
Just wondering where calories are absorbed and how is this possible if most food just shoots through you, Also why is it that every part of me is smaller but my belly, are they putting extra fat in there each time they open me up. And why if you don't need it and they take it out to get to the organs can't they just leave…
Chemo.... what to expect??
I just had open surgery,had a tumor removed from my rectum and 60 lymph nodes... Im starting chemo march 1st for 6 months...5/fu .. leucovorin... oxioplatinum..what should i expect.. hair loss?...sickness?? loss of appetite?? mouth sores?
Scouty! Program for Colon Cancer Survivors UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing
Hi Lisa! I got an email and have spoken with Deborah's assistant regarding the study. My interview is set for Friday, Feb. 26th. I'm so excited. I spoke with the study assistant, Adrian, at length today and he wanted a copy of the Mediterranean Diet for himself. Thanks so much for passing on my info! I'll keep you updated.…
Horrible fatigue and neuropathy
I am 2 days away from my 6th round of FOLFOX and I have not had even one good day since the last treatment. I am so horribly fatigued that I feel like I am in zombie-land. This hasn't happened before...always had 5-6 days of not feeling on top of the world, so to speak, then bounced back to an acceptable level of…
10 year old colon cancer survivor
Yea, is that not the WORST thing you have ever heard? My daughter is doing a sociology internship and was at a children's hospital cancer ward. The onc's didn't know what to do with this poor child at first, treatments for colon cancer are designed for adults! So far he's hanging in there, but I cried when I heard. mary
Live from Vancouver!
Let the games begin! Olympic spirit has hit a fever pitch in Vancouver as the start of the 2010 Winter Games draws near. Yesterday I had to plan my Chemo trip to avoid the "torch relay" which is meandering through Vancouver and suburbs. Tomorrow morning Pam wants to drag me out at 6 AM so we can see California Governor…
HELP AVAILABLE TO MORE CANCER PATIENTS UNABLE TO COVER INSURANCE CO-PAYMENTS FOR TREATMENT NEW YORK, January 5, 2010 — Cancer patients who have health insurance but cannot meet their insurance co-payments for their treatments can receive financial help from the CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation. "Many patients…
Ovarian cancer but colon questions
I have a good friend who said to post my question here and not the ovarian board. I have had ovarian for seven years and the last year it has caused bowel incontinence. All the treatments I've been on has given me neuropathy of the colon, diagnosed about 3-4 years ago. But the past year has been hardest, I have had a tumor…
Texas Snow pictures
Well Brooks went to San Diego zoo. He had perfect weather (grrr) but in Texas we had a real treat. A Colorado snow storm. We are from Colorado and this was "real" snow, not the usual ice, it was wet and would make great snowmen! I have posted a few photos on my expressions page. I know those from "up north" might find this…
my scan results after 9 weeks of Dr. Cantrell's treatment
Hi Everyone, I had my PET/CT scan Wednesday and got the scan report today. I did already mention on another thread how I was sent home after yesterday's scan with a CD of the scan images. I looked at it and saw some lit up spots on my lungs, liver, and what I thought might also be elsewhere. Here's some of the news written…
Tx #8 going pretty well, all things considered
I admit I was pretty scared about another round of chemo after the allergic reactions. But everything we did this time seems to have helped. Yesterday at disconnect time, I was the best I've ever been for disconnect. That doesn't mean I felt great, but it means I didn't want to beg anyone to put a bullet to my head, or…
What was your most romantic Valentines Day
Happy Valentines Day everyone. I just thought it would be cool to find out what was your most romantic Valentines Day. Its time to think of LOVE instead of dread!!!!!JULIE
anyone heard from kapper48 or sundanceh
anyone heard how kapper48 is doing? and Sundanceh hasn't been on for a few days, hey guys if you are out there we miss hearing from you.
neuropathy in legs after 3rd treatment
Hi,This is my first post & it is the day after treatment. I am on Folfox & the first 2 days I am very shakey. My question is concerning what happened to me immediately when I got home from the hospital. I was ok after my 4 hours there & a 1 hour drive home but when I tried to go up the steps in our house I couldn't walk.…
Alternative Treatments
I am going to the Burzynski Clinic in Houston next week for a consultation on melanoma treatment. I am also considering these 2 alternative clinics 1) James Forsythe, MD called Century Wellness Clinic in Nevada and 2) the clinic of Mark Rosenberg, MD in Delray Beach, FL.Does anyone have experience with these clinics that…
really excited
I've been up for a few hours now. I saw my oncologist today, he was completely oblivious to Novalis Tx and the fact that there was one 15 minutes down the road. Novalis Tx is covered by my insurance and I have an appointment next week. What I'm most excited about though is the prospect of having my thyroid cancer treated.…
my cc surgen went to Hati
I was watching the local news tonight and they showed the group of doctors returning to Tulsa Oklahoma from Hati and my doctor Dr. Gregory Pittman was in the group he is a wonderfulsurgen I was so proud of him to go over there to help the poor people . He was the group that found a man alive after 21 days and then they…
Had a Good Treatment today
I finally had a good treatment this week..I didn't get sick hardly at all...A MIRICAL...They reduced my chemo by 50% and gave me antinausea meds with sedatives in it..I also started to take ginger root pills for neausea that seemed to help too..I also was on Zofran and dexatron...Then they pumped me up with fluids and…
Happy Valentine's Day Y'all
I'z jus' thankin' 'bout y'all this valentine's day. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Collards is green my dog's name is Blue and I'm so lucky to have a sweet thang like you. Yore hair is like cornsilk a-flapping in the breeze Softer than Blue's and without all them fleas. You move like the bass, which excite me in May. You ain't got no scales…
The fun of coloncancer
So if anybody knows me, they know I hate anything that has to do with the butt! This means going to the bathroom and anything that goes with that. Then (wicked I told you so music playing in my head)... I found out I have colon cancer. Okay cancer is bad enough.... But colon cancer? Why not breast cancer? I have 2 children…
new pics
Put some new pics of the grandson and family on my expression page.. If you like take a peek.... I tried to change my avatar but couldnt gt it to take..HELP... Sorry havent been around this past week, daughter and grandson visiting and keeping me very busy. Did get to see my new ONC will update all later.. baby is crying…
just got an ili, and it is differnt from my colonstomy, It puts out alot more liquid mesh, what i have to sy is like brown spoiled cabbabe that you find in the refrig draw after a long vataction,. super yuk. and ai am eating solid food now, and it is really all the same, also i am not felling full, i am getting hungrey…
Last FOLFOX today!
Treatment #12 complete, scan Feb 24... What a great feeling to have made it through, thanks for your help, we couldn't have made it without you all!
terms and abbreviations
As a fairly new Semicolon, I'm still trying to get a handle on all the shorthand used in messages here. So I was pleased to find this list of terms and abbreviations on The Colon Club site. If you see any errors in this list, please point them out. Hope this list is helpful to others: Many people new to this disease and…
Managing Pain-Still in Hospital
As some of you may know, my sister had what was supposed to be a liver resection 2/5. When they went in, they noticed too much cancer in her abdomen and her liver was "not resectable". They also noted a blockage in her upper colon, which they resected. It is now 8 days from the surgery and she is still in the hospital. We…
Update from Doctors
From My Onc >> JONATHAN A POLIKOFF MD Physician Status: Signed 2/10/2010 1:09 PM It was a small carcinoid tumor. Here's the path report summary: A. Appendix, appendectomy - CLASSIC CARCINOID TUMOR OF THE DISTAL TIP OF THE APPENDIX, 0.9 CM, WITH MINIMAL EXTENSION INTO THE PERIAPPENDICEAL ADIPOSE TISSUE - ALL MARGINS ARE…
Update on my husband
well we went for his (Dave)pre surgery test and all came back good lab was good and ekg was good bp up alittle as is his colestroal (sp) but not enough to worry about. We were gone 12 1/2 hrs yesterday on the road for 4 I am worn out . We will have the bladder cancer surgery on the 22nd. Thanks for your support and prayers…
caregiver--now it is my turn...prayers, please
Hello all, Many of you don't know me, but I am an oldie...My husband was diagnosed October, 2004 Stage IV. We still had 5 wonderful years together, but he went through so much and this board was my strength. He passed away on September 25, 2009...I am still trying to adjust to life on my own-everything is so difficult. As…