dry, cracked feet
my hoofs have been horrible through chemo and to this day. During chemo the soles of my hoofs were very dark (as were my hands) and I had trouble walking it hurt so bad. It took various creams, udder balm and whatever I could find to help them. It didn't end with chemo however- I worked with a hoof doctor (he had to remove…
To Chemo or Not To Chemo???????????
Hi Everyone... I haven't posted for the past week because I've been obsessing about the whole chemo decision. Had my rectal surgery on Dec 30th 09 and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Home on January 13th and had a great February--even though I continued to experience very irregular poops. February was a great month. I had…
Newbie... just got diagnosed w stage 3 colon cancer.. lots of questions???
Hello, After ignoring stomach problems for a long time, I finally went to see a gastro doctor. At my first visit, I went through my list of symptoms. I was fortunate he just didn’t tell me to eat more fiber like previous doctors. He went ahead and did a colonoscopy (since I am 41 and they are routinely done at age 45). He…
Does Neuropathy Cause Blood Blisters on Feet?
I just noticed what looks like a blood blister on the tip of my big toe. It's about the size of a dime. I didn't injure my foot. At least if I did... I didn't feel it. It don't hurt.... just feels kinda numb and tingly.... and looks like its ready to bleed at any moment. I just wondered if nerve damage can cause something…
Friday Thought of the Day
“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” ~ Joseph Campbell
Sometimes I just get tired of it ~UPDATE POSTED~
You know what? Some days I just get tired of the whole thing. Sometimes it hard to be positive when going through cancer. Most days I'm fine but today it's just too much. I know I'll be fine and I'll get out of today’s slump. But does anyone else just get tired of it sometimes? Life is NOT funny sometimes Brooks
RFA question
Did you have MRI before RFA? Surg. Onc. just called and we are scheduled for MRI in March. They also had him sign a release yesterday for KRAS testing...
Maybe a dumb question...I'm not sure
Ok here goes...As some of you know I was taken off Folfox Feb.16th due to intense neuropathy in feet/legs/ and left hand.Started Xeloda on Feb.23rd. My feet and legs seem to be a smidge better but the left hand hasn't changed, especially numb on last joint of fingers.I am aware that it might take some time for this to be…
Digestive Enzymes ??
Emily (2Bhealed) mentioned using digestive enzymes when eating meat or cooked foods and I'd like more info on that. When I eat chicken or fish, I'm eating about 2 ounces of meats only. I do tend to have gas after eating huge amounts of some veggies so try to remember to take Beano (an enzyme) for that but I'd like to know…
Back still hurting very bad
I am going to my back doctor this afternoon to get adjusted and hope that works . I go to ONC friday and if it is still hurting we will have to look at maybe there being cancer some where else...Pray that I get relief today right now it is almost unbearable ....Thanks
Fistula after surgery, helpful advice needed.
Haven't been on the board for a few weeks since my husband really needed to be cared for. It's been six weeks since his surgery and he's still in bad shape. He's very weak and has lost a lot of weight. A lot of his problems are due to the pain from a fistula. He just finished 23 days of antibiotics but he can still feel…
First PET scan...
...all clear. And my surgeon says I don't have to see him for 3 months. I have scar tissue at the surgery site (transanal excision Sept. '09, followed by re-excision Oct. '09 due to positive margins) and he initially wanted to see me every month to watch it closely because scar tissue feels firm like tumor. Audrey
Thank you ALL
Hello Just wanted to drop a note to say thank you so much to everyone connected with this site. This was a wonderful place I could come to reach out and talk to so many whom have had direct or indirect contact with the big "C". You are an incredible group of people with such incredible strength,determination, hope, fight…
Photos of the youth I work with on Wednesday nights
Last night was 'Youth World Vision Night'. We have adopted a new child in Lesotho, South Africa after the girl we'd sponsored for many years moved away and couldn't be located. We wrote letters and the kids brought part of their allowances/ income to help support her, her family and the community. I've uploaded about 4…
neuropathy (feet & hands) after treatment
Is there anything to help neuropathy in hands and feet. Onc. says it should improve 4 - 6 months. Husband just completed 12 rounds of Folfox, he seems to think it is a little worse, or at least he feels well enough to notice...
The Reading Room: Nanosmart Particles/Time's "Tech Pioneers Who Will Change Your Life"
I thought you might find this interesting and hopeful. I did. Link: Time Magazine's "Tech Pioneers Who Will Change Your Life" Hatshepsut
My brother in law was diagnosed w/stage 3 colon cancer & has spread to his liver..I dont know much about it & he seeks me 4 advise since ive been battling breast cancer,any info please help!!! THANKS
Another question of change of plans in treatment HELP!
O.k. I will try to be breif! Last week I went in for treatment #10 of Folfox. I have been having a few issues witht he Oxaliplatin but last week it kind of all fell apart. I had an allergic reaction, not just the usual hives, but the full blown body shut down. So the onc said no more oxi! (Yea-right, well sort of)…
insurance news after a month
After much effort and waiting, I was given the news from my Health Net insurance rep that they sent a fax to my dr's office a whole week ago denying the drug Gemzar for treatment for me. I was almost expecting a denial at this point, but what even made me more upset was the way they were playing games. The day they…
marsh mellows are great!!!
Hey all illes, found out that marshmellows thicken the liquid, And on a lighter side i dropped the bag and got pooh water everywhere, big yuck, two days ago i droped the clipp in the toliet at mc donalds, the kids missed the school bus and my seal failed but i still had to take them to school, 14 days and counting until my…
Feeding tubes!!!!
Hello all! I would appreciate any advice you may have on this. My dad has stage 4 colon cancer. He has a g tube but is on tpn because his stomach is draining so badly. The doctor wants him off of the tpn due to his jaundice so he has given him the option of having a j tube or a "jet" tube. I have googled and racked my…
Another article on nanotechnology from medicalnewstoday.com
"Designer Nano Luggage to Carry Drugs to Disease Cells".....I;m surprised there's not more interest here on this potential way to attack cancer cells without harming noncancerous cells,which would make nanotechnology "patient-friendly" in that, unlike current chemo and radiation,much less side effects.......steve
Red Meat! In the news again..... Are YOU still not convinced?
This is on the news today. This info is on red meats, etc. and survival time for ovarian cancer but the same type info has been released regarding colon cancer: Good Diet May Aid Ovarian Cancer Survival Comparing Food Choices Healthy food patterns were linked with longer survival times, although some foods had a stronger…
Unsure how to proceed
How does a second opinion work? I'm currently involved (no treatment so far but many tests) with a reputable national accredited cancer center. I'm not fully on board with their recomended treatment plan so I've been gathering alot of info. on the net. The only place around that I would consider going for a second opinion…
CBS Early Show Anchor Harry Smith to Have Colonoscopy On-Air (plus 2 more)
C3 Research Update: CBS Early Show Anchor Harry Smith to Have Colonoscopy On-Air (plus 2 more) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBS Early Show Anchor Harry Smith to Have Colonoscopy On-Air Peter Yarrow Sings the Colonoscopy Song Colon Cancer Alliance Rings the NASDAQ Bell CBS…
Its been awhile....
Hi everyone!! Its been a bit thought i would update ya on our crazy life.. Well chris finished his 12 treatment and just before we could even get excited, our 16yr old who has crohns disease was rushed into emergency surgery for 4 hrs with a twisted bowel.. So at 16 she is on her SECOND bowel re-section! 5 days in the…
Any suggestions on how to retrain sleep position?
I am getting a colostomy (left side below the belt line) on March 19. As silly as it sounds, one of my biggest worries at the moment is how the heck I am going to sleep...for years have been either a left side or stomach sleeper, and I figure neither of those positions will be advisable or possible after surgery. Anyone…
Farrah snubbed at Oscar's!!
Did anyone else notice that Farrah Fawcett was not acknowledged during the memorial portion of the Oscar's last night? I'm so angry about this! Everyone at my Oscar's party last night says it's because she was not part of the "big" screen cinema scene. This isn't true! She has been in big screen movies. Could it be they…
Worried for Mom
My 78 year old mom was diagnosed with inoperable uterine cancer last year. She is curently undergoing weekly treatments of Taxol. However, she is still quiet anemic and is going to consult with the GI doctor tomorrow. She has never had a colonoscopy/endoscopy and is quite fearful. Her CEA is 1 and CA 125 is 31. Any…
need reassurance and ideas
I am a 33 year old woman who was diagnosed with colon cancer 4 years ago. I have been extremely lucky all the way around. When diagnosed, I was stage IIIC with 8 out of 12 lymph nodes positive. I did not have mets. I had surgery, a colostomy, 6 months of FOLFOX, and 6 weeks radiation. Then I had a hysterectomy and a…