my brother and his brush with polyps

Patteee Member Posts: 945
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My brother, age 47, had his first colonoscopy over a month ago. They found several, one large, one medium. Being a Vet and getting the exam at a Vet hospital, the word on the biopsy took fcrever. Like over a month. Nothing like taking care of our vets eh?
Anyway they did find the polyps were adenomas, which if left will turn into cancer. Everyone is happy obviously- but I find myself tearing up over it. So grateful that one more person does not have to go through what I have been through, truly feels as though my experience saved someone else from this beast.

Now, I have 2 more siblings who need colonoscopies- one would think they would wake up and move toward this life saving procedure, especially considering the family history.


  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 543 Member
    glad your brother went
    I have been trying to get my sister to go into the Dr for a colonoscopy since Dec. 2008 when I was diagnosed. She still has not gone in, I keep telling her to go, but she does not seem to listen. Both our mom and maternal grandma died from colon cancer so you would think she would get it. I am beyond frustrated. I am very glad for you and your brother that he went and all is well.
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    My final holdout was a sister, and when she finally got her colonoscopy they found a polyp that was precancerous! Another one saved from this mess! She is definitely glad she did it!
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm so glad your brother got checked! I know you're so relieved that he is being taken care of before it's a horrible problem.

  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    tootsie1 said:

    I'm so glad your brother got checked! I know you're so relieved that he is being taken care of before it's a horrible problem.


    My sister
    who is 59 went in for her first colonoscopy 2 months after my surgery.My situation seems to have terrified her. Good news is that she was polyps, nothing but a hemmorhoid.(sp?)

    Glad your brother is ok.

  • thready
    thready Member Posts: 474
    It will happen to someone else
    My sister who is 1 year older than I went in for her first test, no polyps, nothing all clear! I have two brothers that know they don't have problems so they are not going. I will keep trying! I think they assume that because they don't have symptoms they are fine.
  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member
    thready said:

    It will happen to someone else
    My sister who is 1 year older than I went in for her first test, no polyps, nothing all clear! I have two brothers that know they don't have problems so they are not going. I will keep trying! I think they assume that because they don't have symptoms they are fine.

    No Symptoms
    Tell your brothers that I had no symptoms either, but when I got my first colonoscopy I was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer. Four years after my colon resection, I'm still cancer-free. If I had waited till I had symptoms, no telling whether I would be here today or not. Food for thought.
  • shmurciakova
    shmurciakova Member Posts: 906 Member
    Joy1216 said:

    No Symptoms
    Tell your brothers that I had no symptoms either, but when I got my first colonoscopy I was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer. Four years after my colon resection, I'm still cancer-free. If I had waited till I had symptoms, no telling whether I would be here today or not. Food for thought.

    cool car.
    I just have to say that your car is awesome!
    Take care,
    Susan H.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342

    cool car.
    I just have to say that your car is awesome!
    Take care,
    Susan H.

    Awesome Patty!!!
    A HUGE WOOP!!!! WOOP!!!! to you (my arms in the air wooping it up for you like Arsenio only could) You saved a life, I wish I could save my husbands, he wont dare go for some reason...he says his bowels are fine, meanwhile I watch as he takes loads of ducolax and immodium...he has constipation one day, and diarrhea the next, I say that's not ok, and he promised me he'd get a colonoscopy while he was laid off, and he's been laid off since Oct 09 and will be headed back to work real soon. I'm so proud of you though that you got your brother to go and he got saved because of go girl!!!

    Hugssss and loveee!
  • jbondo
    jbondo Member Posts: 1
    your brother 47 years old
    HI I am new here first time today. I had colon caner and limp node cancer discovered in sept. 2008. Had part of my colon removed along with 22 limp nodes. Went through 6 months of kemo and am free of cancer right now, but still have over 200 polyps with one polyps possible cancer. No more operations for me at this time have had operation last year and I am tired. Am watching my ceas at 0.8 and feeling fine. Doing colonscopy every six months.I am 65 right now and will live a long time. Tell your brother he will be fine and to be checked every year. GOD BLESS AND LIVE A LONG LIFE . jim