"Super bug gene" spreading to US
There's a new gene called the NDM-1 gene, showing up up in people who have recently traveled to India or Pakistan, which enables many types of bacteria to develop antibody resistance. You'll proably read/hear more of this in the future. Hopefully it will be like SARS or Swine flu-much ado about not much but who knows?…
Honeybee Pollen Granules
Went to a farmer's market today and someone was selling the bee pollen granules. One of the claims are that it helps with the red/white blood cells therefore promoting a healthier immune system. Well I bought some. Seems that chemo has left me with both low counts so I'm up for trying it. Has anyone else tried this before,…
Found cancer on my ovary today. Dr thinks it stemmed from colon cancer.
I was dx with Stage IV cancer last July. On April 6th of this year I was declared NED. I had my first CT scan in July and it should an abnormal cyst on my remaining ovary. The dr said the markers did not indicate that it might be cancer. She wanted to remove it to be safe. Well, it did turn out that she could visually see…
Update on Pam - TACE round 2
Quick background: Pam was dx 12/23/08 stage iv with inoperable mets to liver. Folfox 6 w/avastin worked for 6 months, then on to Irinotecan and Xeloda which kept the tumors in check for 9 months. Over the summer, she had two TACE treatments targeting two large tumors in the right lobe. Last week we met with the onc and…
Pet scan and Cat scan done
Yesterday had my pet scan and cat scan done now to wait for the results.. Port put in Tomorrow at 9:30.
Forgot to do the Update:
Before we left for a short vacation a couple weeks ago had a visit with the oncologist. No bad news to report. The maintenance chemo continues to be doing its job. From everything the doc saw on blood tests, etc. the cancer is not progressing, George remains stable, hopefully the mets are still continuing to be gone and/or…
right breast being tender and swollen
I had an exam today and told my surgeon about my right breast being tender and swollen. He suggested a mammogram, ultrasound and a needle biopsy. My CT from April showed I was cancer free, free from colorectal. Has anyone heard of Colorectal cancer spreading the breast? My right breast is larger and quite tender. It has…
UPDATE: Colonoscopy completed - all good! Osmo Prep It IS....Bowels, start your engines
UPDATE: Colonoscopy completed. The Doctor mentioned that when she saw my name come up on her schedule she was "surprised" and I said "why, because I'm still alive?". she also mentioned that she doesnt always remember her patients but she remembered me and my husband, maybe cause of our Last Name, which is unique. Anyhoo,…
Not cancer related
Not cancer related, but need to vent. I work in childcare and I have been at the same center now for 10 years. two weeks ago, one of my first students died suddenly. he was riding his bike down a hill and his brakes failed. His brother, who is just a year older than him, was with him when he flew over his handle bars and…
No pocessed sugar + body PH Does anyone believe?
Many of you are well educated and know of many different chemo therapy treatments and know in most cases chemo does not cure colon cancer. I'm not the one with cancer, but why aren't more people trying alternative therapies? I read four books this summer on how to cure or stablize cancer with diet and all of them mentioned…
My heart aches
I haven't posted since December but I read all the posts. My heart aches for all the lost lives. I think about Melissa in California all the time and many others. Donna's sudden passing is still a shock for me and now the latest on Eric. I think of all of you daily. I have trouble sleeping at night as my mind races,…
Who knows where the next CRC drug will come from?
Need not be from the US of A....Ever hear of "Angiozyme?"......."JX-594"?....."Aflibercept (VEGF Trap)"? These are currently being tested abroad for potential use against colorectal cancer....You never know
Update on what has been happening with me since the cancer hit.
First I want to say this group is great! So many of you have helped me! I was diagnosed with colon cancer in April, 2009 and had a resection in May, 2009. The tumor was in the ascending colon and it was huge, 8.5 x 7.5 x 2.5 cm. I was staged at IIA and after a two month delay I started chemo. I didn’t do well on the chemo.…
Jim started folfox today- mouth sores already? Is this normal?
Jim just started on Oxaliplatin,Leucovorin, Avastin and 5-FU today. He is already developing mouth sores. He has been swishing all last week with hot salt water and just used some LIDODIPHEN/ANTACID EQUAL SUS EQUAL PART I don't know if that's what is what they call "magic mouthwash" but I'm concerned that he is having a…
chemo indefinitely
just had 10th chemo treatment. thought i only had 2 more to go. was excited when i saw doctor and he told me where did i get the idea that i only had 6 months of treatment. i said you told me that and he said no. that i will continue treatment. i was quite upset and he said we will take it month by month. that maybe i will…
To Eric
Eric if you read this, I'm sorry I troubled your friend Shawn on facebook. But we have all been worried about you, and I was desperate to know how you were doing. Shawn seems like a really great friend to you, and hopefully after he sees you today should get an update. Hugs Sonia
New concerned daughter
I am not sure what to say to everyone. I have read so many stories and feel that you are all amazing people who are brave and whose fight deserves a victory. I wanted to post a little about my mother to ask if anyone has had a similar regiemn and what kind of success was found. My mother was diagnosed in 04 with stage 3…
Home last night...
it was a little deeper than expected and they took half the lobe out still by VATS. I haven't got any path back yet so I know nothing right now. They gave me an epidural to localize the pain meds and it came out un beknowing to them or me wednesday night and I laid in pain medicine for 2 days and without any on the inside.…
Colon Cancer Stage 4
Hello My dad has been diagnosed with Colon cancer, he had 12 inches removed and has a colostomy bag. He had 33 treatments of radiation and chemo in the pill form. Now he has to have a port inserted. He went to this doctors visit without me and I am afraid he is not telling me the whole story. Anyway, I asked him if the…
$154.00 saved so far in costs, hoping it gets much more....
My Onc asked me to quit smoking, it's been rough, really rough, I admit to not totally having stopped, around 9:30 PM at night when my hubby lights one up and I smell it, I have to have one, sometimes two. But for a two and a half pack smoker a day, I'm doing pretty darn good. I resist all day long, hubby goes outside…
How many of you wish this board had a "like" button like Facebook does? Sometimes I just want to show support for my fellow warriors. Jo Ann
Darn - got my chest tube afterall
Well, things didn't go as I would like. I ended up with a chest tube late yesterday afternoon. Each x-ray showed more collapsing of my lung. It couldn't refill. I don't feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest anymore, but I'm really sore. The tube is close to my port. I can't do anything that uses my left chest…
Scans tomorrow
Hi everyone, I could use your prayers and good thoughts as I go in tomorrow at 2 p.m. for scans. I am on trials and this will be the first set of scans that I have been on the trial meds for the whole time. It's been 2 months since my last ones and I did have a very small amount of growth last time, but it was tiny and…
My Dad is struggling
Hi everybody, I haven't posted on here in a while but there have been many of you have sent kind replies to my posts in the past. I have been out of the country for the past 4 weeks and returned on Thursday to find my Dad has deteriorated rapidly. I spoke to him daily while i was away up until the week before i returned…
Something occurred to me a while back and with all the recent stories in the news I thought I'd share it. About six months ago I was at a bar to see some friends playing in a band. The big talk of my crowd was my recent cancer diagnosis. I had only told two of my friends but apperantly everyone in my group of fifteen or so…
FOLFIRI / Avastin
Hello, my wife has just started the FOLFIRI / Avastin regimen and is going for her second treatment tomorrow. It includes 5-FU and Irinotecan and she gets it every other week. She was on FOLFOX6 last year when it was only a stage III, it is now stage IV metastatic (ovary, abdomen, and liver). She is not on the Avastin yet…
Be gone for a week
Hello all I will be at a meditation retreat all next week and wanted to let you know. Thinking of all of you! all the best, Leslie
Having a hard time
I just needed to post this. I am having such a hard time as of late reading posts. My heart is so full of sadness for what all of you are going through including my hubby John (JR). He just told me the other day he is having more bad days than good. Being together for 27 years and married 25 he really didn't need to tell…
"colic" with Folfiri/Xeliri
Hi. I'm on Xeliri (similar to Folfiri) plus Avastin. I'm experiencing what my doctor refers to as "colic" (stomach cramps). This is in addition to the periodic diarrhea of course! The colic is pretty bad this round. Has anyone else experienced this and any suggestions for relief of the discomfort? I take Immodium for…
Hey ileo baggers – poop question
They have had me taking anti diarrhea meds from when they installed this bag. My poop is like pudding and I have to push it out of the bag. The doc took me off the meds and I went straight to diarrhea again. Feel real weak. I put myself back to ¼ dose of the diarrhea meds and back to pudding crap this morning. What the…