Stent in right urterer

Hi everyone. I havent been on here in awhile. Went yesterday (Fri) for my stent exchange, and I already prepared myself for the outcome. That the urterer is completely damaged from the radiation. I was mad when the dr told me. I go back in 2 to 3 weeks to have a lasix scan done to see how the kidneys are working. Then at that time I will make a decision of what to do. If my right kidney isnt working then we will remove the stint. If not then look at a metal stent which last longer. I am not a candidate for major surgery to rebuild it. any thoughts?...


  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    That bites
    I only had to have a stent temporarily for about 2 months I think in my right urterer, and those two months were horrible for me. I could feel that stent every time I moved, but I dreaded them taking it out even worse. I can't imagine what you must be going through having a stent for all this time, and having to go in for constant replacements and a metal stent sounds even worse. I don't have any solutions for you, I just wanted to say, I deeply sympathize with what you are going through. Will they be removing the right kidney if it isn't working? Can you get a transplant, or is it because we are cancer patients that you can't?
    Sorry I can't be of any help, but just wanted you to know, you have my greatest sympathies in having to deal with that, and the news you received.
    Winter Marie
  • RickMurtagh
    RickMurtagh Member Posts: 587 Member
    I lost the use of my left kidney due to urterer damage. I hope you get a better prognosis and your kidney remains viable. They are determining kidney function with a scan? I had a test done. Basically induced diarrhea for the kidneys. My imagination tells me it was a Renal something test. Measured the effective difference between the function of the two kidneys. Maybe that test would help you better determine what you want to do. I left the kidney in, what the heck, it was not causing me any problems.

    best wishes & peace
