Share Good News Here!
I'd like to start a regular post of Good News! It seems like some of us might be afraid to share the good news (no matter how big or small)... but we all need to hear the good news. Share it. Whatever you have that's going good... Share it! Cheers!
Confused about cancer scanning
I am due for colon cancer screening next month. My urologist recommended CT Colonography, Because of my age 81 and the fact that I had radiotherapy for prostate cancer earlier on this year, and also because it is much cheaper than colonoscopy. (I have no insurance or healthcare) However I have diverticulosis and I have…
"Scientists discover key process that allows colon cancer to metastasize"
at:medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-scientists-key-colon-cancer-metastasize.html tho any practical implications of this won;t be realized for a few years..... ecancer.org/news/3541 has some good info too on a different matter pertinent to CRC tx.....
Clinical Trial -- regorafenib - anyone on this? or have info?
If my husband can stay healthy for the next 10 days, he can start this trial. Hoping for some good results after 7 months without chemo, progression to lungs, failed clinical trial, infections, small bowel partial obstruction -- a real rollercoaster. Despite all that he still has a great attitude. Would be great if he…
Another scan... UPDATE
Dennis had another scan yesterday... we get the results tomorrow. For those that aren't familiar with our fight he was diganosed Feb 1st 2011 with stage lv (primary tumor in rectum and many large tumors all over his liver - bleeding internally). After chemo, rfa, colon resection,embolization and 65% of his liver (whole…
wobe mucos nem anyone?
my daughter was given a new supplement to add to her treatment . has anyone tried wobe mucos nem? I Can'T read the package, its German.
Happy Thanks giving
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in the USA, hugs, Marjan
Has anybody tried juicing?
I made my first post a few weeks ago. I am 28 y/o with Stage IV cancer. It started in the colon and liver, but now that I had my colon removed it is in the liver and also spread to the lungs. Unfortunately, I've used up all the chemo treatments and now am just trying everything I can find. I started juicing a few days ago,…
Well, I wish that I could post better news, but Rick isn't doing well as you all know, and may pass tomorrow. His pain meds keep getting increased, but I think he's stable now. His sister, who's a nurse, is staying with me to help out. Thank goodness. Take care all Cynthia
Thanksgiving thoughts
Just thinking on this holiday season... I am so thankful for so many things: God, family, my horses/pets, job, house, health but every holiday season I feel down a bit. Seems like everyone is happy and has the "perfect" family, also the commercialization bums me out. I also really feel bad for all those who have recently…
Update on the eggplant - having some fun...
I went back to my breast surgeon for what I had hoped would be the last time (nope, she wants me back in a month, but all looks good.) I brought with me a sign I made for Exam Room 1 (where she always sees me.) It is a picture of a large eggplant, with Exam Room 1 written above. I put the sign up before I went into the…
Another Brick in The Wall Pt. 2
Ok here's another "anyone else ever get this" situation. After infusion the past several times and while on the pump I get terrible hiccups. They get so bad that I start bringing stuff up from my stomach. It's like hiccups and acid reflux combined. My usual remedy is a large spoonful of peanut butter, but that doesn't even…
2b T4 N0 M0 anyone else have same ?? Newbie's wife looking for info:)
My husband at age 51 was recently diagnosed with this ..had re-section at moffitt and now meeting with team of doctors for care plan 2maro.. Anyone had same? What chemo plan worked or is working and what can we expect to go thru in up coming months?? We both are self employees ( outside of home) Any information from…
outpatient surgical center
Does this sound right??? I am having a pertonial resection excised at and outpatient facility as sameday surgery.. My back end never healed properly since the tissue was irradiated.. so my proctology is going to open it and close it back up... as same day surgery at an outpatient surgical center. I wantted it done at a…
A note from a VERY 'old-timer'....still alive and kickin' and NED!
8 years ago today, I was undergoing tests, scopes, etc for rectal bleeding and severe low back pain. Sadly, the day after Thanksgiving that year 2004, I heard those 3 life-changing words for the first time "You have cancer". And then, to my amazement, my very self controlled GI gal hugged me with tears in her eyes…
radiation destroying her insides?
i was wondering if anyone else has had the pain (and the solution) to having intense pain from radiation. primarily while peeing or pooping.. my mom is having tremendous pains while goin to the bathroom. it literally sounds like she is dying ... it doesn't matter what she eats either. any solutions??
Roller Coaster Ride
One thing seems for certain: when you're at the top of a natural high over something, you're about to go low again! I spent last weekend resting and getting my strength back from the surgery the week the before when some sneaky little punk nailed me in the back of the head with something new! About an hour after I got up…
gas pains
im getting camptosar as one of my chemos and the gas pains are horriable, anyone else on this that gets these pains????
there is always hope
Hello everyone, Its been awhile since i posted, i often lurk though, but wanted to stop in and say hello to all the old timers, and the new timers. LOL Im truly sorry anyone has to be here, but if you must you couldnt have found a better place or better people. I wanted to share my 4th re-birthday or anniversary with you…
Refusing Chemotherapy
I have recently had a recurrence of colon cancer, Stage IV, metastasized to the lung. Four years ago I had 3 nodules removed from my right lung, and then underwent 6 months of folfox. It was hard but I did it, and went 4 years cancer free. In January a nodule was detected on my left lung. It was easily removed surgically…
Here in the U.S. we're starting Thanksgiving week. For those abroad who don't know the origins of this holiday, it was originally observed in 1621 at the Massachusetts Bay Colony to celebrate the survival of the first year the pilgrims were there, and they only survived because of the help from their Indian neighbors who…
Update on Rick
Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a while, so I thought that I'd give a quick update on Rick's condition. He's been having a hard time lately, so any prayers for his comfort would be appreciated. He has fought the good fight, but I'm sorry to say that the beast seems to be taking its toll on his poor tired body. His pain…
ct scans
Well its that time again, ct abdo,chest and pelvis. 27 mths now, colon cancer then mets 10 mths later to liver lung and peritoneum. We are doing well, chemo for life. This is the time we find so hard ! the results, which we will recieve on the 29th of november. My husband is so brave, we are both praying for good news.…
CT results
Had CT on Wednesday and Vectibix is still doing it's job, before we started on Vectibix Roger's CEA was 4500 and is down to 108!! (WOW). The tumors are continuing to shrink in his liver and except for the rash issue things are going very good. His platelets have been dropping again down to 83, but as of now that is not a…
Hi mate ,it is FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the weekend?
Cinema today, tomorrow dinner with Friends, and sunday beach lunch with mum ,wife and sibiling! So back to our winter plans!. What about you mates?
Mom passed last wednesday 14/11
Since the starting of October has been a rough time for mom and family. Things started to go bad, initially the hospital admission for the ascitis and right pleural effusion, she was at hospital a week and during the next week she had to return to be drained three more times and then was sended to palliative care. A week…
Sill in hospital
I'm still in the hospital maybe leaving on Monday. Doctor came in to talk about path report he said that I had 3/27 positive nodes. All clear margins so please chjme in and let know what you think. Love and prayers. Pat
no appitite????
got bacc from vacation 2 weeks ago came down with the flu for 5 days and lost all my appitite, i was pretty sick in bed for 4 days straight, started feeling better, and it was chemo time again, i was disc. from my pump wed. now im hungry and want to eat but cant mouth and throat hurt, gag when im about to swallow food,…
Avastin approved
Well, got the first infusion of Avastin yesterday. Scans booked for first week in Jan., if the Avastin is effective for me will those scans show some improvement in a short amount of time, or does it take several months to know??
coffee in baden baden germany anyone ? Removab UPDATED
so here goes another alt therapy, any comments for or against. did you notice he would be feeling happy to send me the cost estimates. godlbless then, i just wonder if i will be happy when i see them. time will tell. so has anyone else research actually doing this treatment. its a shot into the peritoneal cavity as i read…