Fingers crossed
I tell you after my last treatment that sent me to two weeks in the hospital I was really dreading getting a treatment today. My ong said he tweaked the treatment. It's the third one with the new chemo Zaltrap. Pray I come through this treatment in one piece! Jeff
FUDA cancer center in china, anyone heard or had experience with it
Hey guys had anyone of you have heard of the Fuda cancer center in China. They saud that they work wonders there but I'm not sure about it. It has been featured in TV as the last hope for end stage cancers, but I'm not sure about it. Please post any comments or experiences if you had any. Thanks
FYI - Fakers on the internet - faking cancer
Yes, even on this site. A group of us here were sucked in by someone in the Chat Room several years ago - ostensibly an 18 year old, single mom with Leukemia. We eventually found significant holes in her story, and outed her. Everything is as described in the article I reference below. It's long, but worth the read. My son…
Great Quote that is....oh, so true
Great quote... "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans". John Lennon So true with cancer, huh? Deena
I'm Back Home
Wow it's been a long week but I'm back home. Glad to say that this surgery is behind me and I'm really sore and really tired, but I'm glad to be back in my own bed. Can't drive for a couple weeks, and certainly no cleaning/lifting (lol that's where hubby comes in). Hubby gets to make Thanksgiving dinner this year, but…
Latest Scan Results
I often don't post about my scans anymore. They've basically have been the same or go in cycles. My latest one is no different but since it's been a while I thought I'd get "up to date". It's also a time for reflection and to give thanks. I give thanks to my Oncologist, the surgeons who work with her, her staff, and…
Well......Looks like port is coming out *****UPDATE******
one way or another. Robert developed an infection with his port last week, so he was put on antibiotic, and the doc looks at it tomorrow. The skin is eroding away even as we speak. There is just a small strip of skin left across the top half, so it looks like it will have to be taken out, like it or not. I'd bet my last…
Sundanceh... Thank you!
Hi, my friend... don't go into hiding because I need you. I'm not always posting these days because I have been a bit down but I do visit the board a lot. You are always so positive and such a fighter - a true inspiration! I just wanted to thank you for sticking around and giving such valuable insight. I tell many about…
It Has Been Way Too Long :(
A GREAT BIG HUG AND HELLO TO ALL OLD TIMERS AND NEWBIES !!!!!!!!! It has been way too long since I have posted; but I do check-in periodically. I started a new job with Whole Foods Market in May 2012; working 65 hrs a week as well as taking care of all other Mother and Wife chores; whew................... time is flying…
I'm trying out a new pair of shoes with a couple miles to go...
I really don't post much anymore since being out of any treatment for awhile now. I still lurk and try to catch up but it's usually just too mentally time consuming. I find after reading a bad news post then contemplating a reply, I would think about it for hours afterward and it just stays with me. I really don't know how…
Donnare and Judieanne how are your husbands going?
My husband is still on the regorifineb, gets very tired. Has scan mid December and CEA tests this Friday. Fingers crossed. Hope you are all ok. Keep fighting and try to stay positive. Hugs Rubyrose
Autumn leaves, clinging on, it's how I feel!
In the black forest Germany, the leaves are a stunning range of greens, yellows and Gold and orange. The snow and winds have not come yet, they still cling to the trees. It's so beautiful. Then by the main river at Frankfurt, different trees, most are bare now. A few of these leaves on these equally beautiful trees hangon…
5 years
Hi, Everyone. I wanted to share that last Friday was my 5 year mark. NED!! Thanksgiving always brings thoughts of what happened and what could have happened, but this milestone was wonderful to reach. We had a lovely Thanksgiving with our daughter, her husband, and our 3 grandchildren. What a blessing! On Friday we took a…
Ascites with peritoneal canciroma secondary to colon cancer.
My boyfriend was diagnosed with colon cancer that has spread to peritoneal activity. Can anyone share their story. I'm really worried about my boyfriend He's only 30 and i want him to live a long healthy life.
Easing back from my "vacation"
It's been a pretty rough weekend here. Because of my hospital stay last weekend, my treatment was delayed by a day, getting it on Wednesday instead of Tuesday. That put my disconnect from the pump on Friday, but since I have a PICC, I was able to do that myself. Friday was my mom's birthday and my dad hosted a lovely…
Christmas Cards
Hi everyone, I have not been on for awhile. Just too hard some days.After thinking about the Christmas card list, this is what I have decided. In lieu of sending cards , I will be making a donation to the cancer fund. I have to find out where to send specifically for colorectal cancer. It shouldn't be too hard. I have lost…
confused about new doctor
Hey everyone I hope the Holidays were great for all of you. I have a question and am hoping some of you can help me out. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with a met to the sacrum and suspicious spots in the liver and lung in June of this year. The original oncologist had a plan which was utilize radiation to…
This is harder than I thought
If anyone remembers, I am the 18 year old son of my 55 year old mother with colon cancer. She was diagnosed in late July this year and by the looks of it, it seems to be pretty advanced. She's currently receiving chemotherapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering hospital in NYC. I'm pretty sure her chemo regimen is folxox,…
Holiday Cheer
As we start the holiday season I'd like to offer this eggnog recipe that I found and modified in an old cookbook. I like to blend the eggs in a blender instead of just whisking them because it makes for a much smoother mixture and incorporates the brandy (if you desire) much better. I also coddle the eggs first (quick one…
I have a question
hi all, haven't been on here awhile, but wanted to find out if anyone else felt this way. my dr. stopped the folfox after number 8 treatment but i find the neuropathy in fingers and toes has gotten worse as time goes by. also i missed number 11 this week because of the holiday and being i'm almost 3 weeks since…
How Lucky Can a Guy Get!?!?
It's ALMOST like I hit the lottery, but the rabbit has handlebars! I just LOVE these... She must know of my close relationship with the Man (or Woman) upstairs! And we BOTH have CANCER too!!!!! Attn; Beneficiary 21st May 2012 Greetings, Don't be offended, I came across your profile when I was browsing on the internet and…
Good scan, good news
Im only really a lurker here but in view of the waves of bad news that have been coming lately I thought id post the story of my recent scan that Ive posted elsewhere here too. I know that I, as a newbie, desperately searched for positive examples and at the moment my story is positive so perhaps it will beuseful to…
Am I getting better or just getting older...or both??????
Went for my semi-annual blood draw today. Normally it's a bit of a hassle...I have no fully working veins in my elbows anymore (thank you, cancer, for blowing them all!). This time, with the requested 'butterfly' pediatric needle, the tech hit the first time!!!! Good thing, too...the next try would have been the much more…
Very confused caregiver
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day with family, friends, and loved ones. I have a question about my husband's treatment plan. For those who don't remember, my husband was dx stage 4 rectal canncer with mets to liver in June 2011. He had chemo, liver resection, radiation. Then the surgery for…
great news from germany and guess who got irenotecan today
so i did my second chemo embolization targetting peritoneal mets and liver mets this time. i got mitomycin c, irenotecan and avastin pumped straight into the biggest tumours. then back again for another treatment 14dec, then a six week gap and back to germany for more treatments. prof vogels treatments ( google if…
really bummed out
thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and 5 days after being disconnected from my pump i still have terrible gas pain and a mouth full of sores!! im on my 6th round of folferi, 5 fu, camptosar and lukevorion....spelled wrong, sorry!! needless to say, i wont be mowing down food....my appitite is gone probley because…
It appears it may be too soon to launch Run 4 Life outside of family and friends. I certainly don't want to distract from the real purpose of Run 4 Life by its authenticity called into question since we're not totally there yet. DMJ, sorry for the snippy reply. It's been a rough day with a 2.5y...So, for those of you that…
Christmas/holiday card list has been sent out
If I had a regular email address for you, that is where I sent the list. Otherwise, I sent it to you here at the CSN email. You can contact me here via CSN email or at csncardmail@yahoo.com if you have any problems getting the list. Happy Holidays to all, Marie who loves kitties
oxy side effect..help!
Hi guys, Im on my second folfox treatment and my hands are all tingly of course which I expected...but im getting really bad cramps/muscle spasms in them as well. I don't know how to describe it really but (for instance) my thumb will go backwards and its hard to put it back down...my fingers will curve into a claw like…
Hi mates it is FRIDAY here any interesting plan for the weekend? ( In Rick's honour this must go on
I think is a sad Thanks giving day ,just a sad Thursday here ( not celebrating) but I think the fight must go on , Having and toasting with a glass of wine at your honour rick!. Well......tomorrow cinema, Sunday family lunch ( SWP) ,Standard winter plan! LOL. What about you mates?