Just wanted to say good luck for your first treatment tomorrow. The anticipation is so high right now for you and it will be until you get your first infustion. Just remember no cold drinks and if you are getting the steroids, you will be like the energizer bunny for a couple days. Let us know how you are doing. Starting…
Update on Mom
Hi everyone. I know I have not posted for awhile but I read posts every single day. I am so saddened of the few good bloggers passing, I could just imagine the sorrow their family is feeling. My mom is doing fine. She had 3 scans already and thankfully they are all clear. The tingling on the hand and feet were becoming…
pain after polyp removal
is it normal to have a dull ache and stabbing pains in your colon 8 days after colonoscopy and removal of polyps?
Hoxey clinic
Anyone have an opinion on the Hoxey. Clinic in TJ Mexico or has anyone been there???
What are people doing to beat stage 4 colon cancer
Hello my name is Bobby Flaherty and at the young age of 38 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. To say I was shocked is the understatement of the year. After years of misdiagnosed symptoms by my doctor I switched to another doctor who quickly sent me to a GI and they found a golf ball sized tumor in my colon. Two…
Well I'm at my oncologist' office, right now getting my infusion. I awoke this a.m. with pain below my ribs (left side thi time). He thinks it's progression. It could be from missing treatment the weekend of my surgery, not having Avastin for almost two months, or my body building a tolerance to the chemo. I am feeling…
Big Billy Is In the House
“You like him….you love him….you want some more of him!” Big Billy is back in the house, LOL! It’s been awhile, huh? Like many of you, I’ve been floor boarded with the recent chain of events concerning our boy Craig… I feel a special kinship towards him, because he was the guy who breathed life into me and made me tangible…
Hey Beebee, You have had a couple of weeks of treatment. Are you doing ok? Laz
Ongoing colonoscopy's?
It will be three years next week since dx. I had tumour removed from Bowel and have 4 spots in lung. One spot now scar tissue and will decide if,to,continue with chemo or have surgery to remove tumours in lung. Not sure which way to go? Continued chemo or surgery? Surgeon can rescect and wedge tumors. Chances of infection?…
really!!!!! hubby says I am always angry
it was like a big reveal for me today my friends.... out of the blue hubby tells me he thinks cancer has changed me forever...I am filled with anger says he.....and the anger results in my being constantly piz-ed off with him!!! I must confess to being quite shocked....totally agree that many years of stage IV have changed…
I could use some guidance outside the cancer arena
Hi, I am struggling in my personal life right now and as I sit here alone, I am truly scared. I have tried to work thru the issues with my spouse,. I have been telling myself and family that even if I divorce my spouse the problems will still be there, only doubled because I know without hesitation he will return to…
Goodbye SteveD
Hi all, just wanted to let you know that sadly Steve passed away on 2/7/13. His final days were very peaceful,he was finally free from pain and at home with me by his side. He found a lot of comfort in your support throughout his illness and I would like to thank you for that and wish you all well in your own journeys…
newly diagnosed w/ rectal cancer @ 37 y.o, advice needed xeloda v 5FU
Hi, I’ve been a long-time lurker on cancer forums due to my dad's prostate cancer. The forum advice and personal stories really helped me as I was with my dad every step of the way as he tried every treatment possible. Unfortunately, he passed on May 8th after a long and tough cancer battle. Now it’s my turn. During my…
Westie66 has passed
It is with sadness that we have learned of her passing. Please see the post on the original thread entitled "Westie66".
Do I dare say "Celebrate"?
What have any of you done to celebrate your end of treatment, clear scans, news of NED, etc? My husband just finished his 12 rounds of chemo. We want to do something really special to celebrate, like a trip or a party. He originally thought he wanted a belated birthday party (he turned 60 during treatment) but now thinks…
some good news
Hello old timers. It is now 7 years since dx with stage 4 colon cancer (mets to lungs and liver) and I am still here. I know I haven't posted much the last year but I do read many posts. I just had CT scan and shows NED. This is now 1.5 years since my last lung resection as clear. ( 4 lung resections, liver, resection,…
Cancer researchers worldwide are heralding the results of a "sensational" new study, in which a team from the University of Pennsylvania showed that a cancer patient's own immune cells can be genetically re-engineered to target and kill cancer cells. Though it's a preliminary study involving only three patients with…
Something for side effects.
Just wanted to mention and get some other's thoughts on taking something to help with side-effects of chemo. I am currently on the FOLFOX treatment and the effects (fatigue, loud noises bothering me, neuropathy, muscle spasms and cramping, and nausia) seem to be hitting me pretty hard. I got the standard compazine for…
Interventional Radiology for liver mets
Can anybody share their experience with having Interventional Radiology done on their liver mets? Thanks.
6 years ago today
I had my cytoreductive surgery for Stage IV Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of the Appendix. I was resected in 3 places, but was fortunate in that I never had a bag. My surgeon was extraordinarily skillful. I had several months of Intraperitoneal chemo, followed by 7 cycles of Folfox + Avastin. I am currently healthy, doing…
Weird question re colonoscopy prep and/or pre-procedure anxiety
Last night, doing my colonoscopy prep (and continuing today, post-CLEAR colonoscopy) my sense of smell went on super-overdrive. My husband came to bed and I asked him if he'd eaten any garlic yesterday. He'd had a piece of pizza for lunch, and was reeking of it (to me.) I've never noticed this on him before. Today at my…
Miserable family time...
When my dad was dx with Stage 4 colon cancer back in January this site was my savior. I dont think i would have made it through if it werent for the knowledgable folks here that serve as inspiration and angels to me and my family. I come back because I am again lost for what to do... My Dad was dx in January it came as a…
some bleeding from nose and congestions
Good Morning Everyone, Hope you are all well. It's been a while since I have been on the site. Mom is hanging in there with her treatements. Has anyone noticed blood pieces mixed with mucous coming out of their nose? Is this from the chemotherapy? Her oncologist seems to believe this is a non issue. But she is also saying…
Anger :(
My aunt, stage 4 colon cancer, diagnosed in 2011 (February), her son diagnosed with Esophageal cancer in Jan 2011, her husband passed suddenly in May of 2011, her son passed away April 2013. She's so angry at everyone. For the most part my brother and I take care of her (she is still struggling to do her daily things for…
Hi Mags. I've added you to the growing list of people to worry about. Lol. I've noticed you've been quiet since Steved passed. I'm guessing that has thrown you for a loop. Hope all is well with you. I can understand why some members are staying away. There's been so much heartache here lately. Take care, Chels
Craig? We're missing you
Hey buddy we are all a bit on the worried hoping it isn't your pain keeping you from us. I personally am trying to imagine you are simply taking a week off of work and not around a computer. At least that's what I'm hoping for rather then you being in pain. Or if the pain was too much the doc's got you in the hospital and…
Just had a consultation.
Just had a second consultation with the surgeon. I told him how much the radiation and Xeloda helped. He felt my tumor in the rectum and said it shrank from 5cm to 3-4cm, but still will shrink a little more. They agreed with my oncologist to go on a couple rounds of Folfox as of next week. MRI at the end of August and…
Vacation was great but all the results were bad.
Came home from Vacation (OBX) , And all the bad new dumped on me. My CEA level is over 100, PET scan showed a spot on my liver, And the doctor said I need another liver resection so as possible. The spot on my liver is blocking a duct, He is going to remove 30%. But this time he has to cut me open because I have to much…
I'm relatively new to this forum and most of you know him much more, but it's not secrete that you get attached to Craig fast. We haven't heard from him in days and we know that he is going trough really hard times. So please, Craig check in or anyone who is closer to him let us know what's up if it's appropriate. KEEP…
MRI results
Most of you know I had a CT scan 3 weeks ago and initially I was told it was clear. Then the official report mentioned a tiny nodule near the surface of the liver. So they scheduled an MRI which I did Tuesday. Well I got the results today from my oncologist and as I figured it was inconclusive. He said I could do a biopsy…