Dear Friends, Reading Craig's last post made me concerned for him more than eve. I don't know what to write to him, so I turn to you all. I believe in the power of collective human spirit and that's why I ask you all to pray, meditate for the well being of Craig and his loved ones As much as you can. Thank you, Laz
good MRI, the war beneath the waves
The CT in March showed shrinkage (repeat old news). The July MRI, including a high resolution liver scan and diffusion weighted scan for peritoneal mets is clean, consistent with the March CT. Relief. This past year wife has had several small, brief CEA surges and some climb in liver function values. The first CEA surge…
My husband's scan results - good news!
We had a great appointment yesterday. Started out with his port not being accessible to draw blood. After about an hour of the nurses trying 85 different things, they determined he would need some treatment they call Drain-o to open it up. The flushing was working, but no blood could be drawn. They said that would take…
If cancer is sneaky, so is chemo.
I'm just finishing my second Folfox and since during the first one I was pretty low energy and lethargic and my friend kennyt reported pretty serious numbness in the fingers after his second treatment, I freaked out a little bit. This time I have nothing so far. No horsey voice like last time, not much cold sensitivity,…
Experience with Dr. Emily Bergsland UCSF anyone?
Has anyone on this discussion board consulted with this oncologist at UCSF? She was recommended to me by Josef Lenz. She is traveling quite a bit and I may have trouble connecting with her, so I am also wondering if there are other oncologists at ucsf any of you would recommend. Still staging my rectal cancer, but it looks…
Wonderful news yesterday!....
Hey everyone, just wanted to update you all on Jason. He got his first CT Scan done after starting the new chemo in June (let me backtrack a bit.....he had a CT Scan done back in June which showed that the football size tumor on/in/around his colon had shrunk by 50%, which was great, BUT the "one" liver met had not only…
Anvirzel or oleandrin
Has anyone taken or heard anything about the drug Anvirzel, which is produced from the oleander plant? I have read about it on the web, but want to know if anyone has any personal experience with this drug.
Mom in hospital
I haven't and won't be on this board for while, my Mom had a heart stent put in and then fell and hit her head the night of, her brain is bleeding. This is day 6. She is on a respirator and the problem is tha she can get her blodd thinners for her heart beacuse it will cause her brain to bleed more. Today she actually…
Checking In Before Things Get Under Way…
Like a trained circus animal under Barnum & Bailey’s Big Tent, I jumped through every hoop of burning fire they put in my way… Jump higher, they said…..”hold your breath…” Under the Delusion of Control, they gave me rope…they put me behind the wheel and pretended that for awhile, I was actually driving the bus… Ahhh……The…
Just a bit of good news ...
As I am finishing up my second to last Folfiri treatment and two full years of surgeries, treatments, scans, and all the rest that comes with this monster ... I am taking just a moment to enjoy my bit of good news. I HAD A CLEAN CT SCAN!!! I know this is probably just temporary .. but it will feel good for a bit and I am…
Slight anal bleeding.
The way most of us found out that we have colorectal cancer is that we had blood in our stool. So did I. However 2-3 weeks into the radiation and Xeloda it stopped and so did my pain. I finished radiation about a month ago and I am on my second Folfox. I still don't see blood in my stool, but when I wipe the tissue paper…
1 Year After Chemo
Well today 1 year ago I was disconnected from the 6 months of chemo. I got the port out a few weeks later I cannot believe a whole year has gone by. I did have a small scare in Jan with a poly (pre-c) found and removed, but this is part of the way it will go for me. Most important it was not cancer. I have learned that I…
Grateful for discussion board
I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in June following the discovery of a mass during routine colonoscopy. Tumor removed at UCSF with pathology of cancer. No obvious invasion, but two prominent lymph nodes identified by CT scan and endoscopic ultrasound. Tumor Board at UCSF advised high probability of invasion and thus…
Caregiver being pushed away
Hello all! Just a question that has me boggled. I was in a long distance relationship since Jan 2011. I would go visit my bf every 2 months and stay for a couple of weeks. Last July, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. I spent July there with him and went to all his Dr's appts. He said I was his soul savour and his dream…
12 Months post colon anastomsis for sigmoid colon cancer stage 3 b.
My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 b colon cancer in the sigmoid colon in august 2012. A 50 mm adenocarcinoma was found and 2 out of 35 lymph nodes were affected. A treatment regime of 6 months of folfox 6 (5fu and oxaliplatin) followed. That finished in April 2013. A ct was performed at the end of April and that showed…
Vitamin D and colon cancer
Chlorella, 4Life Transfer Factor, & Cell Food
Hi everyone... In my battle to get my platlets up so I can get chemo, I went to the vitamin store and they recommended the following. I have researched on line but I figured I go to the experts (you all) to see if you have any experience with these: Chlorella 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Cell Food Thank you for the feedback.…
Thinking about it, I believe I started having "chemo brain" before I started chemo back in May After my diagnosis. The definition of chemo brains: difficulty of remembering names, common words, multitasking, concentrating, short attention plan. I think it should be added that patients are also extremely emotional. I myself…
I hear sugar feeds cancer. Are there people out there that don't fully cut sugar from diet. How are results?
NED means Zero CEA?
I'm wondering when you have NED does the CEA have to be zero? Laz
Cancer - Live Interrupted.
i found this while reading this morning and thought I'd share. she is an awesome writer, and her journey is so simliar to colon cancer fighters. i thought you all might like to read what she shares. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/category/voices-2/life/
coaching article
Hello all. If you are interested here is a little article about my cancer. I did it as a thanks to my family and awareness that even though it is tough, there is a chance of hope. http://syvnews.com/sports/syv-coach-beats-the-odds/article_21518866-0a2d-11e3-ac12-0019bb2963f4.html All my best to everyone fighting and…
Bacteria in mouth may trigger colorectal cancer
The sugar debate
Glucose vs meat vs veggies vs regular; what a trip thru all the responses. Best time I've had reading in a while. Since there were no actual biochemistry majors with comments other than look at what so & so study showed, I have used deductive reasoning to conclude that you can't put people in box. No box is a perfect fit…
Avistan minus chemo
I am scheduled for my 18th folfox tx w/avistan. I had surgery in June, was four weeks before and four weeks after without avistan. During this time my liver tumors enlarged, but nothing metastisized (pet scan two weeks ago, because of pain when breathing, difficulty breathing). My infusion last week was my third with…
cause of breathlessness/pain
Got a call from doctor who read my echocardiogram. He said he thiinks he knows why I've been short of breath/pain...it showed some degree of heart failure. I see the heart specialist tomorrow; probable procedure next week. When it rains, it pours! Judy
Title edited: I'm an idiot.
Sorry about that, you guys! Wrote this post in a hurry before leaving, didn't really think how it would sound. I promise it wasn't a ploy to get your attention (although it worked, I guess). Glad to be back, and see that everyone is doing more or less ok. As long as we're still arguing about sugar, all is well. AA Here I…
Hi all, My mum was admitted to the hospital last Thursday with nausea, vomiting and severe pain in abdo....they x rayed and saw a slight obstruction...The treated this with fluids, plenty of pain releif and some stool softner...she went on her own saturday mornign and was home saturday afternoon.... She has still been a…
fatigue from chemo?
Hi All, I haven't been on here in quite a while, in fact I had trouble finding the site. It isn't because the subject has left my mind..always there. Had my daughters graduation, and a few other things that kept me busy all summer. I had my year after colonoscopy and Dr. said it was clear as a bell, had my year after scan…
my wife's passing
My wife passed away 2 days ago on the 12 at home under Hospice's care from this dreadfull disease. It had metastasized to her liver, lungs and pelvic bone. The cancer on the pelvic bone had lodge close to the sciatic nerve ending which would cause excruciating shooting pain down her right thigh to her knee. She couldn't…