Caregiver being pushed away
Hello all! Just a question that has me boggled. I was in a long distance relationship since Jan 2011. I would go visit my bf every 2 months and stay for a couple of weeks. Last July, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. I spent July there with him and went to all his Dr's appts. He said I was his soul savour and his dream…
12 Months post colon anastomsis for sigmoid colon cancer stage 3 b.
My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 b colon cancer in the sigmoid colon in august 2012. A 50 mm adenocarcinoma was found and 2 out of 35 lymph nodes were affected. A treatment regime of 6 months of folfox 6 (5fu and oxaliplatin) followed. That finished in April 2013. A ct was performed at the end of April and that showed…
Vitamin D and colon cancer
Chlorella, 4Life Transfer Factor, & Cell Food
Hi everyone... In my battle to get my platlets up so I can get chemo, I went to the vitamin store and they recommended the following. I have researched on line but I figured I go to the experts (you all) to see if you have any experience with these: Chlorella 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Cell Food Thank you for the feedback.…
Thinking about it, I believe I started having "chemo brain" before I started chemo back in May After my diagnosis. The definition of chemo brains: difficulty of remembering names, common words, multitasking, concentrating, short attention plan. I think it should be added that patients are also extremely emotional. I myself…
I hear sugar feeds cancer. Are there people out there that don't fully cut sugar from diet. How are results?
NED means Zero CEA?
I'm wondering when you have NED does the CEA have to be zero? Laz
Cancer - Live Interrupted.
i found this while reading this morning and thought I'd share. she is an awesome writer, and her journey is so simliar to colon cancer fighters. i thought you all might like to read what she shares. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/category/voices-2/life/
coaching article
Hello all. If you are interested here is a little article about my cancer. I did it as a thanks to my family and awareness that even though it is tough, there is a chance of hope. http://syvnews.com/sports/syv-coach-beats-the-odds/article_21518866-0a2d-11e3-ac12-0019bb2963f4.html All my best to everyone fighting and…
Bacteria in mouth may trigger colorectal cancer
The sugar debate
Glucose vs meat vs veggies vs regular; what a trip thru all the responses. Best time I've had reading in a while. Since there were no actual biochemistry majors with comments other than look at what so & so study showed, I have used deductive reasoning to conclude that you can't put people in box. No box is a perfect fit…
Avistan minus chemo
I am scheduled for my 18th folfox tx w/avistan. I had surgery in June, was four weeks before and four weeks after without avistan. During this time my liver tumors enlarged, but nothing metastisized (pet scan two weeks ago, because of pain when breathing, difficulty breathing). My infusion last week was my third with…
cause of breathlessness/pain
Got a call from doctor who read my echocardiogram. He said he thiinks he knows why I've been short of breath/pain...it showed some degree of heart failure. I see the heart specialist tomorrow; probable procedure next week. When it rains, it pours! Judy
Title edited: I'm an idiot.
Sorry about that, you guys! Wrote this post in a hurry before leaving, didn't really think how it would sound. I promise it wasn't a ploy to get your attention (although it worked, I guess). Glad to be back, and see that everyone is doing more or less ok. As long as we're still arguing about sugar, all is well. AA Here I…
Hi all, My mum was admitted to the hospital last Thursday with nausea, vomiting and severe pain in abdo....they x rayed and saw a slight obstruction...The treated this with fluids, plenty of pain releif and some stool softner...she went on her own saturday mornign and was home saturday afternoon.... She has still been a…
fatigue from chemo?
Hi All, I haven't been on here in quite a while, in fact I had trouble finding the site. It isn't because the subject has left my mind..always there. Had my daughters graduation, and a few other things that kept me busy all summer. I had my year after colonoscopy and Dr. said it was clear as a bell, had my year after scan…
my wife's passing
My wife passed away 2 days ago on the 12 at home under Hospice's care from this dreadfull disease. It had metastasized to her liver, lungs and pelvic bone. The cancer on the pelvic bone had lodge close to the sciatic nerve ending which would cause excruciating shooting pain down her right thigh to her knee. She couldn't…
had my second infusion of oxi and avastin and my eyelids feel very strange anyone hear of anything like this?
Update on Jason
Hey all! I haven't been on here in a while, still having shoulder issues but I wanted to update you on Jason. He just finished his 10th chemo treatment & is due to get a CT Scan on the 19th to see if the chemo is doing what it's suppose to be doing in getting rid of the liver tumors & of course still working on the colon…
In the hospital
Well, my hubby brought me over to the hospital, as I have not been able to breathe well. I was excited today, not having pain with deep breathing. But, I am having a difficult time just getting a breath. Arrrrrrrrggg... Judy
Big increase in CEA
Scubadan here after a little time off for vacation which included a great scuba diving trip in the Cayman Is. I took 2 wks off the Erbitux/Irinotecan infusions for the trip. A couple of months ago my PET scan showed negative activity in all the small tumors and 2 lymphnodes, and only one liver tumor left that was smaller…
Stage II, chemo; yes or no?
Hello, I'm a 37 year old male and was diagnosed in late June 2013. I had resection surgery at the end of July and I'm starting to feel a little better. I have my first appointment with an oncologist this week and anxious is an understatement regarding how I feel. From what I have read so far it looks like chemo or…
Where to Start?
i was just told Friday I have rectal cancer. Good news its high in the rectum but thats all I know. Hoping to be staged by the end of the week. Geisinger Danville, PA will do my staging but depending I may go to Fox Chase Philly or John Hopkins. Any recommendations or advise?
My mother in law passed.
She passed away friday surrounded by her loving family. She was diagnosed last september, a couple of weeks before her daughter, my wife was diagnosed. She fought a hard and courages fight right up to the end. Her services are pushed back to the end of the week so my wife can have her nineteenth round of her chemo…
Cancer is so sneaky.
Cancer grows in you silently sometimes for years. It may even spread to other organs without a notice. But boy when it shows up it takes over your body, mind and soul. I had severe pain at the time of diagnosis in my butt. To make sure god gave me a bad cough too, so every time I coughed the pain was excruciating, just to…
6 vs 12 treatments in England
My oncologist offered me a trial for 6 vs 12 treatments with and without celebrex. I know that England only gives 6 treatments and was wondering if there are any statisics there regarding recurrence rates with 6 treatments.
ATP depletion
"Depletion of cellular ATP by inhibition of glycolysis seems to be effective in killing cancer cells with a MDR phenotype. It is known that cells expressing MDR proteins, such as MDR or MRP, require ATP as the energy source to pump the drug substrates out of the cells. Thus, it is possible to overcome such drug resistance…
bacteria may set off a chain reaction leading to bowel cancer
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-23687321 Researchers say they have uncovered how bacteria may set off a chain reaction leading to bowel cancer. Fusobacteria, commonly found in the mouth, cause overactive immune responses and turn on cancer growth genes, two US studies reveal. Maybe lifestyle can control these risks.
Numb area from surgery
So my last liver resection they cut half way down and then went half way over, a backwards "L", quite a bit of the stomache area is numb, which when they give you those shots in the stomach it is quite an advantage, but now I seem to find it annoying that I have this dead area that I can't feel. Does it ever come back, or…
technical question
Uploaded a new picture tonight? Can anybody see it? I can't! *hugs* Gail