Happy Birthday (22nd Dec) & Happy Christmas to me!
Just got back from the Oncologist and my CEA is .5 the best its ever been. Something was up in my liver, but he said he'd watch it, patted my shoulder and sent me on my way. Time for a spinny dance . Colonoscopy next month, but no more trips to the big city for another three. Yep, I'm a happy camper for sure. Thank you for…
Is Anyone NED Years After T4 tumor?
Although I have been diagnosed as Stage II small intestine cancer and have undergone successful resection, I am currently on FOLFOX chemotherapy due to some risk factors for recurrence. Among those is that my tumor was classified as T4 and I did have an bowel obstruction (though not complete, I don't think. It was managed…
question about chemo
Back in sept of this year, my wife had a ct scan after three months on folfiri and avastin. The scan showed minimal growth, about .5 percent. The doctor took her off folfiri and put her on zaltrap and xeloda. Now, after another scan right before thanksgiving, the cancer grew 50%. He wants to put her on stivarga, which…
Neurapathy after chemo
I have been done with chemo for almost 4 months now and have terrible neurapathy in my feet. I had read that the neurapathy can start after chemo since I never had it during my sessions. I'm on Lyrica twice a day but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. If anyone is on some sort of meds, can you tell me the name and if it…
Stage IV NED, 4.5 years
In August 2008 my son turned 5 years old. At the time we had a 2 1/2 year old daughter and I was pregnant with our third, a girl. During the actual birth of that third child in November 2008 it was discovered that I had Stage IV colon cancer with multiple liver mets (5) on both sides of my liver, largest being 5 cm. I went…
Apologies for no Christmas card list
It has been a tradition here on the board to assemble a Christmas card mailing list for those who want to participate. It was originally started by a very special lady. When she passed, I took it up and did the list for several years. I apologize that it didn't get done this year. With my sister's passing and trying to…
One for the road...
Ok, thought I had nothing left to offer here but then this came along, I feel it would be negligent if I didn't post this. This isn't CRC but the response of this girl dying in hospice is too remarkable to ignore, also this herbal is pretty low in toxicity with side effects that can (apparently) be managed. There is a huge…
Surgery Update
12/3. I'm layingin the hospital bed and typing this upsate on my I Phone. Surgery was complicated but successful. I did not need a colposcopy (actually an illuoscopy). He was able to reconnect successfully and I should be good. I have a catheter and latest issue is urine is not flowing as expected. They just flushed the…
How long to start Chemo? Any advice from someone who has been there?
I was hoping for a little advice from you guys. I was diagnosed with stage 4 small bowel adenocarcinoma on the 1st of December when I had a tumor removed from my illeum and and bowel resection.. The oncologist at the hosptil where I was diagnosed wants me to start chemo as soon as possible which would be Dec 18th. I can't…
should we wait?
My wife was told on thursday the dr. is putting her on stivarga because zaltrap and xeloda didn't work. In fact the cancer got worse. He said he is out of options if the stivarga does not work. He then said he would contact the cleveland clinic or sloan kettering. My question is, should we wait to see if this new drug,…
Need input
I haven't posted for a while. My husband has now been cancer free for 2 years. He had J-pouch surgery 2 1/2 years ago after Dx of stage 3A rectal cancer. He has been clear every since but had a PET scan this week and it showed moderate activity where the colon was resected. The Onc. Doesn't seem real concerned and thinks…
Arizona Cancer care
Hello all: I've been at this since 2008. I am considering a move to Scottsdale, AZ. I have noted a Mayo Clinic there but I was interested in anyones personal experience with Cancer care in the Phoenix, Scottsdale area. I will continue with Xeloda/Avastin and likely be considering future surgeries. Any advice or personal…
I haven't been around in a while. No particular reason, just everything in general. I'm a caretaker and stumbled on this site about a year ago. Brief overview. Wife was diagnosed with Stage IIIA back in Dec. 2012. After 28 rounds of chemo/radation, then colon resection, then 12 rounds of FulFox we are done. She just had…
Biopsy Tomorrow
Tomorrow, I will have an endometrial biopsy and D&C. Numbers are up and intermittent bleeding. Hopefully, nothing significant. Crazy but more concerned about this than I think I need to be. Once we have cancer, we tend to think every abnormality is cancer. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. CM
Just got an email from Gretta about a survey that CSN was conducting and it came in my spam e-mail. Please check that so you can take the time for the survey. Wish that CSN would have given us a heads up because I've obviously deleted the previously sent survey. So much is sent to my spam e-mail that usually I'm just…
Can't seem to catch a break (Update at bottom)
My brother went for his follow-up with his oncologist on Monday. His heart rate was fast, his leg was swollen and his INR was very low. The oncologist decided to readmit him to see what was going on. We found out that the discharge nurse/doctor at the other hospital screwed up (I knew they were stupid). They discharged him…
bummy news today
I'm stage 4, on my 4th recurrance and started chemo 6 weeks ago. I'm on Xeloda (3 pills morning and night), Irinotecan (40% strength to keep diarrhea at bay), and Avastin. After the first cycle my CEA went from 18.6 to 15.9. A good drop. Second cycle my CEA went back up to 18.4, not good. Third cycle, I had a bad cold and…
Treatment centers
I have recently been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. I am looking at several treatment centers. I am looking at Moffitt and UM Sylvester. Has anyone had any experiences with either place?
molecular tumor profiling
found out that there is molecular tumor profiling avalible in india and at the hospital my dad is being treated at. however i am not sure how useful genomic testing is. Are there folks here who have been able to action on the findings of genomic testing? finding out abt the wrong genes are right chemo is one thing but…
Is this a good CEA #
Hello all, I hope everyone is enjoying thier Thanksgiving holiday! On friday I had my CEA checked 8 months after my bowel resection and 3 months since my ileostomy reversal. It was 1.63. I think the highest it was at the beginning of my chemo was 3.80 or something like that. (That was my number during stage 4 colon cancer)…
Don't know if any of this is helpful but if you have a few minutes to investigate
maybe check out: Imprime PGG (esp if KRAS-mutant); Masitinib; AZA197; CRLX101; Lenalidomide; TAS-115 each od which rec'd some decent press recently
Hi! Hope all is well! I just had a follow up MRI post abdominal hernia surgery and a liver ablation! They spotted something else on my liver. The doctor gave me myy options today: Another ablation, obe technique (Spelling?) up thorugh the groin and kill it at the root hmm never heard of this one, chemo, or a total…
Genes Are Not The Only Drivers Of Colon Cancer
Genes are not the only drivers of colon cancer. A new study suggests cellular factors play an equally important part, and these not only drive tumor growth, but also affect how well the disease responds to chemotherapy. Senior study author John ****, of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network,…
Eating chocolate and other 'bad' foods.
I just posted this on another thread, but thought I'd start a new thread and get others opinions. After my bowel resection I asked my GI Doc about taking Pro Biotics, his advice was to go out and order a big steak. My Oncologist on the other hand, when I told him I was buying a box of my favourite chocolates (love…
Thank you, John23
I wanted to say thank you for all of your information regarding TCM. I know you, as well as Pete, have taken heat on your alternative posts but my wife and I thank you for your persistence. A little background for you as well as others before I explain the post. My wife was diagnosed in September of 2010, 5m after the…
I've started eributux and wondering if any one on it can tell me about the side affects. In particular the rash. Any pics available of the rash? How long did it take for it to appear? Did it gradually get worse? Better? Ive be just noticed some blemishes around my mouth and nose. Thanks. Appreciate the feedback.
5 Years ago today
It was five years ago today that I've received the devestating news. Thanksgiving is a bitter/sweet memory for me as I'm thinking that the day before was a mixed emotion because they told me I'd have to wait until the following Monday for results and then having to go through Thanksgiving dinner (which was at my house) and…
Surgery on hold for iv chemo
I am very confussed my husband is dx w/satge 3 crc he is also done w/oral xeloda and radiation and instead of going door surgery he is getting a porta cath and will do 6 mo iv chemo then be reevaluated for surgery , they are treating him like stage 4 and I am concerned that the scan that showed lung scarring could that be…
HELP!!! Having issues while on "Maintenance Therapy"
I was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer in april this year. Was told the the Xeloda (2 wks on 1 wk off) worked and now in remission as of October. The Oncologist wanted me to remain on the Xeloda for maintenance therapy but increased the dosage from 3 in am and 3 in pm to 3 in the morning and 4 in the evening. Now I am…
what you did for Thanksgiving.
I thought it would be nice if we shared how our Thanksgiving went. Two of my wifes sister came down with thier kids. We watched football rode atv's and ate a big traditional dinner. Friday we did more atv riding shot some baskets had left overs for dinner and watched a great basketball game (go Thunder). I also got in…