Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
HI Everyone, I have been lurking for sevral months now and not posting nearly as often as I should have.. sorry.. This year has shown me no change in my cancer I while that is not bad it is not the progress I was hoping for and it saddens me.. I just had my 3 year anniversay of my Dx. We have seen so many of friend move on…
Happy New Year!
I would like to wish everyone here a very happy new year, and may this year bring you all recovery, patience, love. And it's also my birthday today and I am especially thankful for all of you. I am not sure how I would've been able to go as far as now without you guys helping me through my hard times. All the best to you…
Update from Laz.
I had an appointment with my oncologist today. We recalculated the amount of chemo I received already and it turns out that I only need two more rounds instead of four that we thought. I had to stop Oxalyplatin, because of neuropathy and I'm taking 5000mg Xeloda a day. It's a large dose and I'm feeling pretty crappy, but…
Another great year gone. Another on the way!
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/01/01/top-10-articles-of-2013.aspx?e_cid=20140101Z2_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20140101Z2&et_cid=DM37058&et_rid=385332891 My best wishes for us all, no matter what therapies we try. Alas my cea of 40 on the 31st indicates…
Switching to irox
Had such bad reaction to folfox6(5fu) That they took me off after first round. Now switching me to IROX. Does anyone have experience with both? How effective is it compared to folfox. I'm stage 3c colon cancer.
Survival Story to Share
Hi Everyone, I was a frequent visitor to this board ten years ago. My mom was diagnosed in December 2002 with Stage III Colon Cancer (4 positive lymph nodes) and during her first 1.5 years of treatment had two local recurrences. (the first after completing chemo, and the second after completing a round of radiation). Her…
how are you?
That's very odd ... can someone enlighten me?
There was a double message posted entitled Major Colon Cancer Fear and folks were responding to the young man on both messages ... I pointed this out by posting a message on both posts that it was a double posted message ... I was hoping to consolidate the message to best help this young man ... Did someone flag my posts?…
Just wondering if everything is okay? Concerned about you and your wife. I'm sure this has not been the merriest of Christmases for you and your family. Hope all is well. If its not, perhaps we can help. Chelsea
I just wanted to share this with you all...
I wrote this post for another site a few years ago, and I've posted it once before here (I think...dang chemo brain). But I wanted to share it again, given all that our little virtual family has gone through of late. It helped me to write it. I hope it helps some of you as well. BEACH GLASS The Pacific Ocean. There is no…
I never thought I would make it this far
When I was first diagnosed, I will be honest, I had never met anyone that had beat colon cancer before this group. I had lost my mom to colon cancer when I was 37, I was diagnosed at 40. My grandma died from it when I was 19. I had never thought it could be beat. I am happy to say it has been 5 years since that fateful day…
Stage IV Colon Cancer Met to Liver
My sister who is only 52 has been diagnosed 2 weeks ago with stage IV colon cancer. Never had any symptoms except a pain in the top of her stomach between her rib cage. She went to the doctor and they did a CAT SCAN and was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer that had spread to her liver. Her doctor told her her he wanted…
Major Colon Cancer Fear
Hi guys, I know this is a board for CRC survivors but I figured who better to ask than you guys if I had a major fear about CRC. Background: Im a 20 year old male and I am overweight. I am in the process of losing weight in hopes of beating my health anixety. Lately (For the past week) I have been having major stomach pain…
Need Advice
Hello Friends, I am half way down with my 2nd cycle of Chemo (Oxaliplatin + Xeloda) For the last 3 or 4 days I am experiencing a constipation, mild bleeding though my nose as well as an un controlled passing of a colourless mucus from down when I pass wind (But not all the time) There are occasional pinkish stains in the…
Tachilders obituary missing in post
Was removed by the administrators under the post. Just wanted to let you know. This seems unfair if information is published on a public site, but cest la vie. I would have sent his family a card. Removing information like this interferes with the ability to support each other In my opinion.
Received bad news yesterday
A little background on my wife. She was diagnosed in oct of 2012 with stage 4 cc, with mets on the liver and lungs. Went through 11 rounds of folfox, 10 rounds of folfiri. The mets on her liver doubled while on folfiri. The Dr put her on Zaltrap with Xeloda. After one month on that combo, she started having shortness of…
I haven't been here in a while. I had surgery the week of Thanksgiving and after a few setbacks, I am doing well and looking forward to spending the holidays with my 5 children! I finished chemo Oct. 24 (CEA 1.7 and clear PET results- yay!) and then began the process of preparing to reverse the colostomy. All is well and I…
To my new family!
Just think about it. A person should be lucky and extremely happy to find just one good friend in his or her life time. This year I found dozens of exceptional people in you all. And this is truly amazing. Happy Holidays to all of you! Laz
5000mg per day?
After 4 rounds of Folfox my oncologist is concerned that the numbness I feel in my toes and fingers is getting serious. I was gonna get two more rounds of Folfox, but now he just wants me to do 5 rounds of 5000mg a day for 2 weeks and 1 week break. He showed me the charts and calculations and it looked acurate. I'm 175…
Good news!
As you may recall, two weeks ago I was really bummed because my CEA was rising, well I went in for cycle 5 of Irinotecan & Avastin & Xeloda to find that it went down over 6 points! Serious happy dance . Not sure why, but I hope and pray it continues. I've neer had a CEA spike from cancer dieoff, so I don't think that was…
Chemo chest pain
Has anyone had or deal with this. Had my first chemo session on dec 17. Felt fine for firdt 2 days. On 3rd day experienced terrible chest pain. Had to be hospitalized. Cardiologist said my ejection fraction was low at 14%. Normal is 55%.
Major Colon Cancer Fear
Hi guys, I know this is a board for CRC survivors but I figured who better to ask than you guys if I had a major fear about CRC. I Know you get asked this a lot but I dont have insurance and Im trying my best to gather all the information I can while I find somewhere to get help. Thanks.
update :)
I know I dont get on this site very much lately. Have alot going on. On 19 Sept 2013 I went in for another colonscopy, the procedure went well. I was in the recovery room for 45 mins, all of a sudden I was complaining of not being able to breathe, my eyes were closing also. I was put a ventalitor for approx 4 days, xrays…
What are your winter/holiday traditions?
I thought it might be fun, with the longest night of the year coming this weekend, to share some of the things you do now, or enjoyed doing as a child, during the dark and gloomy months of winter! Holiday, outdoors, or whatever comes to mind. It's fun learning a little something about each of you that isn't related to our…
"Slowly Learning to Live with the Physical Pain of Cancer"
Note: I need to talk here and this could be one of my last chances to write a good post. Thanks for listening. What does it feel like when the body starts dying? I’ve asked myself that question the past several months as I’m battling my 4th recurrence. There are times where I feel like my body feels like it is physically…
Christmas Gift
Today we went to see Dr. H.J. Lenz at USC. Dr. Lenz comes in and he sits in between my wife and I. He then asks us in his jovial voice, "Why do you two keep coming here and bothering me?" He then starts laughing. He shows us our file and the last medical reports. He shows us the pics etc.... Everything shows no cancer. The…
Tedd? Craig? Phil?
Just wondering how you all are doing. I think of you guys often, and hope that there are plenty of bright moments in each day. I'm sure I'm not the only one here doing that...we miss you!
Just because we have cancer we are not immune from other problems
hi everyone , it is unusual for me to post other than an occasional reply. I am in a position that most here would envy. I have made it to nearly 15 years cancer free after aggressive stage 3 c colon cancer into 6 nodes. I had some pretty awful chemotherapy , namely levamisole an immunomodulator most commonly used by vets…
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
I just wanted to wish you all cancer fighters and caretakers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope that God keeps providing you the strength to fight this desease. I hope that science can keep advancing and truly make cancer a chronic desease. You all show such strength, wisdon and dignity in extremely difficult…
Top 13 Holiday Tips for Patients & Caregivers
Found this excellent blog on the Colon Cancer Alliance web site: Top 13 Holiday Tips for Patients & Caregivers http://ccalliance.org/blog/13-holiday-tips-for-patients-survivors-and-caregivers/ The holidays can be a tough time of the year when you’re dealing with cancer. Check out this list of personal tips from our Patient…