Kathryn_in_MN has passed away

herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
edited January 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Kathryn has passed away.  I will try and copy and paste post from her family to all her friends.

Rest in Peace dear woman.


Winter Marie



  • devotion10
    devotion10 Member Posts: 623 Member
    Katherine posted this on the Chris4Life site a while back ...

    When my time on Earth is up, I will not have "lost" my battle.  I've already won it!  I've had over 4 years to enjoy life since diagnosis.  I've made it to so many milestones in my children's lives and had special times with family and friends.  I've been able to educate a lot of people about the need for colonoscopies and the importance of knowing your family history and advocating for yourself if something is not right with your body.  Many friends and acquaintances have gotten their colonoscopies at my urging.  I've been able to help other patients by sharing my experiences.  I've been blessed to participate in building a wonderful community for patient and caregiver support through ColonTown.  I've met too many incredible people to count, all with their own unique cancer stories.  This is a WIN!  Not a loss.  Please remember that when the time comes.

    May her family be comforted by her extraordinary courage and grace.

    Peace. ~ Cynthia

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    This was posted by Kathryn's daughter

    I (Winter Marie) have removed her last name, although this note is for EVERYONE that has known Kathyrn, expecially her colon cancer family, CSN will remove the post if I put her last name on.  PM me for futher information. 

    In sorrow: This is the post by Kathryn's daughter:


    As you all know, our mom Kathryn  has been fighting colon cancer for the last four and a half years. She was very open along

    1. all stages of her journey because she wanted to do anything she could to raise awareness of the disease. She hoped that by

      sharing her story and becoming an advocate for preventative screening she could keep other people from having to go down

      the same path she did.

      She was an amazing lady. She had more social skills than all her of children combined, cultivating a global network of friends.

      Even when she was extremely ill fighting her own battle, she always made time to work with different cancer foundations to

      try to help others, and kept up with all of her friends who were also battling diseases. Whether it be a quick joke to brighten

      someone's day, or a long letter to a senator to push for colonoscopy funding, she cared for those around her until the end.

      In the continuation of her work for colon cancer advocacy, we are requesting that in lieu of flowers people donate to Chris4Life

      in her memory. As many of you know, she was actively involved with many cancer foundations, and before her death she set

      up a fund to research colon cancer through Chris4Life. We will not be holding a funeral, as she requested that her body be

      donated to the Mayo Clinic to further cancer research with metastic colon cancer.

      Thank you all for your love and support throughout her battle. For those of you that wish to make a donation in her memory

      please visit:


      <Content removed by CSN administrator>


      In Honor and Memory of Kathryn | Chris4Life Colon Cancer Foundation


      The Chris4LIfe Colon Cancer Foundation was created to help find a cure for colon cancer, improve the lives of patients

      diagnosed with colon cancer, and increase awareness of the life-saving importance of early screening for colon cancer.

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member

    I knew I would read this soon but I am just heartbroken.  Kathryn, I wll miss you.  You were so strong and gave so much.  I love how your family lit up your world. I love how you enjoyed every bit of your time in Mexico.  I pray you are at peace. 



  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    Such a wonderful Person

    This great Lady will truly be missed.

    A silend goodbye from Germany



  • PatchAdams
    PatchAdams Member Posts: 271
    So sorry

    She was a very strong woman and remained brave and helpful even when she knew time was short.  I admired her. 



  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member

    This was posted by Kathryn's daughter

    I (Winter Marie) have removed her last name, although this note is for EVERYONE that has known Kathyrn, expecially her colon cancer family, CSN will remove the post if I put her last name on.  PM me for futher information. 

    In sorrow: This is the post by Kathryn's daughter:


    As you all know, our mom Kathryn  has been fighting colon cancer for the last four and a half years. She was very open along

    1. all stages of her journey because she wanted to do anything she could to raise awareness of the disease. She hoped that by

      sharing her story and becoming an advocate for preventative screening she could keep other people from having to go down

      the same path she did.

      She was an amazing lady. She had more social skills than all her of children combined, cultivating a global network of friends.

      Even when she was extremely ill fighting her own battle, she always made time to work with different cancer foundations to

      try to help others, and kept up with all of her friends who were also battling diseases. Whether it be a quick joke to brighten

      someone's day, or a long letter to a senator to push for colonoscopy funding, she cared for those around her until the end.

      In the continuation of her work for colon cancer advocacy, we are requesting that in lieu of flowers people donate to Chris4Life

      in her memory. As many of you know, she was actively involved with many cancer foundations, and before her death she set

      up a fund to research colon cancer through Chris4Life. We will not be holding a funeral, as she requested that her body be

      donated to the Mayo Clinic to further cancer research with metastic colon cancer.

      Thank you all for your love and support throughout her battle. For those of you that wish to make a donation in her memory

      please visit:


      <Content removed by CSN administrator>


      In Honor and Memory of Kathryn | Chris4Life Colon Cancer Foundation


      The Chris4LIfe Colon Cancer Foundation was created to help find a cure for colon cancer, improve the lives of patients

      diagnosed with colon cancer, and increase awareness of the life-saving importance of early screening for colon cancer.

    May your light shine on!!!

    Kathryn, I pray that the work you started will continue and grow!  That all people are able to receive colonoscopies, regardless of insurance situations, that the field progress and develop preventative medicine as well as better medicine for helping those inflicted. Thank you Kathryn for making a difference! May your light continue to shine forever!



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    On my mind

    Kathryn has been on my mind, and I felt in my heart that she was heading off to meet that Special Someone

    I will rejoice for her, as she 'won' the battle with the legacy that she left for everyone. 

    My sympathies to her beloved family. 

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    dear, dear Kathryn. I am so

    dear, dear Kathryn. I am so grateful for all she did to move the diagnosis of colon cancer forward. Blessings to her family during this sad time.

    cathleen mary

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Thank you for letting us all know.

    My sympathies go out to all her family and friends. She has made a huge difference in this world. May she rest in peace.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    What a great and selfless

    What a great and selfless person she was. At least she is at peace now after a long and courageous battle not just for herself but others.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    I was sad to see this post on

    I was sad to see this post on Caring Bridge this morning.  She helped me many nights and I am very greatful.  May her spunkiness carry on!

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I was sad to see this post on

    I was sad to see this post on Caring Bridge this morning.  She helped me many nights and I am very greatful.  May her spunkiness carry on!

    In my heart

    Kathryn is for always in my heart, what a great lady. She will be missed not only by her family but by all the family members she created in the world. Rest in peace sweet lady By knowing you , you have made a difference in my life.


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    So sad

    Like everyone else we knew this was coming.

    My sympathies to Kathryn's family.  She was lovely and truely caring.

    She showed us how to live with this cancer with grace, dignity and fortitude - a life well lived.

    She is an example to all of us that we need to continue to help this cause.

    May she rest in eternal peace!


  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    I am so very sorry to read

    I am so very sorry to read this... I just checked her Caring bridge page a few days ago. :(. I feel so blessed to have "met" Kathryn here in this group... She shared her story openly and in some small way shared all of our stories.  God bless you Kathryn... You will be missed.  Sending prayers for her family.



  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Maxiecat said:

    I am so very sorry to read

    I am so very sorry to read this... I just checked her Caring bridge page a few days ago. :(. I feel so blessed to have "met" Kathryn here in this group... She shared her story openly and in some small way shared all of our stories.  God bless you Kathryn... You will be missed.  Sending prayers for her family.



    Feel so sorry .

    Im really chocked, send my best wishes and all my  Love  to  the whole family . No words just praying ! Love and peace to my friend kathryn!

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    CSN staff

    Adminstrator decided to remove the part of Kathryn's note from her family that requested if you wished to donate in her memory please do so to...

    Winter Marie

  • pog451
    pog451 Member Posts: 20

    CSN staff

    Adminstrator decided to remove the part of Kathryn's note from her family that requested if you wished to donate in her memory please do so to...

    Winter Marie


    If anyone wants to see more Kathryn and her frienda and family were/are active on FB and there are details of donation etc to be made there.

    She was unbelievbaly strong andclearly in full possession of her capacities more or less to end, although as I understand it in the end it wasnt the CRC that got her but her third(!) primary cancer, oesophagal cancer. Her previous tretaments had left her too weak to fight this too.

    She was an amazing lady and although I only knew her online, she will be badly missed. 

  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm sorry

    I'm sorry to hear the sad news.She helped alot of people and will be missed.May she rest in peace.

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

    Rest easy Kathryn.  Sending my condolences to her family.  I have held her in my continued daily thoughts and prayers for comfort and peace.

    Teaching and advocating is the best gift to give anyone and she was so very affective in doing just that! 

    Such and inspiring woman!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    She is at peace and may her family find comfort in all the strength that she gave to everyone she touched.  My sympathies to her husband, children and family.  I'm sorry to see her passing, but comforted in knowing she was at peace with it.  She will be missed.
