Sending Love to JohnybeGood
JBG Just wantef you to know.. I was thinking about you... Hoping you are doing well... Lifting you up in prayer... Sending you Love and Light, Phil ALL -- PLEASE JOIN IN, SENDING JBG SOME CYBER LOVE.
FOLFOX Side Effect Questions
I had my 9 of 12 FOLFOX chemotherapy today, and I had a couple questions. It should be noted that they pulled the 5FU bolus (I still have the 2-day fanny pack) last time because my labs kept tanking and they didn't want to keep delaying treatment. So my first question...does anyone ever feel kind of "panty" the first day…
update from aggie0053
had a endoscopic test today( been 4 years in may clean) SAID I HAD PERIGASTRIC LYMPHADENOPATHY from ct scan doc said pancreas, esophagus, liver were normal. have to wait a couple days for biopsy. i hate this not knowing, thanks just wanted to talk
lung Surgery at last - any advice?
nervous but excited. After three and a half years of chemo and no new tumors finally having surgRey to remove lung nodules became resistant to erbitux so options running out. Molokai at microwave targeted therapy but larger tumor one inch too big ....six mm. tumor in left lung dead, or whatever they call it so the three in…
Hey Jeff...just wondering how its going. Don't think I've seen a recent post from you.
Hi Maxicat - have not heard from you in a while. As another 3B signet cell, I like to make sure you are doing ok. Just let us know.
Scan this week...
Hi Guys, I just thought I would let everyone know that Dennis has a scan this Thursday. I don't have to tell you how anxious I am wondering what kind of news we will get. Dennis had Sirispere a few weeks ago so the scan is to see how effective it was or wasn't. I have to be honest and say that I am mentally and physically…
My sweet Sister
Hi all. Where do I begin.....my sister was diagnosed with Colon Cancer 12/24/12 and told she only had a year, maybe less. She, thank God, is still with us but is beginning to decline rapidly. The cancer has spread to her liver (about 80% filled with tumors), her Kidneys, her stomach lining, her pancreas, and her Sternum…
Surgery finally scheduled for April 7th barring any complications. I see the Oncologist on the March 19th for follow up then the preop team for my instructions on getting ready then report for surgery on the 7th fingers crossed no more problems. But while looking at Drs notes after last Ct scan they are mentioning…
lump in throat
I had chemo #3 last Friday and for the last few days have had a feeling of having a lump in my throat all the time and wanting to swallow. Has anyone else experienced this and know what it might be ? Thanks. Sue.
Does anybody know how Phil is doing? I have been sort of spotty in attendance here. Hoping he's okay. *hugs* Gail
Discussion of new immunotherapy trial (plus a lot of other useful info)
I just wanted to make sure that you all saw this thread from the Colon Club forum. There is one member there who has put a great deal of time and energy into tracking new clinical trials as they come up. The link below is to a discussion of an immunotherapy trial that looks promising, and has/will have numerous locations,…
update just needing prayers and cyber family love
I know its been awhile since i have updated you with all my recent problems.after the stent was put in my bile duct because the tumor on my pancreas was blocking it i gained my strength and continued on with irrtiatecan and avastin.i had this dose even lower because liver enzymes were still up.then in 2 weeks went in for…
Stivarga (regorafenib) did not work
After 4 months on the oral med Stivarga (regorafenib), we got the results of Pat's latest CT scan that the drug is not working. So, he was taken off of it. He was in the hospital in Jan for 6 days fighting an infection. A visiting nurse was coming to our home every week to help Pat avoid a return to the hospital.…
Wife has stage 4
Hello Everyone, My wife was diagnosed stage 4 colon cancer a year ago next week. She had gone almost 1- 1/2 years being misdiagnosed and not taken seriously. A doctor friend decided to check her out and found a 5" tumor obstructing her transverse colon and small intestine. The cancer has invaded her liver and has affected…
oral chemo+off-label drugs+supplements
My wife's CEA jumps and climbs from a very stable trendline in the mid 2's anytime there is a disruption among several critical immunochemo components. So far we have recovered the situation by better chemistry and/or more surgery once, with smaller and fewer imaged lesions and thingies over time. Adding celecoxib, our…
planned csn maintenance this morning
Planned maintenance will be done on CSN this morning between 5:00 and 8:00 Eastern Time. There may be one or more outages during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Greta
12 Years Cancer Free Today!
12 Years Cancer Free Today! Brief History: Age 40, Diagnosed with Rectal Cancer - Stage 3C 10 out of 14 lymph nodes positive no recurrences Just wanted to share and encourage anyone starting this journey to have Faith and Hope. Be Well! Lisa
UPDATE - One More Treatment
An update for the below... They put him on Cymbalta to help with the hand and feet numbness. This caused him to have a seizure this morning. He is okay, though. Scared the crap out of my mom though. Seizures are scary, but my fiance, his brother, and his sister all have epilepsy, so it's a "normal" part of life for us...…
Oh, no. We've been robbed...
I just tried to follow another longtimer's success story and hit a "Time Barrier". I could no longer travel back in CSN before February, 2011 - it's gone. This is a disaster. Thankfully I've already seen, learned and pondered from a lot of others' invaluable experience across 10-12 years these past four years. It really,…
good CT scan
As a pretty old timer here now, I am sorry I do not post as much as I should. Dx 2006 and now 2.5 years clear after 4 thoracic surgeries, liver surgery, colon surgery, 10 months of folfox, and a couple pulmonary embolisms... many of you are going through worse and I understand the loss, unfairness and pain. It was…
CT Scan in an hour
My ONC also told me yesterday no surgery to the 3 lung mets while I have a spot in my liver. But if the liver spot is gone he will do the lung surgery. He also told me that I was on chemo for the long haul; this was the first time he didn't look at me in the eye. CT Scan today, CEA should be in soon, it went up 7 last time…
Cannabis oil Video
I've been on this for a couple months and CEA is now going up, but I learned that I should be using it morning and evening. Going to give it another try. I almost, yea almost. feel like saying heck with chemo and just try this alone.... Hate the thought of chemo breaking my body down. http://youtu.be/WRJxauzFfNMc
To tan or not tan the belly scars?
I've been thinking and I need your input. I'm Heading to sunny Cancun in May and I'm wondering, how many here actually tan their scars? If so, can oh share your experties. Do the scars appear: 1. No change color, they stay same color. or tanning lotion keeps them white or unchanged. 2. tan the scars, and scars won't be…
Mom Stage IV.
I posted here before, and she may even read this post (she saw my other one. Eesh.) Anyway, I'll try to keep this short, and I know a lot of things vary and anything could happen, but I figured I'd be best to ask people who have experienced some of this. My mom was diagnosed about two and a half years ago with stage IV and…
Update from Laz
It's been 4 weeks since I finished chemo. Everything is going well: my hands and feet healed up except some nubness and my vitality is coming back although I just did some light gardening and my energy just dropped like crazy. I'm planning on going back to work part time in a month. I hope by then my hands will improve and…
Got a good call from the hospital yesterday,they informed that "part 1" of my Radio Embolization test went well and I am a candidate for this procedure, March 24th. I wish they could do today, but I understand that there's a ton of number crunching involved and everything needs to be perfect. There was some talk about…
To the mods-can't post comments
Don't know if I'm the only one having this problem, but when I tried to post a comment on the post by SilentRenegade, I'm unable to do so. It gives me only the "preview" option, then when I preview the comment, the "submit" button reappears, but clicking on that only returns it to the preview page. I noticed that there is…
Peter McCallum centre Melbourne Aust
Anyone been to this centre. Experience? amyone had lung surgery here? Good doctors? i was hoping for,microwave therapy but my largest tumor 62mm might be 1cm too big!!! rhen have to,hope for surgery
might be useful
http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01522820 "A Phase I Clinical Trial of mTOR Inhibition With Rapamycin for Enhancing Intranodal Dendritic Cell Vaccine Induced Anti-tumor Immunity in Patients With NY-ESO-1 Expressing Solid Tumors"