Calling hospice tomorrow
Hi Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your wonderful words. They mean so much. You give me such comfort. I know you are here for us. **** went to the onc today and told the onc that at times he was having trouble breathing. Sitting his O2 was around 95 but with any walking it went down to 83-85. That is a very scary…
update from Crain in Cyn's thread
Scroll down in the mentioned thread ( http://csn.cancer.org/node/284231 ) to August 7 and you will see an update from our resident Lion!
Pain on left side at bottom of ribs ????
Anyone have any ideas what ths is????? 3 Drs don't... nothing on the CT in that area. Not h Pylori, not Gluten sensitivity. no pacreatic or liver enzymes out of wack.. Pain coms when I exert myself or when I try to lie down. I checked today with Xeloda nurse and they advised 7% report upper abdomen pain ad 14% general…
Diarreah help
My mum had 2 weeks worth of chemo post bowel cancer op and she has now been in hospital for a week with constant diarreah. She has a stoma and it is constantly filling up every half hour with liquid faeces. They say it's just the chemo after doing various tests... She hasn't taken the chemo for over a week now I can't…
Remarkably brave story
This man is my dear friend's brother. He has been so inspirational to me. http://www.armytimes.com/article/20140805/NEWS/308050074/Captain-terminal-cancer-has-one-final-mission-help-vets
After potentially avoidable hospital interventions, Mom's doing better
I don't like smugness, especially having an "I told you so" feeling over anything relating to my mom's cancer, so I hope the scare of the past few days will convince my parents to take my concerns more seriously going forward. My mom finally relented and agreed to see her oncologist two days earlier than she was scheduled…
I'm desperate for some help
I'm desperate for some help, my husband has improved a bit and has said we can try some cannabis oil - so I need someone to help me get some or send me some. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Sandi
At that point: clinical trial or hospice
Dear Friends, I just haven't been able to write this because I guess it means it's really true. **** is having a very, very difficult time. We are waiting to see if any immune therapy trials come this way in the next few days (honestly not likely) or we will be calling hospice. **** has been at this fight (and he does…
Just a quick update
Hi Everyone, Please know I am always around. I have chosen to just lurk on this site the last year.. I am sorry. I have been having a hard time trying to separate myself from dwelling on cancer.. I have it I know that . I will have it forever most likely - but you never know. I am trying to live a life of happiness and…
I"m new to this board and a friend from Facebook recommended that I get involved. I'm a survior of Stage 2a Rectal Cancer as well as Stage 3 Thyroid cancer. I was "lucky" enough to get both within a 14 month period. I'm now 19 months out from my initial diagnosis and feeling pretty darn good after surviving my two epic…
Got back from Standford and they tell me cyberknife is on hold until October 3, when I get my next scan to see how the chemoemobilization worked. My lesions on my lungs and lymph nodes are not growing, and I hope it's due to my meditation, my pretty much raw diet and my morning greens that I juice and my afternoon…
Does anyone else here know anything about or have any experience with Gelclair? I am thinking of asking my mother's oncologist about prescriibng it to my mom for the pain and swelling in her mouth and throat. She is drinking fairly normally (Gatorade by the gallon to hear her tell it) but she hasn't eaten anything beyond a…
How do you insert a picture into a post? Thanks.
How do you insert a picture into a post? Thanks.
I need help with my diarrhea
I am in so much pain with the soft unformed painful stools that just come out without any warning/sensation. My anus is inflamed, bleeding and intolerably painful. Please help me.
No one will listen to me
My mom has barely eaten what would even be considered a small meal in the past 5 days (consisting mostly of a little baby food, creme caramel, and a little broth). This is due to continued pain, soreness and swelling in her mouth and throat. She is so weak that she can barely get out of bed and she mostly sleeps all day.…
Radical Remission. What 9 things do self healers do in common - discussion about her book
http://youtu.be/wZuUUEpX4yE Radical Remission. Interesting and worth listening to. In my opinion. This is about how cancer survivors who have healed themselves through 9 common things. They have either never had chemo or chemo didn't work for them. I ordered the kindle book off of Amazon and it's easy reading and very…
John of God. I would delete and put on spirituality but don't know how. Forgot about that board.
Interesting http://youtu.be/6sbWpka43hI I would delete postband put on spirituality board but I don't know how. Forgot about that board.
Chemo advice
My mum is currently on Oxaliplation and Capecitabine chemo....she is having the worst side affects. She constantly feels sick and is gagging and wretching all the time...she cant get food down. She went to the hospital last week as she had lost 7lb in a week due to not being able to eat, they just told her to try and sent…
curcumin, inflammation, and disease..
I know this kind of post isn't for everyone. But for those who are interested in tweaking their diets and haven't yet heard about the potential beneifts of curcumin, here's s 35 minute presentation (technical at times), by Dr Aggarwal of UT MD Anderson Cancer Center. He's been a researcher there for some time.…
Cancer Survivor Dad Won't Discuss Cancer
I don't know what to do or say right now. I am so scared and my dad won't tell me anything. I'm 24, he's 58. To my knowledge, he has been cancer free for 7 years, but I honestly don't know if I saw a healthy man tonight. He now has cataracts and, before he eats, takes pills for his stomach. After eating, he was in the…
Update on my sweetheart
Yesterday was a big day! Appointments with the surgeon and oncologist. Radiation with 5-FU did exactly what it was supposed to do -- lots of cell death -- and my husband is ready for surgery. He's scheduled for a low anterior resection with a temporary ileostomy at the end of August. After talking to his dad (he's a…
My wonderful husband
As I sit here watching my husband fight for his life; I can't help but wonder what my future holds for. I moved to the US from Canada to marry my husband. I am so scared, scared that I'm not doing the right things for my husband. Scared of what the rest of my life holds for me. I know I can't change what is happening to my…
Johnnybegood Is Free
In the wee hours of the morning, an unexpected storm raged through and as it moved on, took the storm raging within my child's body. Hers was not an easy death, but she is free now. There is so much to say to each of you, but words will not come now. For the moment, just know that we love you. Love, Karen(Wolfen)
Recurrence after 2nd liver resection
It has been less than three months after my second liver resection and my CEA AND CA19.9 markers were elevated. i just got a sonography / ultrasound done and - there u go ! A 4 cm lesion in segment 7 - a new one ! the resection was done for two lesions ( about 3 cm or so each ) in segment 4 earlier in mid April 2014 and…
PhillieG where are you
Your comments and off sense of humor are sorely missed here. The forum is just not the same without you and Craig. Not that there aren't wome really wonderful members here.
Best US Hospitals Ranked for 2014
Hello friends... This list is on the CNN website today; I just thought I'd share in case anyone was interested. Have a nice day! Best overall hospitals 1. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 2. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 3. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore 4. Cleveland Clinic 5. UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles…
Cyberknife Has anyone had this procedure?
Just wondering who has had cyberknife to the lungs and what the outcome was. Everything I read tells me it's better then traditional chemo, or standard radiation that usually kills the nearby healthy cells, because of the lungs moving as we breath. Cyberknife moves in tune with one's breathing. I've also read that it's not…
just to make us realize loved ones around us
Hey everyone, Well, here I am, decided to post a very touching story. I thought it would be nice up hear for all (myself included) to realize that we should appreciate every moment, and always try to seek for the good memories, good relationships even when our loved ones seem to annoy us, or seem to have changed.…
To add insult to injury
I'm going in at 2 pm for a root canal! It should be against the law. These are the low days and root canal on top of it! Should be against the law!
info I didn't want to know
So while I was at work on Friday, the nurse told my sister that she didn't think my husband would make it through the week. She told my sister that she didn't think that I have accepted it and that she should be blunt with me and tell me. You know what, I am aware and I didn't want a timeframe because I wanted to enjoy…