We are home on hospice care
Dear friends, We are home. We are here with our two daughters and my mother. ****'s mom and sister are in a house down the street and his best friend is staying at another home. As the day went on yesterday, it became more and more clear that going home was the right thing to do. As confirmation, as we traveled over the…
What I consider good scan reults
I just had my first scan in 3 months and first scan since I did y90 1 month ago. If you remember my last scan was a mixed bag. My liver tumor grew BUT 3 chestwall lesions were gone, 1 lesion shrunk, and 1 was stable. Since then I have done very little chemo. Just a few rounds of Xeloda in preperation for y90. Current scan…
Maxicat - You OK?
Hi Team, Anyone hear from Maxicat? I would like to know how she is doing since we both are "signet cell". Thanks,
New at home colon cancer test
Hi all, I just found this article on CNN and thought that you might be interested in it and sharing it with your friends and family. The full link is here: http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2014/08/14/new-at-home-test-may-detect-colon-cancer/?hpt=he_c ----------------------------------------------------------------- New…
What (else) can 5-FU be combined with?
My mom saw the oncologist today, and the decision was to take her off irinotecan completely because the side effects had been excessive for her body to handle. Apparently she's going to stay on the other part of her chemo cocktail though, which I found to be 5-FU (and Avastin) from checking her hospital records online, but…
Dr. Just Called
I went in for scans on Friday last week. I have an appointment on Thursday this week to review results. Well, no waiting until Thursday. My onc just called with results. Three tumors showing up on MRI near spot of last resection done Feb 7 2014. He is going to review with the surgeon. He is not sure what the recommendation…
New here looking for support
Hi my mom was diagnosed with stage IV colon ca with liver mets Sept 2013. Had bowel resected no ostomy. Finished 12 rounds chemo now on xeloda with avastin. Her PET this May 2014 was NED and CEA was down to 5 from 60. Her bloodwork today at dr appt CEA up to 11. Im worried she is doing awsome still works full time but i…
Finally at peace
After a long hard fight right to the very end my husband finally decided that it was time to let go and go play with our beautiful yellow lab that put down a couple of years ago. He went gasping for every last breath. Until his body had decided he had enough. It was difficult to watch him go that way but now he is at peace…
He is ready to go - my sweetheart
Dear Friends, We are still at the hospital and **** has made it clear that he is ready to go. He has spoken to me, our daughter and his best friend all at one time and made it clear. Also, he spoke to the oncologist, me and our daughter and said he is done and wants to pass on. We have all told him that we will stay with…
serious side effect 5FU
Hi, I am new to this. Diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer. After surgery began chemo with 5FU and other drugs. On first day home with the pump went into cardiac arrest. Made it to hospital, coded several times. Now I can't have any chemo and cardiologists tell me I have permanent heart damage. Looking online, I found that…
Released from hospital after 8 days on Wednesday
I spent 8 days in hospital on three different floors in various amounts of pain, lots of medicine try outs, lots of pain, and a lot of missing memory. I am home now weighing 110 pounds, which is a bunch of walking bones for me. I have been in and out of hospital and OR since April, I think every other week with intense…
Newbie looking for some guidance and support
After a routine check up my father's blood count came back extremely low. They told him to go to the hospital immediately. 4 transfusions later they ran a series of test to find out he has colon cancer. They did emergency surgery and removed 8inches of his colon! all of the cancer and 27 lymph nodes. Out of the 27, 2 came…
lactose intolerance and digestive blues
I hate to trouble you with a topic we have talked about before but lately I have had some serious digestive blues.......5 years out of chemo....stage 4 with 2 liver resections and a colon resection. Lately running to the loo frequently.....gosh why does diarrhea have to be sooo hard to spell....i never know how. So I had…
Next step, time to decide
I went today for my follow up visit after my recent Y90. I had bloodwork and a CTScan last week. The results of the scan were not favorable. My Onc says that my cancer has spread. Several spots on my lungs which I have never had before and lymph node involvement. There is a build up of fluid in my abdomen. The scan even…
Yesterday I Buried My Child
Johnnybegood was laid to rest yesterday. I still cannot wrap my mind around all that has happened, ending with a tiny beautiful box decorated with a horse that was placed in the ground. It is not real as is often the case when the loss is so great. I think it is the heart's method of self protection for a while. A nice…
I lke listening to his videos, I'm making kombucha, which is natural probiotics, I just need to buy some wooden spoons. He has a lot of ideas for cleaning the body of toxins. http://youtu.be/zyTW-Tmve_Y
update - still at hospital - made it through storm
Hi Everyone, Today has been a very busy, hard, sad, filled with love, windy, rainy day. The storm did not hit our island too badly. Unfortunately is did cause damage on the Big Island but our island, Oahu is pretty much OK. That was a huge relief. We did have a blessing because of the storm and that is the doctors' offices…
In hospital and 2 hurricanes heading toward us
Dearest friends, Thank you so much for your amazing and kind words. They are like fresh water. **** had not urinated for 20 hours when he woke up this morning. We knew that meant trouble. So grateful my sister and bil are here. They took him to ER and I was right behind them with our daughter as I was going to drop her off…
I Think My Doctor Lied to Me
Hello Everyone, Just back from a lung wedge resect. Doing fairly well. So...I think my colorectal surgeon lied to me? My story in a nutshell is colon cancer, surgery/ostomy..chemo and radiation...radiation almost killed me..failed surgery...hospice...sucessful surgery..ileostomy...months of hospitalization etc...ileostomy…
My husband had a gran mal seizure. Thank god the hospice aide was here. We got him stabilized and then the nurse came and gave him some Ativan. He is sleeping now, they don't think it will be much longer. So much for all my prayers for a miracle. Sandi
My brother's CT results
2 new pulmonary nodules left lung which may represent progression of metastic disease. There is a 3mm subpleural nodule right lower lobe which is overall stable in size but slightly increased in solid appearance compared with prior study. The other nodules are stable. I believe he has 7 nodules now that are spread out in…
CT scan and move
We just got my brother's CT scan results. I guess they were a mixed bag. They think his liver tumor has improved, but they will do an MRI next week to make sure. They said his lung nodules have progressed. I didn't think to ask exactly what that meant. Not sure if there are more of them or if they got bigger. Any ideas…
The Plus Side to Neuropathy?
Since my second to last chemotherapy treatment, I have been dealing with neuropathy in my hands and feet. I guess I should consider myself "lucky." Some folks get it straight away. Some after a couple treatments. Mine waited until after the 11th cycle and then hit me like a truck. I'm still confused by this. My…
My visit with Dr. Edward Lin in Seattle
I saw Dr Lin yesterday. He is as kind and passionate about treating colon cancer and the patients themselves as I have read about him. First I would like to say that the Seattle Cancer Center was by far the nicest hospital I have ever been in. When I called to set up the appointment a couple months ago they told me they…
Prayer for those in Hawaii, particularly ****, Kathleen and family
I have just read that the Big Island of Hawaii has been hit with a 4.5 earthquake, even as they prepare for back to back hurricanes. Please send all good wishes and prayers to those folks, particularly our own Kathleen, **** and family. Marie who loves kitties
Today is my 5th anniversary being NED. I hesitated to post because there is no reason I should be NED and others not. My every day begins with a prayer for everyone on this forum and those they love. I needed to post because all of you understand more than any one else. Thank you for supporting me these last 5 years. hugs,…
Husband now stage 4 liver biopsy Friday
Hi everyone, I has posted a while back when husbands cea began to rise, he got a clear PET scan in June of 2013 but the cea kept creeping up. I knew it was coming back, he began having gallbladder type pain in December of 2013. In the process of trying to find out what that was they noticed the spot that flagged them last…
good news for me
had a ct scan with some bad tasting stuff last fri my onc called today she said didn't see no cancer. i just had my 7th cocktail she said still have 5 more to go, these should go a lot easier with a new mind set. thanks sue
Take a minute and look at this..
6th Folfox out of 12
Well, we had a very nice weekend. My cousins came and visited from NorCal. We took the boat out to Catalina. It was such a fun filled weekend. It certanly took my mind off of everything! I had my first taste of ice cream in six months. I just totally enjoyed myself. Now tomorrow starts the 6th cycle of 12. There is…