Megan rocks her cancer
At the very least it will make you smile. http://youtu.be/BaQdwTsVtCY
My wife had a PET with high resolution, triple contrast CT scan done, it's 53 months since diagnosis. We're hunting for a met. Four radiologists' signatures, and then an outside reread, can't find anything. "Our" radiologist mentioned, that (52 mo ago) he checked with the oncologist at a well known cancer center, who said…
How can you find members topics. Moderator Please
How can you find members topics or responses from previous posts? It seems like so many have been deleted since the upgrade. Just wanted to check on JBG page and the whole thing is deleted along with Lisa2012. Do the "About Me" pages get deleted if someone passes? This seems sad as people can get a bit of history from…
It's Back
Hello im new to the group stage 4 colon cancer with mets to liver nd groin finshed my first round of chemo in nov 2013 had 2 tumors in my colon and spots in my groin and liver recived ostomy and and the chemo took care of the spots had my 3rd pet scan wed found it back in my groin nodes had surgy and they removed 3 nodes…
Our dearest Lisa2012 passed away August 25th 2014
It is with a heavy heart that I share the sad news, that our Lisa2012 passed away today, August 25th 2014. I have permission from her husband to share this sad news. Lisa was a Facebook friend, and I always found her to be a humble, quiet, supportive and loving friend and member of this forum. I know that she walks with…
Prayers and good vibes for Winter Marie UPDATE by WM 8/26/14
Our dear friend, Winter Marie, is back in the hospital and is struggling. They are trying to get her weight up so she can get next chemo treatment. Please send prayers and all good thoughts her way. Marie who loves kitties
Father had 3rd recurrence. Preparing for the worst frankly.
Hello, My father has been dealing with CRC for about four years now, His treatment started in January 11, after diagnosis right before Solstice/X-Mas '10 (Months after I graduated college, go figure) He had a part of his colon removed, and six months Chemo. Sorry I do not know specifics of his case. It was already in his…
Tears and frustration...
I went to see the oncologist yesterday to discuss the recent scan findings. As previously posted last Friday's MRI detected three new tumors near the incision line from a liver resection done on 2/7/14 (six months ago). The doctors are very concerned about the quickness of this recurrence and this is now factoring into the…
MODERATOR I do not authorize the deletion of About Me Page or Posts
While going before surgery I've authorized the hospital, doctors and staff to DNR. I am requesting now, and my husband and children are aware of this request, that you DO NOT remove my content from this board. I believe my story is beneficial to others going through this and believe you should respect my wishes. My "About…
New Trial Pain Drug I'm Doing
I was asked the name of the pain block trial drug...SAPORIN Ar this time it is only being offered here in Dallas at UT Southwestern. Nowhere else in the U.S. I talked to the doctor today......they are looking for candidates for procedure......said they would pay for boarding even. So, I wanted to put this out there for…
What am I gonna' do with you guys?
I received a gift from my friends here at CSN:) Your benevolence has touched my heart. You guys really snookered me this time......didn't see it coming....and so fast. Thank all of you involved:). Your support really counts....this back pain dFor the past year has taxed me no.end. The trial drug is fading now...too low a…
CEA Test Result
I got my CEA Test result yesterday. It was 2.5 my lowest amount ever. That makes it over 5.5 years NED. I read the book Nana B recommended Radical Remission. Most of the stuff I have been doing is the same as what others did to beat cancer. I remember 5 years ago when I asked my onc what the chances for recurrence were and…
Newly Diagnosed and wanting to connect.
Heh everybody, Female and 54, fit, slim and healthy grandma, with no family history, no smoking, yet have been dianosed with Polyposis syndrome and am now scheduled for a right hemi-colectomy in 5 weeks. This means I grow the nasty kind of polyps and lots of them rather quickly. It also means thateven if I do not have…
Craig (Sundanceh) update
Hello All, Our dear friend Craig asked me to tell you all that he had surgery today, but that he should be home tomorrow. He just started an eight week clinical trial, and he's only the third person ever to take part in it, so let's hope that this is the one that works!! Please join me in sending warm thoughts or prayers…
Newly Diagnosed and Need Advice
Hello. I had a colonoscopy on 8/18/14. I am 44. I had no symptoms, the main reasons for having the colonoscopy before the standard age of 50 was because I thought I might be losing my health insurance coverage and my uncle died from colon cancer at 75. I believe he lived with stage 4 colon cancer for about 5 years. So, the…
Feeling a little spotty - CT Scan results
So, I got my CT Scan done on Wednesday and the results today. Three spots of interest on the liver. One they believe to be scar tissue from the Ablation. Another one looks allot like a hema - somthing. Some kind of blood flilled thingy. I'm usually better at getting information, but obviously not today (Edit: I do believe…
Feeling a glimmer ..
Hello everyone! I have been away from the board for some time with a whole lot of life happening, some good, some bad, but all worth living, I have been checking in to keep up with everyone and keeping everyone close in thoughts. Sadly loosing several friends from the board and several family members the past few months…
Chat with Oncologist
I spoke with my brother's oncologist yesterday. She said she discussed my brother's condition with the liver specialist. She doesn't think my brother is a good candidate for the chemo-embolization because of his condition, but the liver specialist would like to see him anyway, look at all his charts/tests, check him out…
My love has passed on
Dear Friends, This is what we have sent out: "My sweet, strong, amazing husband of 26 years passed away this morning just after sunrise in beautiful Lanikai surrounded by his family. Mahalo nui loa to family and friends who have stayed with us through this journey. Aloha no au la 'oe I truly love you ****" For you, you…
Anyone want to share their experience with chemoembolization of the liver?
Hi guys! We went to talk to the onc today to get my brothers CT and MRI results. She said there are 2 new tiny nodules on the lungs, but she said the radiologist said she thinks they may have been there before but were too smalll to see on the last scan. The liver tumor, she explained, has kind of shriveled. She said she'd…
The 2nd Annual Cure to Cancer Summit-free online
Today is my 7th Folfox treatment
I'm on my way to start cycle 7 infusion. The last few cycles were mixed with shingles, root canals and stys. I'm feeling tired but I've been babysitting my 17 month old twin grandsons! I'm happy to be on the down side of this mountain. Ready to get another one done. If all goes as scheduled I have 75 days left to finish…
I saw your post under an old post, that may not receive attention. First, welcome to the site. Sorry you have to be here. To answer your question, To start a new forum topic you need to press the button under COLORECTAL CANCER. ITS RIGHT UNDER THE SEARCH BUTTON. Take care. Excuse the caps.
ALPPS procedure for two stage liver resection
Hi, Has anyone heard of the ALPPS procedure pioneered by Dr Eduardo in buenos aires, argentina. Also known as liver partition. Hospitals name is hospital Italiano . It is a two stage resection of the liver , but second resection done within a week of first operation. That way it seems that the timing between resection gets…
Sick Again - Immune System Question
A couple weeks ago, I had a nasty cough that has since changed to pneumonia. My oncologist tried to reassure me that we would treat accordingly, and that this wasn't wholly unexpected since my immune system is pretty impaired and roughed up following chemo (I finished FOLFOX at the end of April). I don't deny her…
Hi All, I was just diagnosed with a tumor in a right colon with a size of fist. The biopsies were taken. On Monday they'll tell me if any cancer is there. But, it's 99.9999% it is there. I've found some site from the Internet http://www.cancerfightingstrategies.com It looks as it can make sense. I'm looking at the 7th…
Hi to my dear friends, Inhale, exhale is pretty much what I keep telling myself today. A little history for those that don't know, for those that do, fast forward to the next paragraph. Dx March 04' rectal cancer with 2 known mets to 2 different lobes of my liver (confirmed by biopsy) and 1 to my left lung (never…
as I sit here
As I sit here alone after all the family has left after my husbands funeral. I realize that I am alone I keep expecting my husband to walk through the door. I was positive I was ready for this, but it is way harder than I ever thought. I no longer have a shoulder to cry on or someone to take my shoes off and rub my feet…
Not Cancer Related, Just Crazy
Hello All, Just wanted to let you know that Kentucky will not let me go. I am in the hospital in JBG's small town with pneumonia. Also have Thrush in mouth & throat & can sympathize with those of you that got this as a chemo bonus. YUCH! This started as bronchitis over a week ago & despite clinic visit & meds has gone into…
CT Scan or Cheesecake Factory
So my husband and I drove all the way to Reno (300 mile round trip) for my CT Scan only to be told that the machine was not working. What to do? What to do? Got it! We'll go to the newly opened Cheesecake Factory. (Anyone familiar with Robin Hood Men in Tights will recognise the line). So the trip wasn't a total bust as I…