I yelled at a Nurse today.

thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

I am still in the hospital and an Oncology Nurse PA comes in from my Oncologist's office.  She starts hammering me on making a visit t the Doc's office to receive Chemo.  I ask if they will be open Thursday to remove the pump.  She said no, they will close tomorrow at noon, and then be open on Monday, but if I came in today or tomorrow, I could stay in the hospital and they would manage the pump for me.  

Laurie asks so, he is supposed to stay in the hospital for a couple of extra days so you can give him chemo?

She says Yes.  Then chemo would resume and all would be good fo you.

A couple of nurses walk in to my room to change IVs etc... I ask the PA is the Oncologst late on his Car Payment? The nurses are now stifiling a giggle.  I said, Really I want to know?  You and him hae been beating me up on getting a Chemo treatment this week. IS he going to lose his car if I do not get Chemo this week?"  The nurses now are in full laughter.

She smiles, and said, "The doc is doing well financially."

I ask, "Then can you and him give me a break and stop beating me up on doing chemo?  I am angry now, and Laurie and I have already talked about if your office is only worried about money and not my health, then it is tim to seek another Oncologist." 

She appologizes and says, "I understand where you are coming from now. We will stop harping on the chemo treatments."


My cea is 2.4, my tumors have all been shrinking!  My rectal tumor could not be found in the last couple of CT/PTs.  Why am I getting verbally beat up?


She tells me, what their concern is that many people stop chemo at this point.  (I have already done 13 reatments of Folfiri w/Avastin.)  She tells s I have a real good chance of killing the tumors completely, and then they would go  in after the mets to give me a better future outcome.  We are all laughing now.  She gives me a big hug and says you are doing great.  We will take in to consideration of how hard we a re pushing patients for treatments.


On the Plus sde.  When I keep another couple of meals down, I will get released from the hospital!  My colon is functioning again, and I am people colored again.  lol  I had not pooped in over 60 hours, and then another 72 hours before I pooped again.  That is very concerning.


A friend is staying at our house, and he will prepare Thanksgiving diner for us!  We had een teaching him to cook over the last 8 months.  He watches the house and runs our dogs.  A couple of other neighbors come over and play with the dogs when we are out of town. (It is nice having well trained and disciplined dogs.)  We are excited to get home to see our Fuzzy Children again!  lol


Best Always,  mike



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Good for you for standing up

    Good for you for standing up to the nurses. I am glad you responding so well treatment and happy to hear you will be home for Thanksgiving and hopefully will be able to enjoy your dinner.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    I bet you didn't really yell...

    but I'm sure you got your point across succinctly. 

    Sometimes you just have to spell it out to them. They deal with patients all of the time, but I dare say they have no real idea of what they put them through. 

    I am glad you had your say, and now I hope you can go home and enjoy Thanksgiving, your family and your fuzzy, well behaved children.

    You are in my prayers. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Trubrit said:

    I bet you didn't really yell...

    but I'm sure you got your point across succinctly. 

    Sometimes you just have to spell it out to them. They deal with patients all of the time, but I dare say they have no real idea of what they put them through. 

    I am glad you had your say, and now I hope you can go home and enjoy Thanksgiving, your family and your fuzzy, well behaved children.

    You are in my prayers. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    I had to learn

    how to advocate for myself.  I cared for my parents and my in-laws.  I handled my children's illnesses but I laid back when it came to my issues.  I FINALLY woke up and started asking, reasking and getting them to restate to make sure I understand what they're saying.  In my case, I got worried in that my oncologist, nursing staff all deferred to my desires.  I keep saying... I'm not the doctor.  All in all, I've gotten very good treatment with just the little pesky things being unhandled.

    Good Job!


  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Thanks All, Going Home!

    I am waiting for my last IV to finish and then I get my release papers from the hospital.


    We are excited to get home and see the Fuzzy Kids!   Also, being able to relax at home is a big plus!

    Thank You all for your support.   The ******  was for the word Cancer.  I do not know what the powers that be are editing for.  It cetainly is not for consistent logic.

    Best Always,  mike

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Yolllmbs said:

    I had to learn

    how to advocate for myself.  I cared for my parents and my in-laws.  I handled my children's illnesses but I laid back when it came to my issues.  I FINALLY woke up and started asking, reasking and getting them to restate to make sure I understand what they're saying.  In my case, I got worried in that my oncologist, nursing staff all deferred to my desires.  I keep saying... I'm not the doctor.  All in all, I've gotten very good treatment with just the little pesky things being unhandled.

    Good Job!


    We all need to advocate for

    We all need to advocate for our selves.  Else, many Docotors and Nurses think they are going to step all ver you.

    One of the meds kept making me ill.  So, I refused it.  Three times taken and three times ill.  Hmmmmm  What to do, what to do?   The DOcotor asked why I refused the med.   I asked if you do not undestand maybe a food service profession is bettter suited for you.    I am tired of really bad Doctors.


    Best Always,  mike

  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member
    Good News


    Glad the two of you are getting to go home.  From your posts it sounds like you need a break from this despicable disease we have.  And, the frustration of those in the health care community who don't seem to get it. 

    Best of everything to the both of you,


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Mike,

    Enjoy Thanksgiving in your home.


  • aggie0053
    aggie0053 Member Posts: 110
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Mike,

    Enjoy Thanksgiving in your home.


    mike try to enjoy a stress

    mike try to enjoy a stress and dr. free thanksgiving

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm glad that you let them know how you were feeling.  I'm told that holding off for a week or so would not compromise your treatment.  There are some of us (many I'm sure) that couldn't do treatment because of WC and platletts being low.  Who the heck would want to stay in the hospital because your doctor's office won't be open to unhook you - are they really that stupid.  Glad all your numbers and tumors are going in the right direction.  Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy that dinner that someone is cooking for you.


  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    thxmiker said:

    Thanks All, Going Home!

    I am waiting for my last IV to finish and then I get my release papers from the hospital.


    We are excited to get home and see the Fuzzy Kids!   Also, being able to relax at home is a big plus!

    Thank You all for your support.   The ******  was for the word Cancer.  I do not know what the powers that be are editing for.  It cetainly is not for consistent logic.

    Best Always,  mike

    Have a happy thanksgiving and

    Have a happy thanksgiving and enjoy the holidays. I am happy that you are home.

  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member
    Good for you!

    My husband fired his "purple" team of residents while in patient in January for a horrendous 21 days.  They did absolutely nothing for him.  They kept saying he had an obstruction when in fact he had a tumor in his small intestines.  They wanted to do a barium scan and he had an NG tube.  He kept telling them no, he would no do that test and asked them "How can I pass that concrete if I have an obstruction and how will I do when I start to vomit concrete with an NG tube?"  They thought he was joking around.  They must have come in 6 times and told him they were going to prep him for the barium.  No one ordered a CT scan until he had been ther 10 days and the surgeon we had to "wait for" came in and asked to see the CT scan.   Fools, all of them!  He told them to get out and stay out.  What a waste of precious time.

    Stick to your guns!


  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    LindaK. said:

    Good for you!

    My husband fired his "purple" team of residents while in patient in January for a horrendous 21 days.  They did absolutely nothing for him.  They kept saying he had an obstruction when in fact he had a tumor in his small intestines.  They wanted to do a barium scan and he had an NG tube.  He kept telling them no, he would no do that test and asked them "How can I pass that concrete if I have an obstruction and how will I do when I start to vomit concrete with an NG tube?"  They thought he was joking around.  They must have come in 6 times and told him they were going to prep him for the barium.  No one ordered a CT scan until he had been ther 10 days and the surgeon we had to "wait for" came in and asked to see the CT scan.   Fools, all of them!  He told them to get out and stay out.  What a waste of precious time.

    Stick to your guns!


    Thanks for sharing your

    Thanks for sharing your story!   That makes me feel better.  We are at the point of firing our Oncologist.  When our Dcs are more worried about their bottom line versus my health, I do not need nore want them in my life any more.


    Best Always,  mike