lump under incision site
I had a lumpectomy for DCIS at stage 0 in Nov. 2015 then radiation for 4 wks. I had a six month mammo to check breast this last wk..the radiologist made me very uncomfortable. he saw the lump at incision on mammo so gave me an ultrasound. he drilled me. i told him my radiation dr. at my follow up told me it was scar…
Surgery is done
I was in hospital 5 days.They made the long incision.From bottom of breast all the way down.And I mean all the way down.They removed several tumors,Lymph nodes fatty lining of stomach that we knew had Cancer.Now they don't think it's Ovarian Cancer.So they are reasurchingit more with pathologist .Then I will start Chemo.I…
Tamoxifen and sun exposure
Has anybody read anything about tamoxifen making you more susceptible to sun exposure sensitivity? I was out for a walk yesterday and later in the evening realized I had sunburn on both arms. I'm not usually sensitive to the sun and don't usually burn so easily. Wondering if it's the tamoxifen - and, if so, why... Thanks…
Hypofractionated radiation
Hello all, A month ago I met for 3 hours with a great RO. She explained that I should receive the standard series of RADS - 25 + 5 boosts. After 4 more weeks of waiting to heal after surgery (9 weeks post op), I asked for another appointment to see if I could get things going. To my surprise I was told that she was going…
Went on another retreat.
This one was so good. It was with Lifting Hearts. A nonprofit here in Utah. There were 20 bc survivors. Stage 0 -4. Such a positive loving environment. It broke my heart to see so many in their 20-30's with young children. Out of 6 stage iv, 2 were in late 20's- early 30's. All theree were at different stage of acceptance,…
lung nodules 19 years after breast ca diagnosis
Hello- Long story. My mom is a two time breast cancer survivor from 1989 (first primary-unilateral mastectomy and 1996( another primary on other breast-mastectomy. She had chemo both times. First time she was node negative second time she had one positive node. NO problems since. Recently she was diagnosed with endometrial…
Breast reconstrution options
I am coming to the part of my journey where I will make my choice of what kind of final reconstruction I want. Flap is a very long recovery and two healing locations..tummy and breast. I'm am so sick of surgery and healing process. We all know how long it takes to get your body back after each surgery! I am know thinking…
Funeral yesterday
Lew's funeral was yesterday, I lost count how many floral arrangements there were - 7 Peace Lilies alone. No way do I have room in my little house for all the flowers so sent bouquets home with any family who would take them, and I still have 10 left here in my house. So many people came they had to open up the back wall…
Rib Charlie horses?
HI. Has anyone experienced what feels like a Charlie horse under your rib cage when you twist your torso right or left? Happened to me several times this week and I have no idea what it could be.
Cognitive issues and headaches
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well.. I had my exchange surgery finally on March 23. I was wanting to know how people are dealing with issues post chemo. My chemo has been done since May and targeted therapy since dec. I am on arimidex and had hysterxtomy in nov. I have been having headaches in mornings and…
Staples and stitches instead of steri-strips
I have staples on the incision for the sentinel node removal and stitches where the cancer was removed curving around my left breast. Its only been 3 days but I look horrible. I searched through the archives but couldn't find anyone who had staples who had healed already. I'm just trying to prepare myself for what to…
Any idea when you get the "all clear"
Thanks everyone.
Today is Sunshine 0406's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with lots of fun and love all around! Besh wishes for a happy, HEALTHY year! love, Jenny
Pain on the underside of my arm and Choice between 2nd lumpectomy or a mastectomy
I am 3 weeks plus, out from my lumpectomy and sentinel node removal. I have been having pain on the under side of my arm(flabby side). I thought it was from the staples but those were finally taken out on Thursday and the pain is still there. The surgeons nurse says its normal. Does anyone else have this pain? Also we got…
Muscle spasms in chest region after masectomy
My mother had a double masectomy in December 2014 for Triple Negative, Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 3. She did not have reconstruction. She went through 5 rounds of chemo with Cytoxan and Taxotere. She did 33 rounds of radiation. She is in remission and having few side effects from the treatments and surgery. She has some…
Question on Aromotase Inhibitors
hello, havent been here in a while. I havent really been much of anywhere as I have been in graduate school. I also unfortunately had a friend who died of oral cancer and was helping her. I started on femara and it made me feel like I was jumping out of my skin. I didnt have horrible side effects except that. Then I…
I feel what feels like 2 maybe 1/2 worm shaped lumps
I have recently 3.5 weeks ago had a masectomy. At that time an expander was placed. 5 days ago I had my first appt for inflation(lol) for lack of a better word. Up until that point I have been feeling great. No pain at all. Last night I felt what appeared to be 2 1/2inch in length worm shaped lumps at the lower part of…
Tomorrow s the day
Tomorrow is surgery day.I been stressed beyond believe.Was sick with a headache all day.Sick at my stomach.I will be so glad to be done with surgery.I don't think I ever been this stressed.First Cancer was awful .But wow this time is really hard.I have Prayed for God to give me strength .Thanks for your caring thoughts and…
Surgery two days away
Thurs. morning is surgery day.Will remove tumors ,lymph nodes .Then Chemo to follow.What a roller coaster ride mentally this has been.They are holding off on the hot chemo for now.I am not sure if first time I had cancer is harder or if second time is.
Suggestions for helping: Numbness, tingling & sharp prick sensations
My mom has completed her treatment for Triple Negative, but now enjoying some side effects. Can anyone offer anything to try? Thank you!!
HELP! ! Breast reconstruction with gel implants & fat injection transfer
I'm scheduled to have my saline implants replaced with gel and fat from my stomach will be placed at the top of the implant. PS said this will give me a more natural look and prevent any dimpling. Has any one done this procedure????
One breast considerably smaller than the other after finishing treatment.
Hi all. Happy to finsh my treatment but after radiation and lumpectomy, my breast is almost 2 cups smaller. Just wondering what my options are. Don't want to wear inserts as I swim daily and also can't face more surgery on healthy breast. Has anyone on here had liposuction on the larger breast and has it worked. I will be…
Wig resource Cheap and Free
I didn't have to go through chemo after my BM so I don't know what you lovely ladies have had to endure with the hair loss and everything else that comes with that nasty chemo. I met another breast cancer survivor when I went for my bra fitings and we are now buds.. She however went through 8 rounds of chemo and lost all…
Still waiting for treatment plan
Been two weeks since I seen Cancer Dr.Still waiting.Driving me nuts.
Hi, I'm not sure where to begin. About two months ago I started having a burning sharp pain in my left armpit that travels down toward my elbow and across my breast down toward my nipple. The pain started to increase but it isn't a constant pain it comes and goes, at times I feel fine but when it hits it hits hard. I have…
Still waiting on treatment plan
the last I heard from my reg. Cancer dr. They wanted to do hot Chemo.Now in the bigger hospital they have taken my case bfore the board several times.As you know the waiting is horrible.Been five weeks since surgery.Said this is a u nique case.I have overary Cancer with no Overarys.Never thought it was possible.But it is.
Fractured vertibrae (T3) what next?
Had a CT last week and my gp called this morning to tell me I have a new fracture of the T3 vertibrae. Maybe this is why I have been in agony for the past 2 months??? I see my onco on the 20th and I guess that will be the first discussion of treatment etc of this latest setback. Onco put me on a strong anti inflam,…
Surgery hopefully next week
I seen surgeon today.They got me in two weeks early.They are planning surgery next Thurs.Dr. Doing some more research in my records.If she can remove tumor behind my liver it will be next week.So at least their is a plan in action now.Then after surgery they will decide on what kind of chemo.Dr. Was very nice and full of…
Breast reconstrution options
In 4 months I will be ready to have my expanders removed and final reconstruction. Who has had success with the Tarm Flap/Free Muscle sugery?
Any News PPurdin?
Any updates on your treatment plan from your doctors? Hoping to hear some news from you.