Anyone taking FEMARA, there is help with high cost.

sgamtd Member Posts: 124
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello FEMARA users,
The nurse at the Onc's office told me about the Femara Cares Program. It's $10. for a 30 day supply, and Norvartis will pay the rest of the cost up to $800. in any 12-month period.

Also there is one 30 day free trial script available at the same website. Both of these can be printed from the website to your computer printer.
Just type the word femara into you seach engine and it should take you there, it worked for me.
Happy Thanksgiving


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I had looked it up as I was
    I had looked it up as I was told I'd be going on it when start rads and most of the sites I saw said it ran about $450 (+/-) a month.
  • HillBillyNana
    HillBillyNana Member Posts: 107
    Rague said:

    I had looked it up as I was
    I had looked it up as I was told I'd be going on it when start rads and most of the sites I saw said it ran about $450 (+/-) a month.

    cost of femara
    Someone Posted a website on here once to find a pharmacy with cheap drugs. I can't find it. i think it was marilyn that posted it. Does anyone remember it? Please post again. I do hope everyone is doing well these days. I am taking femara now. I have had two weeks of it. l Still don't know if it is the right thing to do. For one thing it is sooooo expensive. But Canada has a generic.
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399

    cost of femara
    Someone Posted a website on here once to find a pharmacy with cheap drugs. I can't find it. i think it was marilyn that posted it. Does anyone remember it? Please post again. I do hope everyone is doing well these days. I am taking femara now. I have had two weeks of it. l Still don't know if it is the right thing to do. For one thing it is sooooo expensive. But Canada has a generic.

    Bumping this up for ppurdin. Keeping this bumped up.