Taxol or Taxotere what is the difference?

gobluegirl90 Member Posts: 53
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am beginning chemo on 5/20/10 with AC every 2 weeks for 4 cycles (8weeks) but My Onc also said I would come back in on Fridays for your shot? I am really confused now, not that I was not before lol.
Is there a difference in how they are given to you? One shot or a few hours infusion? Side affects are they the same or diff? I will have 12 rounds of this part of my chemo?

I am going to call my Onc before i start to be sure, which of the T drugs that I am having, but i am reaching out to you all because I can not stop thinking about starting chemo and what to expect when I walk into that infusion room, is it going to hurt, will i pass out or have a weird reaction? I am really scared and rambling, sorry.


  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    I'm a little confused...
    As you what you are getting,too! The shot I think he is referring to is the Neulesta shot. It helps keep your blood levels high. I didn't have this shot, but lots of women have and they will chime in and let you know what that is all about.

    I had Cytoxan and Taxotere. I believe that Taxotere and Taxol are in the same drug family. If there is a difference between the two, I really don't know what it is.

    As far as your first infusion, they will take it slow with you to be sure you don't have a drug reaction. If you feel weird at any point itchy, can't breathe, flushed, etc. tell the nurse right away and they more than likely will give you Benadryl to counteract any reaction.

    I know you are scared, confused, anxious, etc. but believe me, once you get the first one under your belt and you know what to expect, it will be easier. Not a cake walk, but doable as we all say.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    pattimc said:

    I'm a little confused...
    As you what you are getting,too! The shot I think he is referring to is the Neulesta shot. It helps keep your blood levels high. I didn't have this shot, but lots of women have and they will chime in and let you know what that is all about.

    I had Cytoxan and Taxotere. I believe that Taxotere and Taxol are in the same drug family. If there is a difference between the two, I really don't know what it is.

    As far as your first infusion, they will take it slow with you to be sure you don't have a drug reaction. If you feel weird at any point itchy, can't breathe, flushed, etc. tell the nurse right away and they more than likely will give you Benadryl to counteract any reaction.

    I know you are scared, confused, anxious, etc. but believe me, once you get the first one under your belt and you know what to expect, it will be easier. Not a cake walk, but doable as we all say.



    I think it is the neulasta
    I think it is the neulasta shot. it actually doesnt keep your WBC high it helps them multiply faster so you will be ready for your next treatment. This is used in dose dense therapies. so they can give it every two weeks instead of 3 or more weeks, and they dont have to wait for the WBC to come up on their own. Your WBC does drop low. I was in the hospital with a WBC of 1.2 and they said people go even lower.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    carkris said:

    I think it is the neulasta
    I think it is the neulasta shot. it actually doesnt keep your WBC high it helps them multiply faster so you will be ready for your next treatment. This is used in dose dense therapies. so they can give it every two weeks instead of 3 or more weeks, and they dont have to wait for the WBC to come up on their own. Your WBC does drop low. I was in the hospital with a WBC of 1.2 and they said people go even lower.

    I was so terrified of my
    I was so terrified of my first chemo treatment, but I handled it really well. The nurses and patients are truly wonderful. The only thing i hated was that it was freezing cold in the room, ask for blankets. Bring a book or magazine with you, they had magazines there. Sometimes, i just liked to doze, they usually give you benadryl, which makes you sleepy. Believe me, it really was not bad at all. I had taxol every week!! Take care
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Definitely call your Dr.,
    Definitely call your Dr., but you can also go to to look up specific drugs. It will tell you all the common names, uses, and side effects of the drugs. Fear is normal because there are so many different possible reactions. The nurses are your best friends. They have dealt with LOTs of patients and LOTS of problems and their job is to make your treatment as comfortable as possible. Talk to them and ask them about anything and everything. Let them know how you feel, even if it seems insignificant. They may be able to help you feel better. Just remember that the chemo is killing the cancer that is trying to kill you, is temporary!

    be well, seof
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    seof said:

    Definitely call your Dr.,
    Definitely call your Dr., but you can also go to to look up specific drugs. It will tell you all the common names, uses, and side effects of the drugs. Fear is normal because there are so many different possible reactions. The nurses are your best friends. They have dealt with LOTs of patients and LOTS of problems and their job is to make your treatment as comfortable as possible. Talk to them and ask them about anything and everything. Let them know how you feel, even if it seems insignificant. They may be able to help you feel better. Just remember that the chemo is killing the cancer that is trying to kill you, is temporary!

    be well, seof

    goblue, we can all identify with your feelings...
    I know I surely can. I was terrified and reached out to anyone and everyone for strength to get me in that door, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as I had been expecting. Most women on here will tell you that. However, it's no cake walk either. We all have our little bits of advice for you, but 100% will tell you to DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!! I chewed ice chips throughout the "A" (red) treatment as I was told that would help to alleviate any possible mouth sores. I have to say the only time I had mouth sores was when I didn't chew enough ice to last throughout the treatment.
    YOU CAN DO THIS! Think of all of the women who have gone before you and come out the other side so much better for it! Think of all the women walking in a door at a chemo center the same day as you across the world! Think of why you need to do this! Your kids? family?
    life? YOU CAN DO IT!!! I'll be holding your cyber hand....
  • tally
    tally Member Posts: 48
    Tomorrow I have my third of six treatments. Mine are Taxotere, Adriamycin and Cytoxin. I was scared my first treatment too. Everyone here is giving you good advice. Pretty soon you will be giving a newbie advice. I think the shot your doctor is talking about is Neulasta. I was advised by friends who have been through this to get the shot in the stomach instead of the arm. They said it didn't hurt as much. I took their advice and also the nurse who gives me the shot said that if it's administered slow it helps alot. I have never had any problems with the shot. And as for the chemo, its doable. My main complaint is fatigue but after a few days you start feeling a little better everyday. Good luck and keep us updated. I'll be praying for you.