Two Pink Warrior Sisters/Friends met for the 2nd time...
A few days ago - on Saturday, December 4 - Taleena & I, along with our husbands, met for the 2nd time. The 1st time was about a year ago; unfortunately, no one thought to snap a picture back then. This time - we did! So, I now have a brand new ID photo. And there's a picture of all four of us within my Expressions. Hoping…
Elizabeth Edwards update
I just heard a news break that said " A family friend reported Elizabeth Edwards has passed away". Prayers and God's peace to the family.
I am heading out to my dance for fitness class this morning. I haven't been there since dx's. I am looking foward to seeing everyone and getting my feet moving again and dancing to the lively music. It's great after chemo, I feel normal again!! :) ! I'll be back on here later. Annette
Thank you Dyan for the ornament
Dyan Thank you so much for the beautiful snowflake ornament. When I read it, i cried. I just love it and yes you made me feel beautiful when I received it. Once again thank you. Love Surf
Took my last steroid on Thursday afternoon. Thursday night could not sleep, rested on and off all day and all night. Friday night slept for a few hours on and off. This exhaustion and the "foggy" feeling are the pits. Anyone else have this and how long does this last?
Teena (tgf), thank you soooooo much!!
My secret sister has outdone herself. I carefully opened the box to find everything inside packed with such care. I first opened the card and it was a beautiful "sister" Christmas card with loving words written inside. Then, a beautiful angel ornament that almost looks handmade, an angel holding the hand of a little girl.…
GYNO again per oncologist suggestion
I had BC & radiation-now on Tamoxofin for about 18mths. 6 mths ago internal ultra sound (not sure of real word) and found thickening-then did D & C...saw my onolog. last week said I must have ultrasound @ 6mths...I had one today and in just 6mths much more thickening and polyups....so next week back for another D&C...gyno…
Merry Christmas
Hi everyone, though I don't come on to the boards as often as I did, you are all in my thoughts and prayers every day. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and yes we do have much to be thankful for...just being on this site is one of the many things I'm thankful for, but I also wanted to wish each and every one…
My sister met with med onc today
He told her she does not have to go on Tamoxifen again since she took it 9 years ago premenopausal. And since this was a recurrence and she already has osteoporosis he did not recommend her taking Arimidex. He did tell her to talk with her gyn and to take Avista for her osteoporosis as it helps build bone and breast…
CT bc survivors - Roseann, Cindy (Grandma X3), Sher43009 and Wendybia
Hi, I'm Charlene (61) and live in Coventry, CT (near UCONN). A couple of us have just started talking about meeting, maybe in November. I'm still in treatment so I would have to arrange around that. I don't work (retired/disabled). Let me know what you think........... Char
Heart Break Update
Well it is officially over. He signed a new lease on our house we shared and my name was removed. Said he did what was best for both of us. If that's the case, why am I so miserable. Rejection is a hard thing to take especially when you feel your body has been mutilated. I feel so ugly. I have found an apt for myself and…
It is a small world!
I am excited because one of our new sisters Texasgirl10 lives close to me! A little over an hour away. We have the same treatment center, Onc. and surgeon!! I am very excited to meet her, hopefully over the Christmas holidays!! God Bless (((Hugs))) Janice
Im new here. Mom has bc and now bone mets
I have learned more this past few days about cancer then I ever knew, but still dont know enough. Im not sure exactly what I need to know in order to assure my mom gets the best chances. Can you help me by telling me what to ask the dr? She is 72. She was never sick before the cancer. Last May 2009 she had a masectomy but…
aisling 8.Thank you Thank you !!!
I got 2 ornaments today from aisling8 and I can't tell you how it made me feel. I just love my angel (silver with beautiful pink gems in her wings and necklace with the words HOPE on her chest. She brought tears to my eyes. And as much as I love lighthouses, I love the ocean, sand and shells just as much! My next one is a…
Thank you Rathgirl
Kristen thank you so much I received my ornament today! It is a lovely sparkly present, pink and green. It is perfect as you are all presents to me that have gotten me through this tough journey! I also had chosen to decorate more sparkly this year, How did you know? I will post a picture when my camera battery recharges…
Surprise Gifts from Fauxma AND MimiVac!!!
My goodness!!!! I am getting unexpected but such loving gifts from my family of Kindred Spirits! Today I received gifts from Fauxma and MimiVac! Fauxma sent me...a beautiful green metal heart with cut out snowflakes, an angel wing, and 2 silver seashells with the words Inspire and Strength on them. The best partof all was…
FlexiTouch MLD (Manual Lymphemdema Drainage) Machine
I just got a call from my Lympedemologist to go up tomorrow to get measured for my machine. Don't know when I'll get it as it has to be scheduled when the Factory rep can be there. It's been a bit over 2 weeks since he said he was ordering it but Thanksgiving fell in the time and he had shoulder surgery on Dec 1. ANYHOO -…
In the mail today I recieved a wonderful ornamemt from Roseann in CT. It is amazing... a BEAUTIFUL dragonfly on top of a leaf, it has blues,greens,golds and red jewels for eyes, how did you know that I love dragonflys? Thank you so much it was so exciting to have this exchange, It is hanging in my living room window and…
My Christmas Ornament
I got my ornament today from my "Secret Santa" 1surfermom. It brought a huge smile to my face...1 because it will always remind me of Ellen...and 2 because she must know me better than I do myself. Turns out Ellen went to Hawaii on vacation and spotted this ornament which is Santa on a surfboard. Now, her user name is…
Heading somewhere to the West Coast..... ummm
There is a package being shipped (went out today)... somewhere west.... somewhere in a sunny state... ummmmm wonder who its addressed to??? Anticipation... gotta love it! ~T
Nipples & Nervous!
I had my exchange in late July. Scheduled my appt. for nips on Dec. 9th. I'm terrified! What if they don't take? I like my foobs the way they are now ... kind of scared that getting the nips will mess them up. I have insurance now and likely won't have it in January ... feel kind of pressured to get them. But now that I've…
Still rocking this grandma gig!!
In the spring of 09 I used to come onto these boards constantly for support, information, recipes.....then life got crazy! But I am back.....with a new (9 month) grandbaby lodged in my heart next to her sister. They keep me alive!
Thank You Lili!
Hi, I got my ornaments, and you can't wipe the smile off my face! A Beautiful Angel with gold delicate wings and a sassy gal with some fancy shoes! I Love them Lili Thank You So Much and Have A Woderful Holiday! Your Sister Karie : )
Today is Cruf's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CATHY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! 58 & looking great! May all your wishes come true today & throughout the year! Have a great day! ♥ Cat
i should be happy but i'm not
I got my CT results the other day and nothing got bigger actually they went down and my bone in the spine got hard so she said it was healing, I guess i'm feeling sad cause i always have to ask her when is it over , and that dreaded word comes out and says you have to be doing this the rest of your life and i just want to…
Prayers for Elizabeth Edwards
I just heard on TV that Elizabeth Edwards family had just released the news that her Drs have said that further treatment for her mets "would not be productive". Prayers for her and her family! May God (or her Higher Power) give them the strenght they all need at this time and in the times to come. Susan
A box of treasures from Lighthouse_7!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Wanda, Thank you so much!! Two beautiful ornaments -- a sparkly ice cream cone, the cutest Teddy bear you ever saw. But that's not all!! A candy cane (yum), a medallion with a sweet sweet angel on one side and on the back, a small cross and the words Angel of Healing and a sweet tiny heart underneath. And that's not…
How many found their own BC as opposed to a Mammogram finding?
I am very curious as to how many found their own BC as opposed to it being discovered during a mammogram.....Seems the more I come in contact with those who have BC the more I am finding they have found it themselves......sometimes shortly after a mammogram...I, personally, found mine less than 3 months after my yearly and…
Onco switched me back to Tamoxifen
OK, I was having major side effects (well, at least I thought they were major!) and made an appointment to see my onco. SE's were: headaches (I never get headaches!!), bone pain, and general pain everywhere, worse hotflashes, fatigue etc. So he walks in and says, "So what's going on?" I said "I hate Arimedex." He then…
Rad Grad/Chemo Grad/Surgery Grad - DONE!
Had my last radiation treatment yesterday. Finished Chemo Sept. 23. Partial mastectomy was May 11 and a hysterectomy July 1. I'm done with the surgeries, treatments and all too frequent appointments with all the various oncologists (surgical oncologist, medical oncologist, radiologist oncologist and gynecologic…