Onco switched me back to Tamoxifen
OK, I was having major side effects (well, at least I thought they were major!) and made an appointment to see my onco. SE's were: headaches (I never get headaches!!), bone pain, and general pain everywhere, worse hotflashes, fatigue etc. So he walks in and says, "So what's going on?" I said "I hate Arimedex." He then…
Rad Grad/Chemo Grad/Surgery Grad - DONE!
Had my last radiation treatment yesterday. Finished Chemo Sept. 23. Partial mastectomy was May 11 and a hysterectomy July 1. I'm done with the surgeries, treatments and all too frequent appointments with all the various oncologists (surgical oncologist, medical oncologist, radiologist oncologist and gynecologic…
Promise Me Book
had anyone read the Promise Me book?
Cookbook .. donating all proceeds to 'Breast Cancer' ..
I have been collecting receipes from family members, friends and strangers .. all in an attempt of 'playing it forward' .. cookbook. I have assembled several chapters thusfar, I plan on offering alternate receipes - for lighter cooking! All proceeds will be donated to ACS - Breast Cancer. I am hoping that my friend (RE,…
I just found out that my cousin is a pink sister
We are not as close as we used to be so I had not talked to her in quite a while. She called my mother to wish her a happy birthday and during the conversation told her about her cancer. Of course my mother immediatley called me and told me about it. I then called my cousin and we talked for quite a while. She has had a…
New expressions
Posted some new pics of my head with staples in it! Not for the squmish also one of my baldness and of my brain MRI
painful, tender palpable lymph node
on the right side. I had lymph dissection along with the mastectomy 09/29. Started antibiotics today. Anyone have anything like this???? I am beside myself with worry of course that it's hit the other side too!!
Got the treatment...............
it was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated! Not comfortable - but really not so bad!!! He numbed me up really good :) ))) Pet Scan tomorrow then I've free until December 29th when I get the treatment in my spine again :( Thank you all SO MUCH I felt you all there with me and thought about all your kind thoughts while I…
still mourning a friend, Deb I miss you
As some of you may know, i lost a friend from the boards, Deb1969 in October. Now, I cannot stop reading her pm's to me. I guess I am looking for some clue that she was so sick, but there is nothing. In her daughters post to me about her passing, she told be that it was quite sudden, that she just started to fill with…
Haven't been around in a while
I've been reading, but not posted recently. I missed the time for the ornaments and i'm so disappointed would so loved to be a part. I have a 13 year old that was in the school musical, so between rehearsals and preformances, science project etc. been very busy. Work is also kicking my butt. Tis the season. I'm so happy…
Eyebrows and eyelashes
I finished chemo in August, lost my hair, most of my eyebrows and eyelashes. All is coming back now but I started losing eyebrows and eyelashes again. My eyebrows and eyelashes were coming in like crazy and now they are falling out again. Did anyone experience this? Thanks any information is appreciated.
Taste Buds
Can't taste food. Eating what should be "healthy" anyway but can't taste it. Doesn't make for an enjoyable meal. Is this something that anyone else has had? Sore throat at night, using chloraseptic and Halls cough drops seems to help that. Hot liquids are better than cold.
no chemo-just radiation
Are there any others had just radiation? (post surgery)
Effexor effective for hot flashes in patients with breast cancer
Just FYI. The study below was published in OcologyStat, Nov 8, 2010. Not a huge study, but effexor might be an option for those with the hot flashes issue. Also, FYI, Venlafaxine=Effexor and Gabapentin=Neurontin "Based on patient preference data, venlafaxine is a preferred and efficacious drug in the treatment of hot…
Got my ornament today!
Just wanted to say thank you to rainbow4 for my beautiful ornaments that I got in the mail today! Pretty brass ones! One has a star on it and says Hope,one has a dove on it and says Peace,and one has a Christmas tree on it and says Joy!And such a nice card as well!I was so excited to see that my package came from…
Bone Scan vs Bone Density test
I had a bilateral mastectomy almost a year ago and then chemotherapy which ended in August 2010. I'm currently continuing with Herceptin treatments until April 2011 every 3 weeks. My oncologist had me scheduled for a Bone Scan but then changed it to a Bone Density test. These are very different tests.... has anyone had a…
we are all so different!!
i am going through radiation right now - my sessions take approximately 45 minutes (or more). i have extreme fatigue and don't trust myself to drive (1 hr. 15 min. each way). rad onc recommended having someone drive me from this point forward after tomorrow, i have three more weeks to go). i am blessed to have people in my…
Poster Child for Bad Luck!
I think every single time I start half way feeling better, something happens and it smacks me right back down again. Had mastectomy and placement of tissue expanders on October 8th. Finally start feeling a little more human a couple weeks later and started running a fever. Both doctors felt breasts looked good (healing…
sister's cancer
My sister had stage 1 breast cancer. She had a lumpectomy, then rads. All was well until 3 weeks ago when she went for blood work and they said something wasn't right. Further tests showed it had spread to her liver. I had stage 2 cancer, double mastectomy,chemo rads and reconstruction. I live in Houston, so my surgery and…
Excellent book--MUST read!
Go get Waking the Warrior Goddess! Written by Dr.Christine Horner, it is not "New Age-y" as it sounds but is full of very well-researched information about how to live during and after cancer. Based on the concept that "food is medicine" it reminds us to eat organic and local whenever possible to avoid the devastating…
Last chemo done, scans tomorrow, sugery tuesday
Well phase one as I call it is done, finished my chemo on 10 Nov. I have a PET/CT scan tomorrow to see where we are, prior to surgery, rt mast, on the 23rd (yeah I know happy thanksgiving), but I just wanted to get it done as soon as chemo was over. I have Inflammatory bc and it is aggresive so the sooner it is gone the…
Give our bald head a hug
I was feeling very sorry for myself after a rough day at work. The chemo has brought an emotional roller coaster that I hadn't expected. Still having 2 more treatments before starting rads, my hair is really gone and my onc tells me that I can't begin to diet until my treatment is complete, so all in all, I'm not feeling…
Ah receptor - UC Davis research
Hi Everyone- Thought you might find this blurb interesting/encouraging. It's from a UC Davis publication out of the College of Argiculture and Environmental Sciences. I received the Fall issue in the mail last week and just saw this particular article. It's online at http://outlook.ucdavis.edu Fall, 2010 issue and it's on…
I'm stage 1
WOW...wish you all could go to my Onc/Surgeon.. Anywho....my lump is stage 1 2cm...it is totaly intact and will be removed next tuesday. I will take 30 radiation treatments just to be sure. I have a rare cancer called muscinus(sp) which is a very slow growing tumor. My doctor is a teaching and reaserch Doc and just…
Anyone use MedGift.com?
Wondering if anyone has used MedGift.com? I read about this site in the December issue of Health magazine, and it seems like it could be a really helpful resource. Founded by a young ovarian cancer survivor, it's a site where patients facing any serious illness/injury can create a gift "registry" for their friends and…
My Surgery Went Well
Thanks for all your thoughts & prayers. My surgery went well yesterday. I arrived at the hospital about 10 a.m. and left about 5 p.m. They removed my ovaries and fallopian tubes first. They actually went in through my belly button, so I didn't have to be cut. Then my plastic surgeon went to work. She removed that awful…
tightness under arm and behind arm to back and shoulder blade
This tightness is worse than before. I had my second chemo on monday--could this cause tightness. The cords in my armpit are very tight. Feels like something is tied arond my armpit. I am stretching arm and have began ocupational therapy--masage- but ist is bad today. My masectomy was in sept.
CT Scan
I had an appt with the radiation dept this afternoon after I had a CT scan this morning. The cancer has not spread to any organs, but has spread to a mammary gland in the center of my chest. God, chemo, surgery, and radiation will take care of that. This is the best news I've had since I found out I have cancer last week.…
how cool is this.....
My highschool football team is in the State play offs and the game is on TV!!! They won State last year. Gotta love Highschool football in Texas o and its 67 degrees!!! Fun Fun Fun I'm so excited.................... :-P
Am I nuts?
I have about 70 adult blankets made. Now I am thinking that maybe it would be fun to make little fleece blankets for my beloved babies (the ones born at my hospital in December). I might make mainly little, biddy Saints blankets. Last night at work, the nurses were taking photos of a new baby girl dressed in a "who dat?"…