Mama G
Any one hear anything about Mama G???
Who are we 'cheering' for - Steelers or Green Bay ???
My husband -- is taking the Steelers, myself .. Green Bay, someone new -- young and exciting! What am I going to do on the 7th of February ?/?? Football will be over -- and I may have to start living outside of my family room on Sunday's. Vicki Sam
Waiting sucks
Hi All. How do you deal with the waiting?? Everyone says, no news is good news...but really? I just want to know. Had a fnb in Dec, showed suspicious of mucinous carcinoma...so had a lumpectomy on Jan 19th...still waiting to hear from the surgeon for pathology...my family Dr is trying to get results for me, but haven't…
got the blues
I have only had one chemo treatment, 15 more to go.... my levels are still off, the Dr. wans me to stay at home so i dont get sick ( boring) ican understand it, however all you can see are the same walls and if you look outside there nothing but snow. my port desided not to work this week.. and i have already ad to go in…
Biopsy Results?????
Hi Everyone, Okay, so on the day of the hugh storm here my doctor calls me with the results. At first I'm scared because I had a follow up appointment on the 9th to get them. Then he tells me they came okay. Then he tells me that doesn't mean it's not cancer, it just could be that they didn't get the right spot. Well…
Who's my mystery person?
As usual, I forgot to do this before but I wanted to thank the person who sent me a lovely scarf. I didn't know who it was from. I use it in the morning on my early chilly walks. Hugs, Ayse
The JUICY diaries
Ladies, how are we doing? And you think I forgot, hunh? Let's hear it, who's still on the wagon, who's hanging on .. I made myself a list of questions that keep me in check: - my biggest challenge no coffee =Yes - no processed foods =yes - 8 cups of water per day = yes - at least 20 minutes of exercise=yes - juiced in the…
Breast cancer
My name is Ahmet yurdadoğan im living Turkey's small province which near Black sea coast of the Turkey. Today i wanna tell you something about my mother and her Breast cancer story she is the part of yours because she is the one of the Breast Cancer survivors womans of our world. Nearly 8 years ago had taken my mother's…
NASTY colonoscopy!
First - the portion he was able to do was "Normal Exam"! That's where it goes down hill. Woke up in Recovery in major abdominal pain. Turns out he could only 'get to' 2/3rds of colon (what he got to was normal YEAH). There was a 'Jumble' (at least that what Hubby said he was told) that he could not get into (honestly I'm…
just got an email from Mama's husband
Lorraine is in the Vero Hospital.She has no feeling in her legs,she can't swallow and she was coughing a lot. They are going to finish the radiation on her spine where they found the cancer cells. That will be all they can do. She has to much cancer in her spinal fluid. Thanks for all the prayers, Glenn I'm at a loss for…
tomoxafin and leg cramps
Tired of being tired. Keep waking up with these darn leg cramps. Had it checked two wks agon no blood clots I am tired of meds for the side effects. Anyone have any natural cures to this prob.........thanks
How much biotin are you taking per day?
Just curious, it definitely seems to be working on the hair loss. I didn't have chemo or rads but the general anesthesia seems to really affect my hair. Since I've had four surgeries in 6 mos., it's become a situation. I've been taking 5,000 mcg at night. Curious as to what you all are taking and how effective is is/is…
If money,time and other factors weren't an issue, what is your biggest, most outlandish dream?
Other than dreaming of good health for all of us, maybe before we got sick.....I always dreamed of becoming a singer. I would love to hear some of your dreams!
The weather! What is it doing where you are living?
It is snowing here today and cold. What is it like where you are at? ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
I think all the birds have relocated down to Florida!
I'm sorry for those of you that are suffering from the horrible weather, I pray that you are keeping warm, staying safe & that the storms pass soon. I remember all too well what it was like. Though, for the past few days, my yard has turned into a Bird Sanctuary. It is so awesome!! There are Robins, Cardinals, BlueJays,…
another from the mouths of babes
ok remember this is day 4 of being housebound because of the freakish weather we are having in Texas... watching the Ellen DeGeneras show my daughter (10) asks me, does that lady think she is a boy or what? Not sure how to answer that one LOL
My oncologists view on tumor markers.....
My oncologist, who I have said how much I love her, does the marker test once a month, she said they are good at monitoring some people and not so good in others. in my case the markers have always been dead on that something is going on in my body. She says in some people they dont help at all. She always follows up a…
I know this is totally lame but....
Next Wednesday I get to go in for my wonderful round... blood work, mamogram, bone scan, bone density test, lab work, meeting with my onco, and my wonderful ever 28 day injection of Zoladex... I get to be at the cancer center from 11 o'clock until 4:00.. not the way I enjoy spending my day, as I'm sure many of you can…
mammogram w/ a medi-port still in?
my surgeon wants a mammogram in between chemo & rads, but I will still have my port in, won't that be more painful as things are stretched and could it cause damage to the port? Has anyone dealt with this?
Finally have a surgery date
I had the consultation with my new oncology surgeon yesterday. No other cancer, besides the right breast lesion, showed up on the bone or pet/ct scans. That was a relief! I was given the choice of mastectomy or lumpectomy. If the tumor was any bigger or my breast was smaller, I would have had to do a mastectomy. I chose a…
Saw the rads onc today
I met with the rads onc for the first time today, liked him a lot. Very thorough answers, didn't seem rushed, and personable as well. Simulation will be on Feb 8th (still have to get the last drain removed). We'll start treatments about a week after that. He's recommending a larger than normal daily dose, with a morning…
TAXOL- first time...
Hi Everyone, My mom was diagnosed with agressive Breast Cancer early in January. Fianlly- we start her first CHemo Feb. 11th. The plan is to do Chemo- once a week for 12 weeks in smaller doses- then do surgery. The Chemo drug is TAXOL- what should we expect? We are just now learning about everything. God bless you ALL. I…
how is your doc's "bedside manner"?
I really love my oncoloist and feel to lucky to of found her. She is always warm and welcoming and ALWAYS makes a point to touch me on the hand/shoulder back with no gloves on. The entire staff at my center is very hands on - they use gloves when necessary but also give that human touch that sometimes is so needed. When I…
Tram Flap Procedure
Hi everyone, It has been a year since I had my masectomy so it's time to have my reconstruction surgery. I had my right breast removed. I am wondering if anyone here has had the tram flap procedure? Where they use your own belly skin and fat to create your new breast? I am concerned about the recovery time and the pain…
Lump in chemo arm
My arm hurts so badly when I try to stretch it all the way out. It's like a burning and about two inches above the site they put my IV in is a lump. Dr. says it's probably phlebitis. But it's been going on since my second treatment. I will be on number 5 next thursday. Anyone had similiar? I HATE LUMPS!!
1st day
1st day on the network here and have to say the support i see between everyone is awsome!! I'm a triple neg breast cancer had a lumpectomy 1/14/11 and scheduled 2/8 for more margin to come out plus a port for 8 sessions of chemo plus 6 1/2 wks of radiation. Scared but ready to get this going
I had the last drain removed yesterday.
My last most troublesome drain was the left axilla, it has consistently put out about 120ml of fluid a day. Over the weekend it dropped to 80ml a day...I'm thinking that's good news. But then I start to swell, armpit toward the center of my chest above the incision. And then I get some redness in the skin at the site of…
Spoke to Sunrae
She sends her love and wants everyone to know that we are all in her daily prayers. She is taking a break from CSN because all the recent news has been difficult for her while she is trying to mend. She is still dealing with the shingles and in addition her diabetes has caused bleeding and blurred vision in one of her…
Tumor markers increased after chemo
I just finished chemo (6 rounds) after 2 lumpectomies (to get clean margins) and was mapped and ready to start 33 rads, but my onc called with the news that my tumor markers from my blood test last week have increased. Seems that in August before chemo they were 31, the last chemo treatment on 1/7 they were 36 and on 1/25…
Microcalcifications and scared:(
Aloha to all, about 7 months ago I had my first mammogram. I am 36 yrs old. They told me everything was OK and I could go home just to call me next day to tell me to come back to the clinic to have a second mammogram. When I returned, they did mammogram twice and an ultrasound. The results were a cyst on my left breast and…