OT - Life Is Too Short To Be Stupid
I have never understood actively risking one's life in the pursuit of of fun, entertainment, or sport. Life is too short to be stupid. While driving home this afternoon from day camp, the girls and I were passed by an ambulance and fire truck responding in full emergency mode, sirens on, lights flashing, to what appeared…
Aromasin after Chemo and Radiation
I have stage 2 breast cancer with 3 lymph nodes effected. I made it through chemo and radation....now my oncologist wants to put me on Aromasin. Anyone going through this too? I hear the side effects of Aromasin are bad. Is it worth it? I am thinking about not taking it. Help!
I got the results at work today...
...that little lump wasn't just scar tissue. I don't have a plan of attack yet. The surgeon is recommending a CT or PET scan for "restaging", nothing scheduled yet. I'll definitely need surgery to try and get clean margins again, no schedule for that either. I haven't talked with the onc yet, so I don't know what he's…
OT POLL: Where do you give your time, talent or treasure?
I know we have several here who are coping with a new diagnosis, or fighting through treatment yet again, or waiting and praying for tests and test results...so I thought we could use something positive, to lift our spirits a little. And what better way than to share the good we give back to others? So...what causes do you…
Pinkkari09 - Kari, how are you? Started chemo yet?
The last I saw you post was to say that your count was low and you couldn't start chemo yet. I am hoping that your counts went up and you are started on your treatment now. Post to update us when you get a chance. Praying for you Kari, Jan
OT- A Prayer for the Homeless During the Hurracane
Hi sisters-- Please pray for the homeless (and those with addictions too?) who will be out on the streets during the hurricane. Hoping nothing bad happens to anyone, and that the city accomplishes to make everyone safe. This is a song for the Homeless: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt2mbGP6vFI
It's Hubby fault I wound up in UC - DR says!
YUP - I wound up in UC (Urgent Care) yesterday and the Dr says it's Hubby's fault - I agree -absolutely his 'fault'! Night before last while I was playing the 'puter, he was playing on his Smart Phone and found an App that turns phone into a flashlight. So he put it on his phone and grabbed mine and put it on it too. He…
Triple negative x
Can anyone assist me with triple negative x breast cancer info
Prayer and candle gathering today, 8/25/11 for all WARRIORS here on our site -- 3:00 EST
So many of our 'brave' Sisters in PINK are in the midst of endless chemo, recurrence, questionable lumps, a pending biopsy, WBC problems, weaken immune systems, difficulty walking or standing, and FEAR of the unknown. I would also like to include all our newbies, as well. I adore and love each and every one of you 'brave'…
In support of our chemo warriors
I've opted to change my profile picture. Won't you join me?? This photo was taken of me and a fellow co-worker just seven months ago. Bald is beautiful ladies, mo-hawks??? Not so sure. Loving support in those chemo rooms, Lorrie
Okay,.... think I need help with these %!@#&)) Hot Flashes
I have tried so hard to be strong and not give into to any extra medication but the hot flashes and really the NIGHT SWEATS have almost made me cry Uncle. I had a gyno appointment today and had a good flash ( red face and all ) and he says why do you put up with them? Hello? Why are all my doctors comedians ! Anyway I…
Counts too low, no chemo :(
Guess I would normally not be sad to say I can't have chemo, but at this point in my journey were it's really vital, I'm a little concerned. I went in yesterday for just the gem of my gem/carbo regimen and my WBC, RBC, and platelets were too low to do chemo. I'm praying really hard these come up fast because chemo is my…
Saw doc today and felt even worse......
I had chemo today and before saw my oncol. he didn't want to talk to me about my leg said we would "just see what happens" and then he asked me if about my relationship with in laws, parents, sibs, friends and I was like "um I get along with people" and he told me I need to a good support system and walked out of the room.…
How Do You Respond to Such Insensitivity?
To begin with, I have a sis-in-law from H#$L who lives in another state. I have been thru 10 months of surgery, chemo, and rads, and now finished. For the most part, am feeling well, but terribly fatigued and drained, as well as having a huge radiation burn that will need to be treated by a burn center. She emailed me the…
"So...are you okay now?"
On another thread, missrenee mentioned something that I think deserves its own discussion -- 'cause I myself would love to hear some good ideas about this, too! For those of us who've completed active treatment, how do you answer that infamous question from casual acquaintances, co-workers, neighbors: "So...are you okay…
did your doctor give you a "risk of reoccurence" specific number?
Hi all: I meet with my oncologist next month after finishing treatment and am wondering whether to ask him for a specific number regarding my risk of reoccurence. My pathology report just says my risk of reoccurence is "high" but I don;t know what is considered "high". 80%?50%? 30%? On the one hand I would like to hear a…
How to strenghten leg.....I fell again!
I have breast cancer that moved to bone mets in my hip/leg. This happened Jan. 2010, had rads and then this summer had lots of pain and had rads again. Now my knee is completely numb and just randomly gives out and I feel (or sometimes do) like I will fall. Today I was picking up lunch at Subway and went out to the car…
Good resources for recently diagnosed bone metastases?
The optician at my optometrist’s office, who I’ve worked with for several years (and who talked me into the fabulously funky glasses you see in my picture!), has only been out of treatment for breast cancer for a year, and I found out today she's just been diagnosed with bone metastases. She’s still undergoing scans to…
retail therapy
Ok, for some reason, I have been in the shopping mood. I have been fairly good (mostly), we are not in debt yet. Is it just boredom? Some freaky chemo brain thing? Menopause? I need something to blame! On the upside, I got a great deal on my Christmas china and it is made in the USA! Cindy
Hershey, PA meeting update October 29, 2011
Hey girls, our meeting is getting closer! Here is the list of our attendees so far: 1. Jean 2. Lil 3. Linda (linpsu) 4. Sue (sbmly53) 5. Char (cahjah75) 6. skipper54 7. Waffle8 8. Margo (tommaseena sp?) 9. Penny (carkris) 10. Bunny Jane The following are the ones that are not attending, still undecided, or I haven't heard…
OT: Earthquake! EVERYONE OK from VIRGINIA?!?!?!
Praying everyone is OK in Virginia. I felt my building shake, and I am in NYC, at work, 19th FL. Scary but also ironic. Please let us know you're doing OK. P.S. First thought I had: If I went through 8 chemo treatments, 16 radiation, and 3 weeks of tamoxifen, there is no way the roof will fall on my head.
Has anyone gone breast down for rads?
I am in week 3 of my rads. I am going breast down thru the hole for my rads. Has anyone else had it this way? I was told this was the best way to get to where my cancer was. They had to go from underneath for the surgery also. I'm wondering if this reduces the the complications of the rads since nothing is going on my…
Today is ShirleyCurls Birthday!
Hi, Can someone tell me what to expect with Taxol. I will start 12 weekly treatments the middle of Sept. I have my last AC next Thursday.
When I blog it's flagged "Edit"
When I reply to a couple of blogs, says "edit" at the bottom. Can anyone explain why that is the case? I am getting paranoid here! Thanks, Marlene
From AARP mag
http://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-08-2011/medical-innovations.4.html Hopefully the link above will work and hopefully I'm not repeating some news another poster may have started. At any rate---while the studies on the new breast cancer drugs are still somewhat new, it is very encouraging.If we could…
Today's Annual Mammo Leads to a Biopsy...
... already scheduled for one week from today, next Monday morning, the 22nd. Pathology results a few days later. Described as "tiny" and "very suspicious" - the other breast, up 'til now the "good" one. Admit that I'm simultaneously frightened and very angry (sorry, dear Chen). Am hoping my pink sisters and Kindred…
Lumpectomy Scheduled what to expect
Lumptectomy and lymph node removal scheduled. Short hospital stay and then home with drain. This drain thing freaks me out. How long have ya'll had this in for? How long out of work? How sore? Etc.
How to cope with hair loss.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May-2011 and I've only had to treatments of chemo and my hair had started coming out. I wanted to know what did some of you do when that happened and is there a certain way that you're suppose to do to your scalp.
Friend has Hygrade DCIS Camedo Type Cancer..Terrified
My friend has Hygrade DCIS Camedo Type breast cancer and is terrified and just sick. She has had a lumpectomy and has had her sentinel and auxillary nodes removed. The nodes were clear. Two out of the eight slides only showed a little bit and the margins were clear. After the lumpectomy nothing showed up on the mammogram.…