I am sitting here wondering
I have to go to an oral surgeon Mon. My jaw has lost bone. My teeth are very touchy and hurt. I am wondering if the chemo I had or taking fosamax or having zometa has done damage or has the Femara done its damage. I know everyones journey through is different. I have been to the denist all along I was told no problems…
i need to know what is the treatment in this case ? chemotherapy or not ?
we have already three treatment of FEC chemotherapy before the mastectomy surgical *now this is the result of pathology: Gross: Spceimen consisted of MRM measured 32*22*2 cm, skin ellipse measured 17*13 cm showing incision measured 7 cm long leading to cavity with no remenants of previously resected tumor tissue measured…
So glad I found this site!
Hi everyone! I just found this site..so glad! I have been going thru hell. I'm into my third round of chemo and I am so sick! I'm so tired that I can hardly get out of bed. My bones ache, my fingers are numb. I have headaches all the time. Just venting! My poor husband usually has to hear all this, since I don't know too…
Meeting up
I know this would cause difficulty. But wouldn't it be wonderful if as many of us as possible could meet up one time. I would just love that but it would be of course very difficult. May be State by State would be more doable. Just a thought.
Dental surgery while undergoing chemotherapy....isn't it a little dangerous??
After my first chemo on Sept. 6th, by the following tuesday, Sept. 11th; I was experiencing an extreme pain with my back tooth. Long story short, landed in ER, went to the dentist, who sent me to an oral surgeon. Yesterday, Sept. 25, 2nd chemo; oncologists says yes, get the dental work done and now; today, Sept. 26th, the…
new job
I started a parttime job 3 months ago. I am still undergoing reconstruction surgery, so am weak and not mentally or physically strong. I sell artwork and like my job, but am not as sharp as I should be to make the money I should be making in commissions. At this point, I understand that money is not the most important…
Denied Temp Disability
Anybody apply for temp disability after diagnosis? I applied during my chemo and was denied. There is something very wrong about this process. Any experiences, advice? thoughts?
Weight Gain Question
Hi all, Going next week for my third round of Taxotere and cytoxan and notice that my weight is bouncing all over the place big time. I hardly eat but if I have a good day and eat three meals I put on like 3-4 lbs . I know I need to talk to My onco next week but was wondering if anyone else has experience weigh gain on…
bad and lose of taste
I check in to the discussion board every day, but have not contributed to the discussion for a long time. Have had tests and tests and more tests but so far so good. This probably seems insignificant, but have a question. I have been on femara/letrozole for 2 and 1/2 years and am beginning to lose my taste. Has this…
surgery tomorrow
I'm going in in the morning to have a right side mastectomy, my left side tissue expander removed (had that mastectomy in January), and tram flap reconstruction. They say it will be about a 12 hour process. I thought I was ready for all this, but as it gets closer, I am very emotional and extremely nervous. Any words of…
Had to shave my head today
15 days out from first chemo and when I got out of shower today my hair was just falling out in huge clumps. I though I was ready or this I had already cut my hair super short last week in anticipation of this day. But I was so not ready! Thank God my husband was off from work Today to comfort me, he shaved my head for me…
Potential Rx Help for Chronic Body Pain after Chemo
I am 5 months post-chemo. Overwhelming body pain started my second chemo round in February and continued unabated until I finally saw a rheumatologist several weeks ago (it is now October). From what I understand, you can have this reaction to the chemo itself (TAC was my protocol), from Levoquin (antibiotic give for 7…
Starting Chemo on Friday 10/5
OK ladies, haul out your bus or light those flashlights......whatever it is that helps to work your magic... I start chemo on Friday, I have purchased my wig. I need to buy a thermometer yet (I hear you need to check your temp all the time). My shots have been called in to the pharmacy (I believe I will be trained on…
5 year journey
I'm celebrating. Five whole years of dancing with NED. My oncologist sprung me today. Annual mammograms and monthly self-exams is all I need. No drugs, no nothing. Hip Hip Hooray! God is good, life is good, and thanks to the many, many people on this web site who gave me the love and the support that I so needed to get…
Mamolady or anyone, if the machine freezes while you're getting your mammo....
isn't there some sort of kill switch or something and where is it, so, that the machine will release us? I know I heard about it or read it on here before. Thanks!
Free haircut at jcpenney salons for all breast cancer survivors!
Saw an announcement on jcpenney's website that they're offering a free haircut and style to all breast cancer survivors during the month of October. We've all earned a little pampering, right? Check it out: http://www.jcpenney.com/dotcom/jsp/browse/category.jsp?id=cat100300164 Traci
Taxol and bone pain...Help!
Has anyone had severe bone pain from Taxol? My father had his first dose on Monday and starting getting bone pain yesterday. Tylenol is not helping. What have you taken for pain? THanks for replies:)
Halloween party onthe pink bus!
What is everyone wearing for the Halloween party on our magical pink bus?. I am going as a "boob" tube or a pink ribbon pumpkin! Anxious to hear about your costumes .... Sue D
I am in a very depressed stage with being so fatigued. How are others dealing with it?
Ok, so I feel a little weird posting to this sight without a cancer diagnosis. I have been reading so many of your inspiring stories and you ladies amaze me with the strength and bravery that each of you posess!!! I do have a question though....I was diagnosed with abnormal cells in my left breast after an "MRI guided…
I did one round of this combination and it tore my system apart. I could not function. Had thrush and dehydrated and had to go in twice for hydration. I have never felt so out of it. My Oncologist has now take me off of the Taxotere. Has anyone else had this combination and how did it affect you?
What is the Pink Bus?
I am new here. I have figured out the "Pink Sisters" idea; but I am not at all sure about the Pink Bus: what it is, what is its purpose . . . Maybe other newbies have the same question I do.
Thank you for the information. Actually, I do read all of your posts and have learned a lot from you. I realize thatbafter so many years of going through this you are very informed and you have been very helpful. I hope you keep posting, as your knowledge is helpfulnfor all of us. Thanks again for the info. Carol
Great News On My Mammo! I Am Dancing With NED! YIPPEE!!!
Whew! The techs didn't say that I was dancing with NED. They actually said nothing had changed, congrats and gave me a hug. Those were the sweetest words to hear ever! So glad that is over now. I had myself so upset and my hubby kept trying to calm me down, but, it just wasn't working. I don't think anything works for any…
caphosol for mucos
I have had a lot of mucos and thrush. Help please
OT Lance Armstrong
I just heard on the news that Nike is terminating their contract with him and that many more will follow by the end of the month when he is stripped of his titles. Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on this. They also said he would probably be sued by many. Lex
I picked up the Afinitor (new oral chemo) today.
have not started it yet. Thr nurse who counseled menscared the bejebes out of me with he s/e. Mainly all the resperatory ones and hownthey can be fatal. Is there anyone here who is or has taken it? would love to hear frome someone who has actuall been pn it. Carol
OT - dogs running loose killed my cat
Dogs runnimg loose came into my yard and onto my back porch where the Grey's (two brothers that are grey cats) were sleeping and savagely attacked them. They killed my Skinny Tail and I cannot find the other one anywhere. All caught on my security video. It is a horrible thing to see and I so want to say something to the…
My little dog is really sick
I knew that my dog, Cinnamon, probably had a bladder infection again, since she seems to get them every so often now, and was going to call the vet. I was not prepared for what I saw this morning. My poor little Cinnamon, peed the bed and it smelled bad. I was not prepared for what I saw on the sheets. It was red blood. My…
I am in a very depressed stage with being so fatigued. How are others dealing with it?