Pink Bus For Abrub/Alice As She Is Having A Double Lumpectomy, Today. All Aboard!
Alice is having a double lumpectomy today. Let's board the pink bus and show her our support and encouragement. Thanks, Debby
Newly diagnosed
Diagnosed last week with Triple Negative, having a lumpectomy next week.....advice?
Low Iron
I finished my chemo/radiation 8/2011 and since that time I have had a pretty low Iron count. Normal is 10-129 and mine is 19. Has anyone else experience low Iron counts? I am nervous as online research states it could be another form of cancer. However, my doc said not to be too concerned, they will run some tests, but am…
Axillary lymph node dissection OR axillary radiation OR both??
I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and am just finishing chemo. The SLNB found cancer in one out of four lymph nodes removed and I am now faced with the decision of whether to have a full axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) OR radiation to my axilla OR both. I understand that there has been recent…
Wire-localized biopsy/lumpectomy
My MRI showed only the 2 masses that had been spotted on my mammo and u/s (one lump on each). Now I'm scheduled for surgery to remove both masses on Tuesday. My dr says there will be a needle-wire localization placement into each mass before surgery. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Thanks! Alice
Pink Bus Needed For Our Pink Kari09/ Kari ---Please
Here is what Kari posted today on the shout out to her: Please come with me today:) Thank you, Diane and all other warriors. I wish I had good news but I'm falling apart. Started with severe kidney infections, feet ankles arms all swollen, had an echo of my heart monday. Pet scan today SCARED SCARED SCARED, brain MRI on…
White Noise
I am up avg 3,4,5 times nightly...I tried white noise on my cell with head phones..but not sucessful! Any suggestions for machince with head phones use as an option? I am going to check out Brookstone and Bed Bath and Beyond this weekend. BEEN bad since stated tamoxifen..Dr says it should not effect my sleep-I THINK IT is…
Reducing the effects of radiation / flushing radiation out? Supplements, meds, what?
Yesterday, I received a CAT scan of my chest and abdomen. I'm in my 50s, and I've had two CAT scans in the past in the same area. I've also had excessive radiation exposure in my 20s when a Radiologist left the machine on for an extended time. I'm very concerned about getting new cancer from this CAT scan, since it's like…
I'm requesting the pink bus for our dear Chenheart tomorrow morning--8 a.m. Pacific time
I saw a post on facebook tonight from our Chen. After many months of chemo, she is having a PET scan tomorrow at 8 a.m. PDT. Let's get that bus gassed up, pack up all our picnic baskets full of goodies, wear every item of pink we have and bring all the positive energy for a great result for her. This is a woman warrior who…
OT - SO proud of Son!
Son (33) and his GF were out to dinner when some jerk ran through the resturant and grabbed a lady's purse and was out the door. Well, Son caught up with the jerk in the parking lot and tackled him. Another guy followed out so there were 2 of them keeping the jerk there when to police got there. I'm not suprised that he…
Heading home mon
It was very nice out here in southern california I enjoyed the zoo and a very nice cruise that helped felloew pink brother and sisiters here in southern cali saw a very beautiful sunset .
Getting dressed up!
Soooo, I'm getting ready for a big wedding this afternoon and it is my first dressy occasion since my double mastectomy. (6 months ago) One year prior I had a colostomy bag (still do) as part of my treatment for anal cancer. I will be seeing a lot of people who I have not seen since before my new body! I know the day is…
How can we go to previous posts?
I wanted to follow up on places I have posted on this discussion board. How do I do that?
25 yr old daughter Mammo
My oldest (25) daughter had a mammo on Monday due to issues with sore brests. She had test done at Imagining Center she works for. All looks good-but they did the mammo since my history of BC. Thinking it may be her thyroid-plus she just found out has HIGH calcium. HOPEFULLY all come out as stress related.... not that I…
I still need to say thank you.
I just don't feel like I have sufficiently said thank you to all of my wonderful sisters who have been so supportive!! You all take such good care of me.your support has been so helpful!...I am truly humbled and grateful. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Hugs, Linda
Have those of you diagnosed had the OncoType DX Gene Assay done? Anyone with a high number?
I had first stage breast cancer diagnosed in December 2011. My oncologist wanted me to have the OncoType DX assay before he finalized the plan of action (chemo and radiation or just radiation). I am sorry to say my Oncotype came back at 38. (0-10 is low, 11-20 is medium, 20-30 is high). This is apparently different from…
allergic to taxotere
Well I went for cycle 2 of my cytoxan and taxotere on 6-17. Within just a minute or two, I felt funny.. I guess I started to turn "purple". I was given o2 and i.v. benadryl and the treatment was stopped for a bit. When they started again I was able to get up to 100 drips per minute,but I started to have back and chest…
anyone with lymphedema?
Hi again ladies, Tiger here again, do any of you who have had mastectomies ever get lymphedema? I noticed today that the fleshy part by my armpit is swollen and my arm and hand are really aching. I did not have it since my surgery,but since this last dose of Taxol it is bugging me today. Apparently the drs say there is…
Hi everyone!
I'm just checking in to let you know that I am ok. My left eye is still a problem, so I have a limit on my computer time. If I go beyond my limit I get some pretty nasty headachers. I will get back on regularly when that eye is better. I'm back on chemo, navelbine. That's been fine, a little diarrhea on day two. And my…
OT (Off Topic) -- I've lost my beloved 'Bailey Storm' on Thurs, 10/11 at 5:30 pm
Thursday started out like any other day .. schedules, appointments-- things to do. Now that the weather is cooler (rain included) here in Southern California -- I took to baking banana bread, and cookies for a bake sale. Our daughter, Alexandra took Bailey Storm for a walk, leaving her smaller 6 lb sister - Emma Rose at…
INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA Best Breast Reconstruction Surgeon
For anyone in Indianapolis looking for a PS for your breast reconstruction... PLEASE make an appointment with DR. CHRISTINE KELLEY at Meridian Plastic Surgery Center, 317-575-0330. She is the BEST! She will take such good care of you...she is an amazing, caring, compassionate, and meticulous plastic surgeon! In December…
OT: Tattoos
tattos? who and what have tattos? Just curious... I notice I am like minority when I go any place (mall, beach, work, hair dresser etc)I am one the the few without ONE! Denise
Today is Heatherbelle's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR HEATHER HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! Have a Great Day!! ♥ Cat
So here I am, scheduled for a lumpectomy with lots of questions, and I finally receive my pre-op call. The nurse left me so P-O'd. First, she called at 9:30 to ask if I’d be available at 11 for a half-hour call. I said that would be perfect. I blocked out my schedule at work to be available, and then waited and waited AND…
I am not sure what happened
Was at the hardware store today, working with one of the clerks getting a good paint brush, and got dizzy, then started going out. He leaned me against the shelve and held me up by my arms till I got my legs back. I was really embarrassed, everyone was staring. He was so nice, he has been there since the store opened and I…
please help me as I'm going to do
this is the pathology report: Microscopic: Examination of the referred slides received and sections were prepared from blocks received revealed pieces of breast focally infilrated by tumor tissue formed of small cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and indistinct cell borders arranged in small groups and indian filling, with…
Starting Arimidex Thursday after 2 years of Tamoxifen
I started Tamoxifen in August 2010. I have felt crappy the entire two years. Extreme fatigue, bone and joint pain, sick all the time, couldn't get out of my own way. Thursday 9/20, I am getting my first Lupron shot to shut down my ovaries, and I am starting Arimidex. I am a little nervous about the shot and a new medicine.…
So sick after 2nd round of chemo
It has been one week since I had my second round of chemo and yesterday I finished my last of 6 nepogren shots and let be tell you what a nightmare it has been. I have never been so sick in my life or in so much pain before. And I know pain I have been suffering with R.A for five years now. At one point my onco had to give…
I feel like a burden, want to move far away
After my BMX last year, the people in my life are not supporting me any more. It has been 16 mos already, they seem to think b/c I am young that this is 'going well' for me. Today, my mom told me how much it has taken out of her to be helping me... How it is a hard thing to go though.... How she, too has battles.... Many…
Delayed Diagnosis? Was your doctor the cause of your advanced stage?
Curiously I am wondering how many woman waited for their diagnosis, due to doctor failing to order additional diagnostic tests needed, to rule out breast cancer or any cancer. How many mammograms did you have before your diagnoses? Stage 0 and stage 3 is the difference between fighting off cancer and fighting for your…