Potential Rx Help for Chronic Body Pain after Chemo
I am 5 months post-chemo. Overwhelming body pain started my second chemo round in February and continued unabated until I finally saw a rheumatologist several weeks ago (it is now October). From what I understand, you can have this reaction to the chemo itself (TAC was my protocol), from Levoquin (antibiotic give for 7…
New Diagnosis
Just diagnosed last week w/triple negative BC, having a lumpectomy next thursday w/lymph node removal as well.....suggestions or advice?
Rest in peace Dear friend! I haven't been here for a while & it saddens my heart to come here to bid you farewell! You were one of my first friends on this site back in 2009. My deepest, sincerest condolences to your family & all your friends. May God Comfort them & give them strength to face this Life without you. Peace,…
Are the steroids agreeing with you? I am taking Dexamethason and I just was curious if anyone has been useing it, and how they react to it>
Pray rally tonight ... 10:00 p.m. EST // 7:00 p.m. PST
Hoping you can all join in on a prayer rally for our Sisters in PINK - and Brother, Robert. Please add names to our list ... as I may of not included all those waiting for results, suffering thru recurrences, or needing our support. Camul (Carol) New Flower (Olga) HootieGirl (Kat) Chenheart (Claudia) GabeNAbby's Mom…
If my bloodwork came back normal (thank God) WHY am I so tired?????
year 4 of arimidex, diabetes.....work full-time, always tired, especially about 5:00pm until tomorrow. Any thoughts?
I wish we could all just hug each other.
I am so sick of this. I need a hug. All of my pink sisters need a hug. The problems with this cancer are so multifaceted! Physical! emotional! financial! Love...sweet caring sympathy makes it all bearable somehow. Please someone reach out and give me a hug. I won't let you go for a few minutes so be warned! Sad, Kay
Fatigue and dizzy
I am 9 months out of chemo, finished Dec. 1, 2011. All of a sudden I have become very fatigued and dizzy, it is to the point that all I want to do is cry because I feel so bad. I am going to see my PA tomorrow, see if we can get some answers. Wondering if it could be anemia
Update from Alice/Abrub
I saw the surgeon today. Her comments: "Wow, I don't remember the last time I saw a hematoma that large. It looks like I stomped on your chest with a boot in the OR." I guess now she believes that I wasn't being overly dramatic yesterday when I called in a panic about the size. (My right breast looks like a gigantic purple…
I started this discussion in another thread....but wanted to know if anyone out there is watching Parenthood this season? They are doing an excellent story line about a character with Breast Cancer. It has been emotional for me watching it. Bringing me back to all of those moments of uncertaintly in the beginning.
Today is Mollyz's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MOLLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May your special birthday be filled with all the things you love most! Have a great day! ♥ Cat
Today is SnowKitty's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CINDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
Hi to my sisters It's been a while since I posted something. I am in a funk these days...for many reasons. But there is one topic I continue to flip flop with. That is taking Arimidex. I really don't want to take this stuff. It is messing me up big time. I hate the side effects and hate that I no longer feel womanly. I am…
we have a modified radical mastectomy for one breast and this is the result
Counclusion : Positive for estrogen receptors score 7/8 Positive for progesterone receptors score 6/8 negative for her 2 protin overexpression score 0 the Proliferation index for KI 67 is about 3 % of tumor cells any comment for what will the treatment ??
Do you ever feel chemo is not working?
Yesterday I saw one of the doctors at the oncologist office. I have had 3 taxol and 9 taxotere session. Then I had a 2 week break and have had one of Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide sessions. Yesterday was just a follow-up to see what side effects I was having from the Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide. It was day 7 since…
Thank you to my new friends for your support.
I'm through it and quite sore. The needle-wire localization was pretty miserable. First, the location of the masses was deep in near the chest wall, but had to be evaluated separately. Second, continued soreness from my needle-core biopsy, and the local anesthetic didn't seem to help at all (very painful). Of course, that…
Oncotype, MammaPrint, etc.
Hmm, I'm wondering if there is a way I can get one of these type of tests. I'm really very interested in just what my score would be. When I asked the oncologist about it he told me no. His reason: "Because we already know how to treat your breast cancer." He's a jerk that I just got stuck with when my doctor moved and I…
Pink Bus For Abrub/Alice As She Is Having A Double Lumpectomy, Today. All Aboard!
Alice is having a double lumpectomy today. Let's board the pink bus and show her our support and encouragement. Thanks, Debby
Newly diagnosed
Diagnosed last week with Triple Negative, having a lumpectomy next week.....advice?
Low Iron
I finished my chemo/radiation 8/2011 and since that time I have had a pretty low Iron count. Normal is 10-129 and mine is 19. Has anyone else experience low Iron counts? I am nervous as online research states it could be another form of cancer. However, my doc said not to be too concerned, they will run some tests, but am…
Axillary lymph node dissection OR axillary radiation OR both??
I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) and am just finishing chemo. The SLNB found cancer in one out of four lymph nodes removed and I am now faced with the decision of whether to have a full axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) OR radiation to my axilla OR both. I understand that there has been recent…
Wire-localized biopsy/lumpectomy
My MRI showed only the 2 masses that had been spotted on my mammo and u/s (one lump on each). Now I'm scheduled for surgery to remove both masses on Tuesday. My dr says there will be a needle-wire localization placement into each mass before surgery. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Thanks! Alice
Pink Bus Needed For Our Pink Kari09/ Kari ---Please
Here is what Kari posted today on the shout out to her: Please come with me today:) Thank you, Diane and all other warriors. I wish I had good news but I'm falling apart. Started with severe kidney infections, feet ankles arms all swollen, had an echo of my heart monday. Pet scan today SCARED SCARED SCARED, brain MRI on…
White Noise
I am up avg 3,4,5 times nightly...I tried white noise on my cell with head phones..but not sucessful! Any suggestions for machince with head phones use as an option? I am going to check out Brookstone and Bed Bath and Beyond this weekend. BEEN bad since stated tamoxifen..Dr says it should not effect my sleep-I THINK IT is…
Reducing the effects of radiation / flushing radiation out? Supplements, meds, what?
Yesterday, I received a CAT scan of my chest and abdomen. I'm in my 50s, and I've had two CAT scans in the past in the same area. I've also had excessive radiation exposure in my 20s when a Radiologist left the machine on for an extended time. I'm very concerned about getting new cancer from this CAT scan, since it's like…
I'm requesting the pink bus for our dear Chenheart tomorrow morning--8 a.m. Pacific time
I saw a post on facebook tonight from our Chen. After many months of chemo, she is having a PET scan tomorrow at 8 a.m. PDT. Let's get that bus gassed up, pack up all our picnic baskets full of goodies, wear every item of pink we have and bring all the positive energy for a great result for her. This is a woman warrior who…
OT - SO proud of Son!
Son (33) and his GF were out to dinner when some jerk ran through the resturant and grabbed a lady's purse and was out the door. Well, Son caught up with the jerk in the parking lot and tackled him. Another guy followed out so there were 2 of them keeping the jerk there when to police got there. I'm not suprised that he…
Heading home mon
It was very nice out here in southern california I enjoyed the zoo and a very nice cruise that helped felloew pink brother and sisiters here in southern cali saw a very beautiful sunset .
Getting dressed up!
Soooo, I'm getting ready for a big wedding this afternoon and it is my first dressy occasion since my double mastectomy. (6 months ago) One year prior I had a colostomy bag (still do) as part of my treatment for anal cancer. I will be seeing a lot of people who I have not seen since before my new body! I know the day is…
How can we go to previous posts?
I wanted to follow up on places I have posted on this discussion board. How do I do that?