Reconstruction do over:(
Hi, I had tram flap reconstruction with the mastectomy of my left breast. I did it all at once because I wasn't supposed to have radiation. Well, after the surgery the cancer was worse than they thought so radiation was added to my regimen, so needless to say after 28 treatments my new breast is hard as a rock. Has anyone…
My Speech Tonight
Below is the speech that I gave tonight at my local cancer center. I felt each and everyone of you there with me. I did cry a little, but I made it through! I apologize in advance for freely stealing thoughts and phrases from all of you. I hope you will forgive, but you were my inspiration. I love you all! My Personal…
New short film on colon cancer
I am from the colon cancer group but want to post this : PSA on colon cancer ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86jEIEBLPNM&feature=player_embedded the next one will be on diet & alternative therapy during remission. If anyone has a story to share, please message me. I want to keep making these videos to raise awareness.…
Increased uptake on Rib. - Anyone have this before?
Does anyone know what this means? I had a bone scan last week for pain in my hip that has not gone away one day since it started in January, 2011. When the results came back I did not have any problems that they can see on my hip or femur. But, they found there to be increased uptake on the rib close to where my cancer…
Go Figure
I have just about got my head wrapped around now I have to deal with the onj . Now I have gone to fill my script for femara got told here the med that not the brand name my insurance had paid for the brand name twice. I dont want the no sleeping back again I did over a year and half with no sleep ended up in a locked ward…
Nancy MAJW - please pray for her family
I has been concern about Nancy MAJW and write to her two days ago With a very heavy heart I have to pass this message to you This is Bert, her husband. I am sorry to announce that Nancy died yesterday of complications from pneumonia. Will you please inform the rest of the chat group about this sad information. Nancy really…
I need that pink bus tomorrow please!
I'm having a PET scan tomorrow at 1 p.m. PDT. Developed bone mets in Jan. of this year, went on Faslodex injections/Zometa infusions. Also had 15 rads to T-12/L-1. PET in June showed NED!!!! Now I'm scheduled for a recheck PET tomorrow. I'm nervous because I've been having a little more back pain than usual. I'm hoping…
Update on my scans
Good morning fellow warriors:) I'm pretty sad that I couldn't come back with better news :-( The echo of my heart was ok:-) My pet scan showed the cancer is multiplying all over my bones :-( From there they wanted an MRI of my brain. . Not so good there either, and now I'm really really really scared. The scan showed one…
My brave husband
Tonite after shower while my husband was at church I felt the last stitch in my jp drain come out, only thing holding it in place was a strip of tape, nothing like a jiggly splinter in you chest!! sat real still till hubby came home and explained he was gonna have to take the drain out, Lordy, his face was priceless. He…
Monday 7:45 AM
I go for mammo (not sure if both side or THE ONE side), ultra sound (never had on breast) and bone density! Anyone want to ride along? I have never had bus full to go...not thought to ask..hehe.. Denise
Do You Have A History Of BC In Your Family Or Were You The First One?
I was the first one, as far as I know, to have bc in my family. What about you? ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
Second mastectomy for me
I failed the first mammogram after my diagnosis and unilateral mastectomy. The lump in my remaining breast had innocent and not so innocent features so I had ultrasounds, compression views, stabbed to see if was fluid filled or not. Then had a biopsy. It came out okay but I was devastated anyway. I don't think I can keep…
I'm a little nervous...
The local cancer center where I get my injections is having a dinner tomorrow night. They have asked me to give a short talk. The topic is "My Personal Journey" and they want the underlying theme to be inspiration. Here is the problem, I have always gotten terrible stagefright speaking in front of a group. Please be with…
Newbie here
I just wanted to introduce myself my name is Debbie I have been diagnosed with stage IV cancer back in 2009 . I always visited this website but I've never joined until today. I am at an advanced stage with metastases to my bone, spinal cord and brain. I've been through hell and back and I and in constant pain. I am hoping…
If you don't have a subscription to Cure magazine, you ought to get one. It's free and really infor
I've been getting Cure magazine for awhile now and it is loaded with lots of good information about cancer. And, it's not only about breast cancer, but, every type of cancer. It is free, and, you can go to there website at curetoday.com/subscribe and start your subscription. Right now when you subscribe, they will send you…
Trying to keep going
Hi ladies! Wish I had better news to write y'all. I am out of the hospital which is one good thing, but am still in so much pain. That was without a doubt the toughest surgery I have ever had. I've never been in so much pain in my life. Things are getting easier day by day though. I just have to remember to be patient. The…
Just received a call from my surgeon - magic word is BENIGN! Love to all of you! May we all see a complete return to good health. Alice
Lumpectomy Today
In just 1 1/2 hours my husband and twin adult boys will drive me to the hospital for my double lumpectomy. I am scared. I have faith. This is one step closer to completing what I will be going thru. Send a thought/prayer my way.
It's a little gross.
So with the shingles in left eye, I haven't been able to touch my face from my left cheekbone up over my forehead and back onto my scalp. That entire quarter of my head was completely off limits...accidental touches (and sometimes nothing) would set off a firestorm of debilitating excruciating pain. All the nerves simply…
My Expressions Page
I posted some more pictures if anyone is interested in seeing some neat pictures.
I really need to ask some questions. My daughter is 12 and when she started to develop breasts I started to notice 1 lump almost the size of her boob, but in both of them. Since there was one in both I thought it was normal. But I asked my friend about it, and she said her daughter didn't have a lump in the middle of her…
PET scan results encouraging
The report reads like this......."The PET/CT scan findings are consistent with interval improvement of disease from the patient's reported history of breast cancer." I'm not cancer free but it looks like all lesions have decreased in size. I received another infusion of Ixempra yesterday and hopefully it will continue to…
New to site
Hello everyone I am new to this website. I was diagnosed with stage 2 to 3 breast cancer in April since then I have 8 rounds of Chemo then on 9/28/12 I had a Bilatteral double mascetomy with reconstructive surgery. I have expanders in right now then after radiation they will fill them and stretch my skin then after that…
thriver guilt
I was diagnosed 4 years ago and have been happy to consider myself not a survivor but a thriver. A close co-workers wife was diagnosed 3years ago and just discovered a recurrance. Another friend's mother-in-law is back in treatment for a recurrance. I have no words of comfort. It is a horrible reality and fear. How have I…
Holiday Ornament Exchange
Anyone else thinking about it since it's mid Oct so might be time to start thinking about this year's?
Taxol and Sore Throat
My father started Taxol 10/15/12. Started bone pain Thursday 10/18/12. Now has had a bad sore throat since yesterday. He does not have a fever but I am worried. Is it a Chemo side effect or an infection? Has anyone else had sore throat after Taxol that wasn't infection related?? Also he is due for his Chemo tomorrow…
Finished with Chemo!!! Who knows about Chemo Port Removal Side Effects?
Hi Sisters I know I have not been on here in a while. I actually locked myself out of the account. I had to do 6 chemo sessions. My 1st & 2nd went fine.Third chemo they accessed my chemo port twice and it would not work. I had to receive chemo in my left arm that day. I had to have a contrast dye test done by radiology to…
Texasgirl 10 update
Sorry I should have done this sooner, it has been a busy week. Dawne got pretty good news on Friday. The scans showed a little bit of cancer between her lungs but all other areas were clear!! It would have been great to get that all was clear but this is still really good. The beast has not spread any!! They changed her…
OT --- Pic of New DOO
I posted a picture of this pretty haircut on ABOUT ME ... can't seem to change my profile pic. it is was such a wonderful experience. My hair has never looked so good. The ladies at this salon were absolutely so caring and wonderful. We all cried and rejoiced at the same time. I was their first bc survivor to receive a…
Texasgirl10 and Smalldoggroomer, how are you guys?
Hi, I'm checking in on my other stage IV IBC girls...just need to know you're ok and how you are feeling. Hugs, Linda