bad news about my cancer
I haven't been on for a while I just haven't felt well, and no good news. This is what the surgeon told us. This is my home health aid typying this for me. Jerry went to see the plastic surgeon yesterday. He said that to do the surgery he would have to make a large hole and deep and take a large section of muscle from her…
Need a hug here
Spent all day in the hospital today having another bone scan. It didn't look good at all. In my previous life I was a veterinary assistant and do know how to read scans.... Last June I had my first and immediately spotted the 'light bulb' tumor sign, sure enough, It had spread to the spine. Today there were 3 more light…
Questions on DIM, I3C and Calcium-D-Glucarate
After my recent mastectomy. I am thinking to just take some alternative naturopathic products (such as DIM, I3C and Calcium-D-Glucarate), rather than Tamoxifen or chemo, for prevention from recurrence of breast cancer in the future. But I am unsure and also concerned about if these products (DIM, I3C and…
The breast cancer specialist and her PA both agree it's probably cancer, about 90% sure. Will get scheduled for a mammogram and biopsy, ASAP. Not smooth, like my gyn/onc told me, but irregular, vertical, 1/2", but movable. No indications in lymph nodes, but will check those as well. I'm still holding good thoughts that the…
Life is going on:moving and jumping over health hurdles from New Flower
Hello dear friends, I will be moving tomorrow October 1 to a new (to me) house,1/2 mile from my current condo. Yes, that's right my address is changing, please take a note of it. It is very exciting, and feels little crazy, considering health challenges and a full time job. We also did some renovations and will not have…
Phase 1 Clinical trial for a vaccine...
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Susan G. Komen for the Cure is supporting the breast cancer vaccine research of a University Hospitals oncologist with nearly $1 million in grant money. Dr. Joseph Baar said he hopes to begin enrolling patients in a Phase 1 clinical trial for a vaccine to prevent breast cancer recurrence by early…
Heatherbelle -- Happy Birthday, Dear Sister in Pink - October 10th
Enjoy your special day -- dear Sister. Celebrate! Vicki Sam
Good News on my Birthday!!
I had a PET scan yesterday and found out this morning that they didn't find any cancer except in one node. I had a lumpectomy the end of September and they removed 4 or 5 nodes and only one was positive. I guess they missed one. My Oncologist is pretty sure the Chemo will take care of it. I start it this Monday and really…
Relationships and marriage before and after the diagnosis
I have been wondering about how a breast cancer diagnosis changes a marriage or a significant relationship. For example, my sister was thinking about leaving her husband the year before she was diagnosed with stage IV Breast Cancer. After the diagnosis of advanced cancer, she reported her marriage is "perfect". Something…
Hi Everyone
Hi Everyone. I am an oldie from the boards and thought that i would check in and let you know what is going on in my world. First of all my health is holding up and I am doing ok, still in remission ya, 2 more years and i will be 5 years out. My girl friend Wendy and I got married on the 8 th of this month so now i am an…
Atlas hit with a vengence
Atlas definately smacked us with a vengence. We have been without power since about 2 pm MT Fri afternoon and they do not an estimation of when we will get it back - could be several days. Out of State line crews are on the way here but most of the roads are still closed/impassible. At 9 the state is dispatching their…
Herceptin: Was anyone taken off Herceptin due to heart problems?
I was given 9 treatments of Herceptin before my heart infraction rate went too low to continue. I was taken off for three months to see if my rate would go up. I had two mugascans during this time. My heart infraction ratio did improve but not to the normal rate. My oncologist said I cannot finish the last 8 Herceptin…
One week post op and finally coming up for air
After a week of pain, discomfort and pain meds it's nice the fog is lifting. I'm just taking Tylenol in the daytime and heavier drugs at bedtime. The incision isn't bad but the drains hurt whenever I move my arms. Anyone have any suggestions to help? Praise God the path reports all came back clear. You can't see me, but…
So, yesterday was good!
Hi all, Pleased to announce that the cyberknife clinical trial seems to have done the trick, no pain here!!!!! Have been weaning of the dexemethasone (nasty business that one), Withdrawals were bad, shaking so much I was flicking half my meals around the room, the dog loved it lol. Got my finances sorted out in the…
Rec'd Mail in ref: to reconstruction from employer yesterday
I have our health coverage through my job but oddly we got info in the mail yesterday from my husband's job-obviously just mailed to everyone. Anyhow it stated that "ALL" reconstruction or surgery to make semmetrical (not sure of exact wording) is coverage by health coverage! I would assume in past it has not been? MY…
Happy Birthday -- Manwithamission - Robert, October 7th
ahhhhh, our Brother in PINK - Robert, enjoy your very special day ! Celebrate, and enjoy . Vicki Sam
Look Good - Feel Better
Hi everyone. Been out of touch for a while as I have been very tired. But I have to tell you about the Look Good -Feel Better workshop I went to yesterday. It was started in the US & is now being run here in NZ. It is a session for women who have had either chemo or radiation and is a makeover with donated cosmetics from…
New here, HI! Very Strange side effects with Chemo.
I had a 2 cm tumor in my right breast with 2/8 lymph node envovlement. Scheduled right away for chemo Taxatere and cytoxane. On my first infusion I had terrigle paid throughout my body and ended up with a raging ITU which I blamed the pain on that. Never went away but went to my second infusion, and man was the paid…
I've never has a MRI.Not that I can remember.Just X rays and since dx with BC i've had my final X ray.Tired of the doctors telling me over and over "You get more radiation with the sun". Sorta put back by what they say and would they do it to their family member with cancer or to themselves. I need a hip X ray after a…
tamoxifen to shrink lobular tumour
Hi everybody, im new here and wondered has anybody here been treated with tamoxifen to shrink their tumour preoperatively. I was 45 when diagnosed with a 6cm grade 2 invasive lobular tumour. I cant find any research to support this treatment in a premenopausal women and wondered could anybody help?
Two year . . . all clear mammogram!
Haven't been on this site for awhile but two items of good news! Got my two year follow up mammogram and all is clear! The other news is that our city in Alaska now has its own new radiation center so patients no longer have to fly or drive 4 hrs. one way to Anchorage every day! Everyone in our area is really excited about…
Happy Birthday - Butterflylvr's "Laurie"
Hap Hap Happy Birthday --- Laurie - Celebrate ... Vicki Sam
Pink Month Feelings
I posted the below feelings on a personal FB site that my sister set up for me. Danny thought that I should share it here. Let me know how YOU feel! As October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, approaches, I have some feelings I would like to share as a breast cancer warrior. Some of them may be controversial or sound…
Happy Birthday - Hope67
October 7th .. Carmen, Enjoy your very special day. Hap Hap Happy Birthday Vicki Sam
Found Company with Whole Life w/ no med questions
I don't know if any of you are looking for life insurance, but United of Omaha just sold me a policy wih no medical questions. The first two years of the policy only pay out premiums paid + 10%. After that they pay out the full policy amount. I did not mention my bc. I played "Don't as, don't tell." They said on the letter…
Monday morning musings....
Reflecting today on how much I have to be thankful for: a wonderful husband, dear friends and family, my garden, my faith, my breast cancer support group.... I am also thankful for being what is called an outlier. A cancer outlier is someone who lives longer with the disease than is expected. I was diagnosed almost 27…
Just had mastectomy, do I really need to take Tamoxifen from now on?
I just had a unilateral mastectomy due to recent diagnosis for breast cancer (DCIS grade 3 with less than 1mm micro-invasion, 5 lymph nodes removed and tested negative, 0/5, BRAC 1 and 2 gene tested negative). The oncologist said I do not need chemo or radiation, but want me to take Tamoxifen for at least 5 years. Now I…
the unsure feeling
I'm a 36 yr old mom of 4 with a family history of breast cancer.. So Back on the 12th of september i woke up with a red rash on my right breast, two days later it seemed to have gotten worse and started itching a lot. I went to my doctors on the 17th of sept and she gave me a script for some cream for a week, well after…
breast tenderness
I had my right breast masectomy in March 2012, but now for about amonth, I have been have been experiencing tenderness pain in my breast area. Naturally I am nervous about this, however, with that surgery, I also had a complete hysrectomy also, so that threw me into menapause. I was hoping that somebody would be able to…
Survivor- how long until I feel strong?
Hi, I haven't posted in a long time, I have been on vacation and busy with life. Going pretty good, I have been visiting friends all over and only got sick once with a virus. It was bad and left me in bed for a few weeks, but otherwise it was nice to live again. Leaving home allowed me to really get some distance from the…