Can Anyone help me understand these findings?
My husband had his MRI in December and they told us everything was the same as the last MRI. The report wasn't ready so we had to return later to pick it up. When I read the MRI it said some pretty disturbing things, to me anyway. Although it says findings reflect post operative and or post therapy changes, it also said…
The lovely world of insurance company denied my sister's second chemo agent Xeloda. My sister has an anaplastic astrocytoma with no mgmt mutation that would make it sensitive to Temodar. (well 25% of it is according to the pathology stain). The tumor analysis showed that it could be sensitive to Xeloda. Could is the word.…
Need help to understand so i can be supportive.
Hello everyone, i don't have cancer but someone very dear to me does. So if im misusing this website i apologize upfront. I started dating this girl a couple weeks ago, and i really like her a lot cause she is smart and funny and a really nice person, really honest and decent person. but then a few days ago she told me she…
day by day, I guess
We are just plodding along here, taking it day by day, one day at a time. I think that David may have hit a plateau. He seems like he is holding his own now, not improving a whole bunch, but not going downhill either. David went to a movie with a friend earlier this week...his old college roommate. I'm always so very, very…
Avastin after Radiation, Temodar and CCNU?
My husband (52 years old) is scheduled to start on Avastin on January 12th. He has Grade 3 tumor; First radiattion then Temodar chemo for the last 3 year that kept the tumor under control until this April. The doctor considered Avastin then, but due to some cell bleeding issue they couldn't start on Avastin (the side…
avastin treatment
My brother 45yrs hs been diagnosed Oligodendroglioma gr3 in May 2008 on the right side. He was operated and given radiation and temador(abt 6mths) he later developed GBM on the left side in May 2009 which was aggressive, he was given avastin (with chemo drug)for 12 mths (24 cycles) and stopped in early 2011 since MRIs…
The first follow up MRI - Holiday's - NERVES!!!!!
It’s been a while once more. I seem to drift off into a world where none of this exists from time to time. Or at least try. I’ve read a few posts here now saying that the holidays were hard.. As you read of peoples resolutions and plans for their future with their family, it sinks in that, I have no idea what is going to…
Why is this happening to me?
" Why is this happening to me?" says my sister who got diagnosed with a grade 3 astrocytoma in July 2011. We were just back from the new years celebrations. The music was perfect, almost textbook from my ipod list. The food great. People were fun and caring. My sister had conquered the dance floor. Guys wanted her. Girls…
Recurrent GBM
My mom age 52 (51 at diagnosis) was diagnosed with this horrible tumor. It was located in the frontal portion of the brain on the right side near the ear area. She had a crainiotomy on April 2, 2011 and they removed all of the tumor and some surrounding tissue. She began in May on Temador and Radiation (targeted), She was…
Glio tumor grade III that is inoperable
My dad age 57 was just diagnosed last week with grade III Glioblastoma. The doctors say they are going to treat it as a grade IV. His tumor goes from one side of his brain to the other, it is inoperable. He goes Tuesday to meet with his oncologist to set up radiation and chemo treatment options. From what I have researched…
Good news...no physical or occupational therapy for David :)
David had his first outpatient physical and occupational therapy appointments today. Both therapists said that they do not see any reason for David to see any therapists. He's really made an amazing recovery. When we came home from the hospital on 12/21, David was having a lot of trouble walking, talking, feeding himself.…
Urgent: 6 cm deep brain cancer with Stage 4 lung cancer, anyone ever had this?
Greetings all! I really need your comments and suggestions, please. My father-in-law is near 70 years old. He got diagnosed deep brain cancer with Stage 4 lung cancer. The brain tumor is 6 cm and near the central of the brain. The Stage 4 lung cancer is about 3 cm near the heart. The brain tumor needs to be treated ASAP.…
Low Grade 2 Astroyctoma
Hi there, this is my first time on this forum. My beautiful wife had her Cancer successfully removed in JAnuary 2010. Since then she has suffered no symtoms or any illness from the Tumour. We have had twin boys and have gotten married so its been a mad couple of years. We are approaching the 2 year mark and Nadine is about…
New treatment plan, etc.
I heard back from David's team today. The plan is for David to have a month off from all treatments, starting today, so he can recover from the BBBD treatment that was so hard on him. Then at the end of January, he will do the same chemo combination: carboplatin, etoposide, and melphalan--but without the mannitol--no blood…
Astrocytoma Grade III Survivor Here To Help Others
Hello all. I have helped the ACS for several years now and I am looking to help people specifically with brain cancer. I will be a 5 year survivor in March of 2012. I believe this is my calling to help people who are going through such a difficult thing. Anything at all I can do to help please let me know whether it be to…
Brain mets from colon cancer
I was diagnosed in May with stage 4 colon cancer with mets in the liver, lung and brain. Chemo has shrunk the tumors in the liver and lung and I had Gamma Knife on 9 spots in the brain which seemed to shrink all of them as well. Now they have found that 2 of them are growing slightly again. Problem is, the larger one sits…
Oligodendroglioma III Recurrence After 13 Years
My 41 year old brother has had a recurrence after 13 years! 13 years. We thought he was clear. He was still going for checkups. He had been telling us something was wrong and he insisted on an MRI. The results came back yesterday. All I know is it is small, but from what I've read recurrent grade III is not good. He had a…
an update on David
I started typing a description of David's situation and I just can't do it. It would make too many people on here feel horrible. I will say that there has been some improvement. We get to go home tomorrow. David will be living with me and my husband (his dad) and David will get tender loving care and anything he needs. We…
December: the month for MRIs
Looks like many of us on this list will be dealing with MRIs in the next two weeks, whether it's for you or for a loved one. Hope to hear from all of you and that the news is good!
Caregivers and patients
Hello all It's interesting to read the posts on here. I'm not surprised that 90% of them are from caregivers. I'm one of the patients and I can see my mother's frustration in a lot of your stories. I can also see myself in how you describe your loved ones. I had my resection in 2008, they only managed to remove 80 percent…
carcinomatous meningitis anyone else?
Lung Cancer survivor 6 years gets carcinomatous meningitis Hi, My sister six years ago at 37 was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. She survived by taking Tarceva/Avastin. But she had to battle 3 brain tumors with cyber knife after having seizures. A month ago she had blinding headaches, confusion and double vision…
Ommaya Reservoir
Is anyone familiar with this? My Dad has lung cancer and has been receiving chemo/radiation which has shrunk his tumors. However, we just learned that his cancer has spread to his brain. A neurologist recommended an ommaya reservoir which apparently is a device attached to your scalp to deliver chemo through. Any…
Newly dxed with breast ca mets to brain, OMG!
New to this board, was diagnosed with stage 3C invasive ductal carcinoma on 11/1/2010, 18 of 18 positive nodes, estrogen positive, progesterone and herceptin negative. Left mastectomy, no reconstrution. Did 8 chemo and 33 rads..2 clear chest CT, 4/11 and 10/11, also clear bone scan in Nov. 2010, Taking Tamoxifen for…
MRI shows new tumor, changing chemo regimen
Well, our son David (age 34, dx 4-13-11, inoperable AA3) had his MRI last Thursday. This comes after David had completed round 4 of the 5/28 Temodar cycle. The results were not what we had hoped. Dr. C first started out saying right out, there's a new tumor showing up on the scan. It's an elongated shape, just to left of…
stage 4 glioblastoma multiforme
My mother in law was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. in November of 2010 she had a stroke and was paralyzed on her right side...she went thru therapy and was doing better until the last month we took her back to the doctor because we felt there was something else wrong and they diagnosed the brain tumor. After…
Not a report I want to give
I've put off posting for a while, and now there is so much going on that I feel overwhelmed to write about all of it. I am up at OHSU and I don't think we are going home any time soon. But I need to back up a little. I posted on here when David got his puppy. I think it was Dec. 7th. In that post, I mentioned that David…
Bad experience/recovery from chemo, anyone?
My son is having some serious issues but we are not sure of the cause. I suspect it's from the aggressive chemo treatments that he just had. I am wondering if anyone else has been really messed up from chemo treatments in this manner: trouble swallowing (off and on) trouble speaking (off and on) drooling (off and on) lack…
brain met and decadrone
my husband has a brain tumor that has met from his esphogeal cancer. He has been on decadrone for the past month while doing whole brain radiation. The doctor says he will be weaning his off this steroid within a week, I thought you stay on it as a maintence dose to prevent swelling of the brain, can anyone answer this for…
stage 4 colon cancer with mets in the liver, 1 lung and the brain
I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in early May with liver, lung and brain mets. Early on I had Gamma Knife for the brain mets and it seems to have worked well. I originally had 9 spots in the brain. This week, I was told that 1 spot has done nothing...not growing, not shrinking. Dr says to watch it. The other two…
I have been thinking about and praying for you and your daughter. I pray she is doing better.