First Use of Port after surgery to place it - YIKES
Thanks to everyone who responded to the Port vs PICC line posting. As I mentioned there the port was installed on Thursday, and it wasn't bad at all. However, I am nervous about the first use tomorrow, since it is still very tender. The steri strips are still in place and I'm thinking I need to get them off, otherwise the…
Week 5
Hi Everyone! Well i'm starting my 5th week. Just got back my friend the chemo bag! Oh how I did not miss it! I'm pretty burned but hope to finish this weeks rad treatments, then I get next week off and the following week boosts? anyone have these? After that done with treatments! If not for all of you I would not have…
Coconut Macaroons
A thread on the colo-rectal board made me think to post this. They thread was regarding the dreaded diarrhea so many of us experience with the chemo-rad treatment. I remembered that one of my oncology nurses suggested that I get some coconut macaroons and eat two a day. There is supposedly something about the coconut oil…
Radiation results Wednesday
I had a CAT scan Monday to find out how effective the radiation was for the liver met. I have appointments with the MedOnc and the RadOnc Wednesday for results. I am optimistic that we achieved the goal of blasting the **** out of it. Still feeling a little anxious, but as all can relate, that is just the norm. Also wanted…
Liver Met Update 2 chris37
Just wanted to let everyone know that I saw the Onco Dr today and he thinks that the tumors are not cancer because they did not light up on the Pet Scan and nothing else showed on the Pet either. Their was three doctors that reviewed the scan I guess it looks a little confusing but because my liver tumors didnt glow and…
Liver Met Update CMJ37
Just wanted to let everyone know that I had the Pet Scan done on Tuesday. They called yesterday and said that nothing lit up on the scan, not even my liver tumors. The onco Dr. is thinking they are the rare hormonal tumors and not cancer since my blood work and the scan was all normal. I have an appt with the onco Dr.…
Made it through 1st week
well, I made it through the first week of rad. & chemo!! Very interesrting process. Thanks to all of you for answering my questions and supporting me. Sure does tire one out doesnt it. only 3 more weeks of chemo and 5 of rad. Hope ya'll are doing ok. Any suggestion for this horaible sore throat and foul taste in the mouth?…
Stomach feeding tube
Hey guys, still hanging in threre. Now they want to put a feeding tube into my stomach(called it a non-stereil) tube??? Any with any experience with this. My mouth is still tore up and Im losing about 5 lbs a week now. You gals are soo much tuffer than me I have had enoughh!!! Steve (feeeling sorry for himself)
Liver met
Hi everyone, Im new to this and was wondering if anyone could provide any information. I had an abdominal ultrasound in which the tech found areas on my liver and said that I needed an MRI to get a clearer picture of the liver. When I had the MRI done (and contrast was used) report came back that I have in numberable…
Has anyone else had cellulitis? I understand this is not unusual for cancer survivors. My first experience with it was 5 months after treatment ended in March '08. I have had 2 other bouts since then. Is this coincidence or another unexpected kind of side effect?
Happy Easter
Hi, I just found this network today. I want to wish all survivors a Happy Easter. I had my surgery, radiation, and chemo in late 2007. I just had a PET scan that shows everything is still cancer free!!! It's still hard not to worry before each 6 month PET scan. My new theme song is "I'm Alive" by Kenny Chesney and Dave…
First Week
Hi friends! Well I made it thru the first week! I was so happy to get my friend the chemo bag off!Thanks to all of you for helping me thru it. Weird thing , my toung is real funky any suggestions? I know I can't get rid of this metal taste but it feels so weird, like it's to big? Well tomorrow starts week 2...............…
Chemo bag
Hi everyone, I just got the chemo bag that I will be wearing for this week. Problem is it's bulky and have not figured out how to wear it. As a "fannypack" is it better to have the tubing going under my shirt or over my shirt? I am working tomorrow and will be bending and moving around any suggestions?
Follow-up Appointments Post Treatment
What is the protocal for follow-up appointments after the completion of surgery, chemo and radiation? I was diagnosed in July 2009 and I finished everything in October 2009. I had a pet scan in August 2009 after surgery, but before chemo and radiation. I had another pet scan in December 2009. Everything looks good at this…
Anyone had a biopsy with needle???
Looks like they are wanting to do a needle biopsy in the groin area since apparently there is something suspicious there. Being as I HATE needles it makes me a bit nervous, especially because I am sure the needle is huge. Has anyone had anything similar? And did you feel it? (Don't tell me how big the needle is I don't…
Welcome MajorD
I would like to welcome you to the board. Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your experience. I am being treated for a metastatic anal cancer at Moffitt. I hope that you find the level of care and expertise there to be as top-notch as I have. It is an impressive (albeit sometimes overwhelming) facility.…
Radiation completed
Well the week went by rather quickly. Five radiation treatments behind me for the liver met. Follow up blood work, scan and Dr. visits on 4/19 and 4/20. Anxious to get back to my juicing and supplements next week. Other than some fatigue and feeling like I have a mouthful of pennies (YUCK) it hasn't been too bad. Keeping…
New to the Board......questions questions.....
Hi last month I was dx with anal cancer. Two days ago I had a port put in and a lymp node in my grion aera removed to be biopsied.The drs. say I will be wearing a fannie pack with the chemo drip in the begining and at the end of treatment.6 weeks of radaition.I have been all over the internet and found you.All of this has…
More questions
Hi Im a newbie and have some questions. I will be starting treatment soon 5FU and radiation.I thought chemo would be bad but it sounds like radaition could be really bad. I know everyone responds differently but some questions. When about does the burning and itching happen? does the vagina close up? any way to prevent…
I am female and have recently finished my treatment of chemo and radiation for anal cancer. 15 days in fact. It was a long hall and I had a hospital visit for 7 days right after the second round of chemo. My tumor was 4.3 in size and 2 lymph nodes were involved. I am thinking positive but won't know anything until May. I…
New to the board
Hi all, Brand new to the board today. I'm a 56 year old male diagnosed with anal cancer on January 22nd - about a month ago. Of course, like several of you, especially if there are other men (meaning obstinate, stubborn, know it all individuals) out there, you had if for months before finally figuring out that this was not…
Can you bleed 10 years after having a hysterctomy
Just wondering if anyone else had this happen. I had surgery to open up my vagina at the end of December 09, healing very nicely. I am using estrogean cream and gel on my dilator. I have been using this since the middle of Jan. It is not a constant bleed just every once in a while. I just found another hemi, wondering is…
Morning all - weird question
So, I'm talking to an ER nurse last night who is a good friend. She tells me that she's hearing good things about using a homeopathic remedy for radiation burns. I'm the skeptical sort, so I thought I'd bring it up here, where the knowledge is first hand, not second or third hand. The thereapy is the ingestion of an herb…
A Question About the Chemo
My first week of treatment, I was given Mitomycin and a 96-hour infusion of 5-FU. The treatment started on Monday and by Wednesday, I was starting to feel really bad. By Friday night, after the 5-FU pump came off, I could barely get out of bed. I was so weak, I could barely get to the bathroom without feeling like I was…
Hello, I want to know what to do to stop the place were I live from smoking, see HUD allow it but also told me that it is up to each management agency on to allow it or not. Smoking [2nd had] is bad & I read were it can get go from apartment to apartment & get a tenant sick, & some did. But after the tenants tell the…
A little light on the postings :)
How is everyone! Steve & Larry you guys doing OK????
Hey Everybody, I'm new to this board. Hope all are doing good and in great spirits! Glad I found a board about anal cancer and that I'm not alone.I was 48 when I was DXed with rectal cancer in Jan 09 & in Mar & April had 6 weeks chemo & radiation treatments before having surgery in June to remove the tumor.Something went…
News Joanne???
Hi Joanne Hoping to hear all about your tests from last Thursday? Any results/plan yet????
Update on my friend
Thanks for all your support on my posting for my friend. The latest update is that she had the surgery (day surgery) last week to remove the tumor. It turns out that the surgeon was not able to remove it all. He told her that a resection would not have helped so she doesn't need a colostomy. She will have radiation and…
Squamous carcinoma
Hi folks. I am here to post to get some information for a friend. She was just diagnosed with a squamous anal carcinoma. I know that these are usually an adenoma, but her's was caused by a botched surgery many years ago, so this sort of cancer in this location is rare. She is in the very early stages of investigation (CT &…