Newly diagosed with questions??
Hi, So glad to have found this board with real people and their stories. I have been attached to my pc for information since my diaagnosis on May 19. I had no prior symptons and had never even heard of anal cancer before. I went for a routine colonoscopy ( my first one) on Feb 22, 2010. There wew two polyps removed one in…
I am glad to find this discussion board. Please I need help with this urge feeling to go the normal way after colostomy. I was dx December 2009 with stage 3 rectal cancer. finished Chemo/rediation by March 3 and surgery just 4 weeks ago. I was sewn shot and right now trying to get use to my colostomy but, some times it is…
Hi...just checking to see how you are doing Joanne??
Help! Suggestions to combat feeling depressed.
I've always been a glass is half full kind of gal, and still am, so much to be thankful for... but I'm finding myself feeling depressed, normally going to the gym and staying active takes care of this, but with the current situation (no stamina) that's out. My friends are wonderful, but they can't understand any of this…
The Journey Begins
I want to first thank everyone on this site for their insight, their information, their personal stories that I was able to bring with me to my first meeting today at the U of M. I met with my colo-rectal surgeon who asked me what I thought this was and what I expected from him to do. I was able to express myself clearly…
K, I am going in for surgery on Wednesday to remove pre cancerous cells. To say that the last week has been difficult would be an understatement. The biggest problem that I'm facing at the moment is the fact that my Husband is so angry lately. He's picking at every I do and don't do, what I say and how I say it. I'm just…
Climbing out of the valley!
Hey all! 2010 will go down as a strange year. During my anual physcial, the Dr found a mass near my anus. I had myself convinced it was an external hemroid. Well it was not. 1/29 I had surgery to have it removed. What a pain in the **** (lol I know I'm sorry) that was! Took about 2 weeks to recover. Then the surgen sent me…
New - Stage 2 N0M0 - diagnosed March 10, 2010
Hi everyone. I’m so glad I found you (thank you, Joanne!). I am a 52-year-old female diagnosed on March 10th 2010 with Anal Cancer Stage 2 N0M0. Tumor is in the muscle but has not broken through the wall. I have a consultation appt on Mar 16 with a ColoRectal Surgeon. I am trying to obtain as much info as possible as soon…
after thoughts
Done with treatments for four weeks now OF STAGE 3. Just waiting for the visit to sloan keeterling on april 5th for the first rectal exam. Nervous and overwhelmed. I still wonder how I got this? It eats away at me. I am experieincing some headaches and body aches. DId any of you have this? COuld this be signs of something?…
anal cancer
this . is for Dea. I hope day is gong well.As for mr i amm ok. My body is es today. PLaese e
How long did your pain last after treatment was over?
Hi everyone. I am done my chemo and radiation and did pretty well throughout both, despite an infection and some serious skin irritation. The week I was done my treatment, the doc pulled my Fentanyl patch from 100 to 25 mcgs and stopped the oral pain pills. I don't know if this is the reason I am feeling so much more…
Severe skin breakdown and pain after week 5 - with hospitalization. Anyone had to stop and restart r
Hello all. I've not been able to write due to a substantial setback after five weeks of radiation. After finishing week 5 of radiation (and the chemo in week 5) I developed severe tissue breakdown and extreme pain. Oral pain medication provided no relief at all and I began to bleed from the vaginal area. I was hospitalized…
first ultrasound scope since treaments
Hi All, I am going for my first 3month ultrasound scope since my treatments for stage 3B anal cancer. I am seeing Dr. Wong at Sloan Kettering in NY. I am still very sore in the anal area after bowel movements and he won't put me out for it. I am very worried about the pain I may feel during the soope. How bad was it for…
Follow-up visit today
Hi everyone. Well today was the post VAT procedure visits. The visit with the thorasic surgeon went well. Incision healing, post chest scan looked so much like the before, he had to double check that he had the correct one. No fluid in the lung, breath sounds are great, I am completely asymptomatic, he was pleased. Yes, it…
Home from the hospital
Hi everyone! Well the VATS procedure was uneventful. It went just as anticipated. Textbook, I guess you could call it. There was a LOT of discomfort, mainly from the drains, just as I had been told. I have to say that I would not have volunteered for this experience, but if it was necessary, I am very glad that it was at…
A great Letter from Dr. Cummings about treatments for Stage 4
Gang, I have a great letter for you to read. I'd written to Dr. Cummings in 2009 to tell him that a certain drug combo, carbo-taxol-xeloda seems to have cleaned out my liver. I did need the APR in the end, but who cares, my liver is still good. PLEASE POST TO ANY SQUAMOUS CELL CANCER SITES LIKE THIS ONE. I also can be a…
Intro New Member
HI I am Bill...Had minor rectal bleeding ..colonoscopy..tumor...the dreaded phone call..the whirlwind DX process and the final word...tumor on your sphincter,6 weeks combo 5FU/radiation followed by a couple weeks rest and the surgery to remove my rectum,insert a stoma for my colostomy bag ( permanent) and to make me…
Hi Joanne, I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you, and hoping that you are recovering well from your vats procedure. Lori
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there and those who have gone on before us. May it be a sweet day for most and one of memories in the making. My thoughts are also with all those for whom this may be a difficult day. Blessed be. Priscilla
Pet-Ct results
The oncologist called and said overall the pet-ct looked good. He said there was anal activity where the cancer was and asked if I had been examined recently, which on 3-4 I had a biopsy and he said that explains it. He also mentioned a less than a cm pulmonary spot on my lung, in which he said is common and probably due…
Follow up appointments and tests and new doctors - or maybe this should be two threads
Hi, all- It is that time - the time to see if 2 years after the PET scan that showed NED (no evidence of disease), I still have NED.... Most of you know what this is like and you newbies will quite soon... know that nervousness before "they" look again. Thanks to this board and what I think I remember my old medical…
Stage 4 - Doctors statments... etc
So, my mother was dianosed with Anal Cancer. I am only assuming it is stage 4 (they have not actually said what stage it is). I have taken her to all of her appointments. The Dr's have basically said that she is terminal, and that they are only doing treatment to sustain life as long as the treatment is slowing down the…
Living With Cancer Conference - ACS sponsored conference for cancer survivors and care givers
We had the 32nd Annual Living With Cancer Conference here in Augusta, Maine, yesterday. I gather it is the oldest in the country... I guess we got something going up here! See if your local chapter of ACS has one near you. Ours is a wonderful thing which I discovered two months after the end of my treatment and been to…
Back to back infections!
Hello, I am wondering if anyone else has gotten back to back infections. I have been on some sort of antibotic since February 24. It seems that once I finish them within 5 to 6 days I have got my cellulites back and it comes back in different spots? Butt, viginia and upper butt checks. I am getting very frustrated with…
Hi, all. Nothing new here.
I just wanted to say "hello." I assume I am not the first to come here, not find new posts, and feel disappointed. Nice day here on the west coast. Hope yours is nice too. But I think there are some tornadoes elsewhere in the country. Fingers crossed for everyone. Winnie
Week 1 - Chemo and Radiation inflict a double whammy
Made it through Week 1. Radiation on Monday – Friday. Then the Mitomycin Chemo on Day 1 and the 5FU Chemo drip through the week. I really struggled with bathing/showering. Ended up washing my hair at the kitchen sink, and then just took a bath for the body portion of the equation. I just couldn’t figure out how to do a…
bleeding (rectal) after 4 months of remmission
Is this "normal?" It is not heavy but regular as rain. some pain assoiated with it. E.R. doc sugggessts visit with my surgeon. Will do this but wonder if anyone can give me their own experience.
anal cancer questions and dicussions
I wish to chat/connect with someone in my fight against cancer. Please email @mommakes3@yahoo.com or phone 7709053773
Latest results and plan
I spent the weekend at my best friend's home on the Suwanee River. It was wonderful medicine. Needed some time to absorb the latest developements and also took advantage of lots of distracting activity, so it was a good balance. I had a PET scan Thursday. Funny thing prior to it, I had a complete meltdown and was very…
CAT Scan results
Got the results of the CAT scan taken Monday to show the effectiveness of the stereotactic radiation to my liver met. Scan showed shrinkage. RadOnc was happy. Said it was just what she was expecting and that it will continue to shrink for the next 4-5 months. Well that was the good news. Unfortunately, that was followed up…