I think I have colon cancer?

pcwalk Member Posts: 1

Hi, everyone~ I'm so sorry to bug you all but I'd really apprecjate some advice. I have been having a lot of symptoms that look like anal cancer (blood when I wipe, inconsistent stools, mucous in my stools, severe constipation, diarrhea sometimes, terrible stomach pain, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, nausea, extreme tiredness/fatigue, and bloating). I went to the ER last night after having dealt with these symptoms for 4+ days, they sent me home with a prescription for anti-diarrhea medications (not what I need at all) and told me to drink Gatorade:( i feel like no one is taking me seriously. Thankfully, I am seeing a GI doctor 3 days from now. I am very concerned and scared, cancer runs in my family. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 


Much love


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I'm glad you are seeing a GI doctor.  Be upfront at the appointment and tell him/her all of your symptoms and voice your concerns.  Your symptoms sound a lot like mine when I was diagnosed with anal cancer back in 2008.  I'm glad you are getting this checked out and I hope it turns out that you do not have cancer and there is another more benign reason for your symptoms.  Please know that if you need us, we will be here for you.  Keep us posted, please.


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