Appetite and low grade fever
This is week 5 post esophagogastrectomy for my husband! He has been improving more every week in many ways, especially pain level decreasing! The thing that hasnt improved much however is his appetite! He doesnt feel very hungry and is just trying to take in calories to gain weight and strength! He is still on j tube…
Continued Weight Loss after surgery
I joined CSN today on behalf of my husband who was diagnosed with esophageal cancer (Stage IIb) in January, 2012. He underwent chemotherapy and radiation followed by surgery on June 4, 2012. We celebrated on his one year anniversary this week! He has recovered remarkably well and is eating most foods (limits sugar), but he…
Questions to ask after EUS
I posted here a few weeks ago about my mother, who was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. She has had all of the recommended scans and also had an endoscopic ultrasound at a hospital about an hour away from her house, which staged her cancer at T2N1M0. However, she has decided to have her treatment at Duke…
Stage IV Esophageal Inoperable
I was diagnosed with Stage IV esophageal adenocarcinoma at the Gastro-esophageal junction (GEJ) 6 weeks ago. I have a 4cm tumor at the GEJ, and extensive (distant) metastasis throughout my lymphatic system - primarily in my abdomen and lower chest. Fortunately, I am receiving world-class treatment from a terrific…
Anyone with experience with trachea mets from Renal Cancer?
My son-in-law who has stage IV grade 4 sarcomatoid kidney cancer is having a bronchoscopy today due to thickening lining in his trachea and a productive cough that won't go away (with traces of blood). The oncologist and pulmonologist is guessing that it is the RCC that has spread. Has anyone on this thread had EC come…
Recovery from Ivor Lewis
My husband had his esophagectomy on January 30. His surgery appears to be healing well, and he had a good pathology report. He experienced severe dumping syndrome, but that has improved. He is having a lot of trouble stimulating his appetite. Also, he will develop a low grade fever off and on throughout the day. Has anyone…
Stage 4 esophogul cancer
My dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 esophogal cancer. I just want to see what other peoples experiences are. They cant opperate. He is seeing a chemeologist on wednesday. I was looking into cannibis oil treatmemt this morning. Someone, anyone please help me. I have never experienced death/serious illness. I feel so lost…
Post Surgery
My husband had an Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy a little more than six weeks ago. He is running a low grade fever off and on. Also, last night he vomited soon after he went to bed, and there was a small amount of blood in the vomit. Is there anyone else who has experienced this?
Radiation-induced pneumonitis
My husband recently dodged a bullet. Last month he was diagnosed with "severe sepsis" and "septic shock" and "pneumonia" and "acute respiratory failure," etc. He was admitted to ICU and was on mechanical ventilation for 5 days. RADIATION-INDUCED PNEUMONITIS was the true diagnosis, according to the oncologist, but this…
Vomiting after stent placement
My dad has stage 4 esophageal cancer. He had a stent placed last Friday at the esophageal/stomach junction, as he was unable to swallow his saliva. Since then, he has kept down maybe 1/4 of the liquids he's consumed. He's tried water, jello, mashed potatoes, and canned fruit. Since the sphincter is held open, everything…
Know any surgeons at MD Anderson Cancer Center?
My husband has one more chemo infusion to go, plus a few more radiation sessions. He has T3N0M0 with 5 cm mass at GE junction. Tumor has shrunk but we don’t exactly how much. Eating is much easier now. He can tolerate almost any texture but not extreme temperatures or highly acidic foods. Husband wants to go to MD Anderson…
So frightened
My mother has recently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. At this stage, we know very little, as she has not yet had a CT scan, PET scan, or barium swallow. She is 71 years old and has always been in good health, and this came out of the blue. She became anemic, was admitted to the hospital for a blood transfusion and…
I am posting this until I get a chance to respond Personally to everyone who wrote to me! My husband came through a 7 hr surgery Monday, Esophagogastrectomy! Ivor Lewis surgery for Adenocarcinoma stage 3 at the GE Junction! He is still in ICU but they hope to place him in a private room soon! This is only day 2 but he did…
2 years post Ivor Lewis YEA !!! still clean. To this day I still throw up nearly every time I eat as I have no feeling of being full until my food is in my throat and I have no recourse but to remove some of it. Eat, puke, eat, puke and repeat. It’s crazy trying to put on weight let alone hold on to what I have. September…
Cindyrk23~Info re Esophageal Cancer-Herceptin-Radioembolization (Liver treatment) & hospital ratings
Cindyrk23 ~ (I’m writing as though I were talking to Cindy who is 30 years old and now diagnosed as Esophageal Cancer, Stage IV with metastasis to the Liver although her husband is the one actually posting here.) Based on your first post on February 18, 2018 and your last post here,…
Ivor Lewis
My Husband who has been diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma at the GE Junction back in late October is scheduled for surgery March 5th. He was stage as T3, N1, M0. He completed aggressive chemo and radiation as well. Now comes the surgery. Our primary doc ordered tumeric and aloe vera juice for his j tube initially to help keep…
Mulan1960~Info re Esophageal Cancer Stage IV-Herceptin-Hipec-"J" tube-chemo treatments-Used some "UK
[Note to Mulan1960--Since there are many UK Esophageal Cancer patients that write here, I have chosen to answer your letter https://csn.cancer.org/node/315238 in a separate topic forum so that others may be able to gain some knowledge from the things we are discussing here. Here are my comments to the letter you wrote…
Did you have chemo again after surgery just as a precaution - yes or no. Thanks!
Thanks to all for your help on my last post. A question for you as I prepare for Jeff's post-surgery oncologist appointment this week. Jeff's pathology at time of surgery showed 1 lymph node tested positive for cancer. We have no idea if that was all the cancer and we are all good - which would be great, or if there is…
What happens when the pathology report after surgery shows cancer in lymph nodes (1 or 2) and throug
My husband has EC and undergone radiation and chemo and just had the minimally invasive surgery and also had 47 lymph nodes removed. We were hoping things were all behind us, but just saw the pathology report taking from the biopsey provided during surgery time. Even though the catscan in advance of the surgery showed Jeff…
Surgery or no Surgery
My father is about to turn 85 and has stage III EC. We took him to MD Anderson and after 6 weeks of chemo and radiation the only thing that showed on the pet scan was inflammation behind the area of his stint. The surgeon at MD Anderson said the cancer will return in 3 to 12 months if we do not get surgery and would kill…
This is long but need suggestions Please!
Hi everyone! My mother in law, age 62, was diagnosed w/ stage IV adenocarcinoma EC that has metastisized to liver, lesion on a lung, L2 in lumbar, lymph nodes. She gradually started having difficulty swallowing starting in June of this year but she said it didn't concern her because her dad and a sister have a condition…
Dropping HB (blood) level after chemotherapy
My family member completed chemotherapy about a year ago. She never really had her HB up to normal but she was fine until recently when the HB started dropping again. Work-up revealed no internal bleed or any cancer spread. None of the blood supplements given her by her doctor have worked. She decided to try some…
Hello...My 84 year old father was diagnosed with EC stage 4 in March 2017. HER2 negative. He has other health problems so surgery was not an option. Had radiotherapy in July 2017 and started Xeloda in August 2017. Is able to eat most foods and had little side effects from both. We got results from Pet/Ct scan this week and…
Long-term maintenance therapy for esophageal cancer
Hello all. I am a 43 year old diagnosed with HER-2 negative distal esophageal/GE junction adenocarcinoma with nodal, liver, and lung mets in September of 2017. I completed 6 cycles of FOLFOX and had a short course of radiation therapy to palliate bleeding as the tumor bled to the point that I required a transfusion. I was…
Throat Cancer 18 years ago now Esophageal Cancer
Hi All, My 75 year old dad had throat cancer 18 years ago treated solely with radiation. He was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer the Thursday before Christmas. He started a 6 week course of chemo with Carboplatin (Paraplatin) and Paclitaxel (Taxol) weekly and 6 weeks of radiation daily. However, since he already received a…
Excessive mouth mucous during last stages of chemo/radiation tx.
I have stage 3 EC, and have had a lot of thick mouth mucous during this last week of 6 week treatment. It can gather around the tumor and cause distress and hiccups unless I spit it out. It seems to signal nausea onset but not always. Am taking Zofran and Promethazine gel. I hydrate PO and feeding tube often as I can. Any…
Difficulty swallowing again
Hi there! As some of you know my husband was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus! T3N1MO. He completed chem and radiation and just met with the surgeon last week! The surgeon has done MIE surgeries but says that my husband isn’t a candidate for this! We meet with him again Feb 14th to go more in depth regarding…
Problems with esophageal stent
My husband was diagnosed with stage IV esophageal cancer almost 1 year ago. It's been quite a struggle but he's incredibly strong (mentally & physically) so he's working hard to fight through the various treatments he's tried. He recently had a stent insterted into the esophagus (his tumor is in lower esophag...upper…
Esophageal Stents~Pros & Cons from patients who have had them~"J" tube is better choice N my opinion
Since stents are not a big subject of discussion here, I have chosen to answer this particular letter from "Joann" on a separate topic form. Stents do have pros and cons, and a stent is not the "end all and be all" for Esophageal cancer patients who cannot swallow but need nutritional feedings to remain strong during times…
Starting new treatment..Cyramza and Taxol
Hi, My husband was diagnosed with esophageal adenocarcinoma in June of 2014. He has gone through all the regular treatments: Chemo, Radiation and surgery to remove 2/3 rds of the esophagus and 1/3 rd of stomach and at that time was stage 3 with a couple of suspicious lymph nodes removed. His first scan after this treatment…