36 and stage 4 esophageal cancer
Gday, Well to introduce myself,my name is dan,im 36 and from australia.Around august 2010 i was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer with it also detected in a distant lymph node in my neck.I Had 28 days of radiation to my esophagous and lymph node and two rounds of chemotherapy ,immediatley after my swollowing…
Choosing not to have surgery - Am I crazy?
I have Junctional Adeno EC. It's stage T3N0. I'm 60 and healthy and active with no additional morbidity risks. I'm currently in week five of a 6 week chemo/beamo treatment path. I have indicated to my team that I am not opposed to surgery but will forgo it and be surveiled in the event that testing post this phase of…
Depression after esophagectomy??
My husband is recovering from his recent esophagectomy, and so far recovery has been pretty good. He has had some nausea, but overall no major or unexpected issues. However he has been very anxious and now seems depressed despite how well he is doing. He hasn’t been able to sleep and was prescribed Valium, and he’s also…
Is there hope if someone has stage 4 B Esophageal Cancer
Hi Everyone- I am posting here for the first time and would love some feedback about the course of this disease and if there hope for my beloved husband. My husband Paul was diagnosed with Stage 4 B Esophageal Cancer in early April. We were living in the Syracuse area of NY but moved to Massachuesetts where we are…
General concerning radiologist and surgeon
I have upper esphogeal cancer, T2, N0, M0. The mass lies at my collar bone level and is about 3.7cm. We do not have a surgeon with this experience at the facility I am seeking help. My question: Shouldn't the radiation onocologist be having converstion with a surgeon? My doctor seems to have the vision that whatever is…
My dad was diagnosed with EC stage 2 - need your opinion
Hello All, My name is Julia Mazurova. My dear dad Aleksandr Mazurov has recently been diagnosed with esophagus cancer stage 2 T2N1M0. He is 58 years old. He is in South Korea now and started on his treatment yesterday. He was prescribed 6 weeks of combo radiation and chemo. Radiation for 25 days and dosage is 45 grams, if…
Veteran's Administration: Esophageal Cancer to Helicopter Door Gunners, Crew Chiefs, Vietnam 68-71.
My husband, Mark Forrest, was a door gunner/crew chief in Vietnam in 68-71. He was "in the stream" of Agent Orange as it was deployed from the helicopters. Many others were similarly situated and had the same upper respiratory/esophageal cancer diagnosis. He passed in 2015 and I am still trying to get my benefits. Who can…
Escozine for Stage IV
Anyone heard of this? It is derived from Caribbean Blue Scorpion venom. Here is an exert from an email I received from a friend... keep in mind, that this isn't approved by the FDA... that was also in the email. Escozine, currently in pre-clinical trials at the University of California, San Diego, Moores Cancer Center.…
35. Difficulty swallowing food and sometimes, liquid. Joint/bone pain. Occasional itching in chest.
Started getting sick last Oct. Caught bronchitis twice. A week or two later I had the worst head pain. Felt like I was hit in the back of the head with a hammer. I drive a truck and I was away from home. Called 911. No brain bleeds or other life threatening problems. I started having bouts of dizziness after that. In…
My Immunotherapy Experience
It's been awhile since I last wrote. In my last postings, I was trying to determine which hospital to use and which treatment to get on. I had been using MD Anderson, but after they misdiagnosed my stage of cancer, I was hesitant to use them again. After meeting with several other doctors with different hospitals in the…
Internal radiation
Has anyone received internal radiation as opposed to external? I am about to start chemo and radiation next week and still trying to get answers. I went to another hospital last week for a second opinion but that turned out to be a waste of time! I would think that here in Houston we would have excellent cancer treatment…
Any ladies out there with EC?
Hello all, I was looking for posts from women who have personal experience with EC? It looks as if there is a higher % of men who have it. Wondering what your symptoms were that promted you to get it checked out? Thanks for any replies, judemo
Post Surgery Vomiting
I'm in recovery from Esophogeal Cancer Surgery and have been out of the hospital for close to a year. Now that a section of my esophagus has been removed and my stomach has been stretched up, I'm having a lot of problems eating. I've lost over 100 lbs during the treatment process, and after stabilizing it a bit, I find…
Life is full of unwanted choices
Hi all the friends I have made here. I have stage three mo no esophageal cancer as most know. I made the trip two months ago to Pittsburg and met with Dr Lukit h. My surgery was set for next month. Unfortunately I had to cancel today. On Thursday last week my wife has a stroke and is now completely paralyzed on one side…
Need advice for dads treatment
Aloha everyone, i wanted to share my dads story, in hopes that people who has similar procedures done to their relatives or possibly even a medical expert who can answer any of my questions. So my Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer in October 2017. He underwent 24/6 days a week of chemo and 6 days of…
duration after ( CT+RT) and before esophagactomy
my father had completed CT + RT treatment for his esophagus cancer on 28th march.. we have undergone CT scan on 3rd May. and then PET scan on 12th may. report of PET scan seems good and doctors decided to go for esophagactomy surgery. but doctor who is going to perform surgery is on leave till 02 june due to some…
Scared to death
I was diagnosed with throat cancer 3 months ago.. treatment was supposed to be 33 radiation treatment and chemotherapy. I had the mask made but due to my aniexty and claustrophobia which I didn't even know I had an issue with I freaked out once they put me on the radiation table..they not only locked my head in place but…
Another bump in the road
It has been awhile since I've posted and just wanted to give alittle update! Some of you folks have been wonderful giving info and advice and I will never forget your kindness! My husband of 33 years was diagnosed last October 2017 with Stage 111 Esophageal cancer, Adenocarcinoma at the GE Junction! He went through chemo…
Update, chemo/radiation, radiation pneumonitis, no surgery for now
December 2017, my husband was diagnosed with Barrett's type adenocarcinoma (T3N0M0). It was 5 cm long, at the gastro-esophageal junction. During Jan-Feb 2018, he had 6 chemo infusions (carbo/taxol) and 29 radiation treatments (IMRT). The last day of radiation was cancelled because my husband was hospitalized for symptoms…
Bed Question
Curios to know what decision people have made regarding elevating the head of the bed. Did you buy an actual bed like a sleep number, use a wedge, build an incline, use blocks, or risers? Just wondering? Our doctor is insistent that we have something beyond a wedge to get a 30 degree angle. Thanks, Cora
Good news!
I posted a while back about my mother, who was recently diagnosed with esophageal adenocarcinoma. She is 71 years old and didn’t even know she had Barrett’s Esophagus or acid reflux, since it was “silent reflux” with no symptoms. She found out about the cancer when she was diagnosed with anemia and went to a local hospital…
1979bmg~Clinical trial results R fantastic~Clarify 4 me~R U A Stage III or Stage IV Esophageal Cance
Dear “1979bmg” Can you clarify something for me? I’m a bit confused. When you first wrote us in September of 2017, you said you were Stage IV. https://csn.cancer.org/node/312093 You also wrote on April 23, 2018, you asked “Does anyone know of someone like me who is unable to have surgery?”…
A caregivers journey is tough at best!
Hello to all! For those of you that see my 'new' arrival to the board, I am Eric's (chemosmoker) wife. I have lurked the halls here ever since my husband joined several months ago now. I am typically a "people watcher" and only speak up when I have something of value to add to the thread, and please know that I am well…
My Trip To Pittburgh
Well my turn around trip to Pitsburgh turned into 8 days. I got there the day as planned and of course screwed up my plane ticket. I actually flew into Phillidelphia. I do not know why I did that when I booked it but must not have been paying attention to closely when I got it. It was only a minor inconvience so I just…
China study re Effect of Hot Tea Consumption & Its Interactions W/Alcohol & Tobacco Use on the Risk
Hello friends~ Here's an interesting article you can read with your morning "coffee or tea". Hopefully, you're not starting out the day with alcohol as well! The referenced article #4 below my name is “interesting.” This is a study based in China. Among the many medical alerts I sign up for, this one came in this morning.…
AGENT ORANGE~VA Administration DOES NOT LIST ESOPHAGEAL CANCER as a cancer caused by this herbicide!
Dear Mike: Today I did a little more searching relative to Agent Orange. As verified by Ms. Kime’s (Military Times) letter to me, indeed the VA does not recognize Esophageal Cancer as one of the diseases that are attributable to Agent Orange Exposure. So I’m putting the list below my name as the diseases they do…
Hx of uterine CA and dysphagia
I was DXd in 2014 with uterine cancer with adenocarcinoma, early grade/stage. The only treatment I needed at the time was a hysterecomy, but right before my surgery my GYN Oncologist wanted me to have an upper GI scope bc I had a few episodes of trouble swallowing food in my past since 2009, not frequent, but a few times.…
Anyone with experience of novel therapies or NGS
I have stage 4 EC post esophagectomy. looking for novel therapies in US or Holland eg T cell enhancement, how to use NGS results? Vaccines etc I am strongly Herceptin positive Thanks
April is EC Awareness month + results of small study showing KEYTRUDA helping LUNG cancer patients G
Hello friends ~ Well, better late than never I suppose. We haven’t mentioned it but the month of April is ESOPHAGEAL CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! The official color for this cancer is “Periwinkle Blue”. Just thought I would share some great news as well about KEYTRUDA and the spectacular results from one small study involving…
Update to my Orgional Post
I finished my Chemo and Radiation 4 weeks ago. I met with my surgon here in Alaska this week and the PET Scane we did on Monday came back as no sign of cancer so I had a very good result from the Radiation and Chemo even though it did put me in the hospital for 6 days the day of ther last Radiation treatment. I lost almost…