Within the sorrow, there is always a light!
I know there are several people - fighters, supporters, caregivers, friends, & family that have joined this site in the 12 months I have been "gone". I'm sure my post was depressing to some of you...so I want to give you some light. I'm not sure I ever posted this so starting at ground zero... About 2 months after Brendon…
Is there stomach acid or isn't there stomach acid
In reading some of the posts, I see comments that post ECers have stomach acid problems and take prilosec or prevacid or whatever. Then, I see posts that say stomach acid is no longer a problem. You ask a doctor, should acide reducers be taken, and the general consensus seems to be If you want to, fine; if not, fine. Hey,…
Looking for a site, book on Hospice - when is it time
My father-in-law was diagnosis last Sept and had radiation but because of his age now 87 and health that was the only treatment. The last PEt scan in December showed 4 spots in other parts of his body and in May a new visible lump appeared on the bone just below his collar. And now he is experiencing back pain and for him…
Pectin for Dumping
Keith was having a lot of dumping syndrome despite full compliance. I want to share something that has been of great help. He still dumps, but less severe and less frequent and his portions are increasing too. Seems if he sticks to fish and veggies most of the time for dinner, oatmeal in the morning, and high fiber bread…
And so the journey begins...
Dave and I had our first visit with an oncologist today. We went to see a local oncologist just to get a consultation from someone in his community, so that if he can do chemo locally we'll have met the doctor. She was very nice, but her news was sobering. As we all know, EC is not a nice cancer (my Hodgkins was simply…
Opting out of Chemo?
Has anyone ever opted out of chemo? Obviously there is a higher risk for a shorter life span, but what are the odds of opting out? I will comment more, but I was just looking for feedback. Thank you, Jayme Dad, Stage IV inoperable EC
Leukoplakia / Precancerous cells
I'm kind of scared right now, for the first time in my life. I'm 28 and was diagnosed with Leukoplakia and was told there was only 1 % chance it was cancerous. My blood worked showed elevated white blood cells, out of normal range, and then my live blood sample showed one single solitary jagged cancer cell, which really…
Scanxiety over and good news!
Hello everyone, Rob had his first scan since his operation and everything seems ok so far. We shall continue to pray for all our friends here and an end to this ugly and horrible disease. Hugs and prayers to you all! Marci
I made my goal
As many of you know one of my big goals has been to live to see a high school student I have been mentoring for several years graduate from high school. With the help of hospice and a caregiver I got it pulled together to make it to the ceremony. It took a little more pain medicine and a wheel chair but I was there. It was…
One year with Stage IV EC and other updates
My husband, Larry, was diagnosed with Stage IV EC last June. Details of treatments are in the About Me section. He had a CT scan Friday and the report we got yesterday afternoon was great! "Dramatically improved" He'll have a PET scan in Sept and a chemo break til at least then. He had an unplanned chemo break during…
Heading for three years...and so far ok
Tom doesn't have to see his oncologist until after his next scan in September. We're truly grateful for our blessings. jan
My Story
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Well, with my affinity for Star Wars aside I’d thought I’d share my story on this board. I’ve been reading this board for a while now and discovered it by Google searching esophagectomy and am moved by what I read and have read. Fortunately, my story only started a bit of EC,…
I can't believe I JUST found you all!!
I have been looking for somewhere to bounce information and news off of others for sometime now. Now, as I'm sitting in the hospital with my dad for his chemo infusion, I stumble upon this forum FULL of familiar stories and encouraging statements!! Thank God!! My dad is 67doing years young and has been fighting EC since…
Today we find out the severity of my dads EC...
Please send lots of love our way... I will let you know the outcome.
9 weeks out of surgery and still nausaus
Hi i had 2/3 of my esophagus removed and most of my stomach drs say they got it all but i still have an appoint ment on wed with chemo dr. Sometimes hardtime getting food down choked a couple days a go all this normal i have been afarid to go on the net for bad news.
Always good to hear...good scan news
We're back from Vegas. One of the best trips ever! Tom was fine, we just walk slower..vbg. I figured out early and from previous experience, I never win in the afternoon..so I went shopping. At least when I handed over my debit card, I got something in return. Also went swimming and people watched, always entertaining. For…
Results of Endoscopic ultrasound are in...
And unfortunately it was not what we wanted to hear. Dave has stage III either esophageal or gastric cancer; we won't know for sure until the biopsy is back. It does involve 2 lymph nodes. It's at the juncture of the esophagus and stomach. While this is certainly grim, it could be worse, at least it is treatable. Had a…
My father has just been diagnosed....
And I am so very scared. They did the biopsy and a CT scan. The doctor called him on the phone to say that it is carcinoma and that his lymph nodes are enlarged. We go in tomorrow to find out the real results. He is healthy and had no symptoms other than 6 months ago started having trouble swallowing food once in awhile.…
Results of Endoscopic ultrasound are in...
And unfortunately it was not what we wanted to hear. Dave has stage III either esophageal or gastric cancer; we won't know for sure until the biopsy is back. It does involve 2 lymph nodes. It's at the juncture of the esophagus and stomach. While this is certainly grim, it could be worse, at least it is treatable. Had a…
Good News
My CT scans were clean yesterday! Very happy and grateful to be 9 months out of treatment and surgery. Thank you all for your support, prayers and good wishes.
New to the board; my Dad is battling EC
Hello all. After reading the board, I felt compelled to join up. To give you a brief background of my experience, my father was diagnosed with EC on 12/11. The surgeon (who has been awesome) advised him to have an esophagectomy first, then undergo chemoradiation. I've heard of the positive results of this in reverse order,…
So I took Larry into our family doctor and they were thinking intestinal blockage, X-rays showed nothing abnormal. His doctor was concerned because his blood pressure was 80/50,and he has lost 4 lbs since he went to the same doctor for a cold 2 weeks ago,so they took 3 viles of blood and we should have those results in a…
Good News
Hello Everyone, Some of you will not know me it has been some time since I have posted. I apologize for not keeping up but life has gotten in the way of my computer time (more about that later) back to the good news. John had his first CT Scan (Chest, Abd. & Pelvis) and all clear NED! I was waiting to post until we…
incisional hernia
I went to my surgeon yesterday four and a half months after my surgery with a concern. I had developed a "bump out" about the size of a my fist along the lower portion of my abdominal incision. He determined it to be a hernia on the incision. Which is what I had expected. This was one of the things I was warned about the…
Some of you will remember my husband had stage one ec removed in November 2010. He has done pretty well since then except a low potassum count. In january of this year they found three new spots one on ech kidney and one on the adrenal glad which was the cause of the low potassium. Of course our greatest fear was a…
Funny how many docs we have, isn’t it? I went in for my endoscopy and colonoscopy today with my gastroenterologist and saw my thoracic surgeon sitting in one of the offices. I never saw this man much—I mostly dealt with my oncology surgeon after my Ivor Lewis. But even after over 2 years, my thoracic surgeon remembered me…
My dad just diagnosed and coming to NY - who to use?
I may be jumping the gun here but...my dad (87) was just diagnosed with EC as well as finding spots on his liver, pelvic bone and small intestine. They are doing an MRI, biopsy of the liver and a cat scan - next week - all in Florida where he lives. We(both his kids and our families) are in NYC and he does not want to be…
Good morning. I stumbled upon this site while researching information prior to an ultrasound endoscopy that my guy is having on Thursday. He's had two endoscopies, the last which biopsied two suspicious areas, and the results coming back positive for a malignancy. Right now we are in the wait and worry stage, as he can't…
A sad sad day
Posted on the FB group: Mary Lewis Ruble Chad passed away peacefully this morning after a 28 month battle with stage IV EC. Chad "lived" with cancer almost the entire time, traveling and doing the things he had always wanted to do. We feel blest to have accompanied him on his journey.
Post Surgery
My husband was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer in Feb of this year. He is 44 years old. Both of his parents and an Aunt all had this disease as a primary cancer and died from it. My husband, David, was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus 16 years ago. David went through 17 hours of surgery to remove his esophagus last…